Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Warbanks have been eating items since day one. Mostly stackable things like currencies and crafting mats, but also gear and tons of gold. I heard some of those items might just be invisible, but I’m not sure how invisible gold works.

But hey, at least our hard earned reputation tab is safe. Btw don’t look at your reputation tab past Dragonflight. Absolutely nothing is wrong. Definitely no reputations missing or reset to neutral.


Haven’t lost anything from my warbank and I put a lot in it. Aside from the items that temporarily disappeared due to becoming soulbound (that was fixed).

However…one issue is, if you put any unique items in there, and then you look at the warbank from a toon that has another of the unique item, you will see an empty slot in the warbank where it should be.

I learned the hard way to NOT put unique Brewfest mugs in there. I was able to get them all back out by shuffling toons around and grabbing them on toons that didn’t have any.


Not can’t … won’t.


The only problem with this line of logic is that until Blizzard starting wiping Guild Bank logs after the bug wiped the items, there was, and in some cases still is, plenty of proof of what was in the guild bank by simply running a comparison.

48 Rank 2 Hochenblume was deposited the day before the bug happened.
There is no record of Rank 2 Hochenblume being removed.
There is zero Rank 2 Hochenblume in the Guild Bank.
Therefore by Blizzards own records they should restore 48 Rank 2 Hochenblume to the Guild Master.

In my Guild Bank alone there are still 32 records of deposits, no withdrawal of same item, and zero of the item in the Guild Bank.

By your argument Blizzard should restore at least those 32 items. But they have not. The only item they restored was a single Huge Ogre Cache that wasn’t even deposited in the last six months.

Now multiply that across the hundreds or thousands of affected Guilds, and maybe you start to see why people are so upset.

Blizzard has records and refuses to act on them.


I lost mats that are worth hundreds of thousands of gold from over eighteen years of playing. I got back two gray items. Letters from friends who no longer play are gone.

I know it was an accident but, how could they have no idea what people had? The fact that everyone is keeping this quiet is insane. Where is the coverage? Has anyone asked Wowhead?

Personally, i think Blizz CAN restore the banks, but has to do it manually one by one. Microsoft has fired so many employees, I think they simply have the manpower. That’s not their fault if that is what’s happening. Blizzard hasn’t been in control of their own company since Activision.


Gold I can make again. I lost two in-game farewell letters from an old and dear WoW friend who sent me the keepsakes before he logged off for the last time many years ago.


The biggest question is, is the bug fixed and can never occur again? I don’t remember them saying anything about fixing the bug. They just said they found it.


At this point, I just want to warn everyone that this will not be a one off. The infrastructure of the game is crumbling. You can see the cracks everywhere. And when one of those cracks had a massive impact on people’s game data, they just shrugged their shoulders. If you plan to keep playing, you need to realize you’ve accepted this reality.

I’m paid up on one of my accounts until March. I haven’t decided if I plan to actually use that time, because it all seems so very pointless. What’s the point in playing a game where I collect stuff and achievements when they’ve made it abundantly clear that none of that stuff is safe? I’ve been cleaning my office, and all of my Blizzard game boxes and collectors edition went into storage. They aren’t something I have any desire to display anymore.


I have seen three of them get squelched.
Blizzard is telling people to hush, so maybe get the hint.

I hope you don’t though. Speak up.


The other point of vindication is the cancel culture living in this thread all reported my post and flagged it, but I got a message saying a MOD restored it cause they saw nothing wrong with it. Just goes to show the lengths people who disagree with you will go. It is literally pixels in a pixel game that ALL belong to Blizz under an EULA that I agreed to when I signed up for this game 18 years ago. They did not wipe my stuff out, but they are trying to repair it as best they can.

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No, they literally can’t. They have policies they have to follow. It’s not the GM’s fault. It’s the people who set the policies the GM’s have to follow who decided that GM’s can’t help. Those are the people to blame.


Is there any solid proof to this? Like maybe a stream where the streamer is praising them for restoring everything? Or is this more hyperbolic chatter parroted by the masses? It truly astounds me how upset people are getting over a timesink made of pixels that we paid for and belongs solely to Blizz.

The Mod did the exact same thing with my comment, because we all know there are some people that will get offended for any reason at all these days.

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Well, they can be as offended as they like and avoid the cold hard truth:

  1. Blizz owns the game
  2. The EULA holds them harmless
  3. They are at least trying despite hyperbolic comments about streamers
  4. It’s literally imaginary stuff in a game that would take a little extra time to farm again
  5. Raging just makes them look silly

So, as long as the Mods are doing their job and hopefully punishing the people who wrongly flag content, I hope their success rate is higher for all our sakes. I am taking the day after restorations off the forums for the 483 crying and screaming threads about not restoring a stack of Ore from TBC or some Herbs from Shadowlands. I know why most of these people are PHYSICALLY upset, because hoarding is a disease.


I am a monster that Blizzard created.

I have been a loyal Blizzard fan since before WOW. I have played WOW for 19 years.

I have bought collectors editions, in game mounts, books, shirts, hats, swords, statues, everything. And all this made me happy. Remember when they auctioned off some of the original realm servers? I was fortunate to win Ysondre’s blade server. How cool is that?

But leaving this morning for work, I couldn’t bring myself to grab my favorite WOW hat that I’ve worn almost daily for years. I’m just so broken over the guild bank item deletions. These items and mats mean so much to me. 19 years worth of hard farming and playing, all while paying a subscription.

This is beyond unacceptable. Data loss in an MMO is a massive concern. There are so many heartbreaking accounts on the forums about what everyone lost.

-Why was code not tested in an external or virtual environment?
-Why do logs not exist?
-Why does a backup not exist before a major implementation?
-Why were a tiny miniscule amount of items able to be restored? (I got nothing back)

-Why is Blizzard treating everyone who is worried about this with silence?
-Why are they acting like it’s a trivial matter?
-How does Blizzard expect us to feel about this?
-Are they even concerned about our trust anymore?

So what now? I can either keep playing or quit, that’s where we are at. I just keep playing and try to forget about this? Or cancel my subscription and close myself off from a universe that I love and am heavily invested in. Does Blizzard even want to try and retain me? If so, why are they seeming to want this whole matter to be swept under the rug?

This is a crucial time that we NEED to hear from Blizzard. Right now. And not just a blue post, but we need to hear from the head of development, the head of customer service, and the CEO. What are Chris Metzen’s thoughts on this? That is a valid question since he is officially back at the company now.

As of now I have cancelled my WOW sub for the first time ever. I don’t know how to voice myself other than posting here and cancelling. Of course I’m on the 12 month plan, so maybe I will change my mind, but I really need some outreach and help from Blizzard.


He probably wouldn’t be happy about it, but he’s just the head of story and lore. It’s neither his department nor his place to do anything about it.

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Items are held client side, they know exactly what is missing from your account/bank.

When you lose a piece of gear (say you DE something by mistake) they know about it.

Your argument has no merit and bears no basis in reality.

They know what you had


Looks like a lot more than just our items have disappeared…

I just went to my level 70 char and wanted to upgrade my Season 4 gear. But all my currency from DF like Flightstones is gone. The entire upgrade system is grayed out for me.

I did collect a lot of currency before Tww hit during the pre patch event, to upgrade my toons later on and now all currency from DF is gone.

This is just a mess Blizzard, you really want us to unsub or what?


To any blues or devs that may read this:



Oh some will be going away or giving up, but they will do so by unsubbing.