Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Good point, just block and ignore the trolls, and don’t respond to them. They get their thrills from people responding to them. If we just ignore them and act like they aren’t there, they’ll go away.


I think those trolling guys are just fishing for attention tbh:

  • it’s a stickied thread
  • it’s a high traffic thread
  • it just so happens to be a “hot topic” right now

Just flag them and move on - don’t even reply to them. They’re not here to actually contribute to the topic anyways. Most are just attacking victims to stir up arguments, or they get a kick out of it


You got it!


Its funny how all the flags come out just because someone has a different opinion. Some of you cant handle it when someone disagrees with you. Sad.

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So let me get this straight. I paid for the expansion, paid for a subscription just to have items “Lost” by the company I paid all this money too? It’s not a big deal for some, but for others you “lost” items we’ve collected through the years, just to be told “Oh well, you’re not getting them back.”


Reading back up in the thread and same. I don’t use guild banks, I haven’t even played in like, 5 years. I was a kid during my early years of playtime too, so there’s plenty of stuff I got (RIP Robe of Doan) but didn’t save because I had kid brain. But that doesn’t matter. I don’t need to have been affected to care about an issue that is clearly affecting others, especially when the extent of it can include collections up to twenty years in the making. That’s almost my entire lifetime. And seeing people talk about losing letters they’d saved from people who’ve since passed, man… it’s just sad.

This is something that just straight-up should not have happened. I don’t know what the SQL database looks like nowadays nor the DBs, but I can only imagine that as much as they might’ve spaghettified it over the years, they must have still done stuff to it to make it easier to work with in the modern era, and that must include making better or more reliable backups. I don’t know what I want to believe: that they really don’t have reliable backups, which would be such a monumental failure that I can hardly wrap my head around it, or they’re simply choosing not to do it, which is… worse? Arguably worse, because if the data exists and we’re being told it doesn’t, that would mean Blizz would rather lie than expend the effort to fix their own mistakes. Which unfortunately tracks.

I dunno. It all sucks. Whatever way you slice it, it just sucks.


Thank you to the people who weren’t affected, but are upset & empathize with us.

I’m not sure why a handful of people insist on acting like things have to be either life-ending or perfectly fine.

Is my life over? No. But that doesn’t somehow mean that I have to let it roll off my shoulders and act like it was ‘no big deal,’ because to most of us, it is. It’s a big deal within the context of a hobby I spend a lot of time and money on.

I encourage everyone to keep holding this grudge with me. :muscle:t3:


Yep! I’m definitely holding a grudge, simply because of the sheer amount of incompetence involved. I was affected, but not badly because I didn’t have anything valuable in the guild banks.


No, of course not. It’s not going to affect anyone’s day to day real life. What it is is a loss of trust in the game system and in the game company, and that can affect the desire to play anymore.

You got it!!


My personal opinion is that Blizzard could in fact replace all items but really can’t be bothered to.

Its like we can’t bring back Classic as we don’t have the code but lo and behold we have Classic back.

Also the youtube folks received all their items back. I received .01% back.


Actually I feel you on this. I’ve been this way since this started at launch. I’ve only gotten through half of the campaign, I didn’t even finish up the vault tier 3 last week for yesterday, with 1 out of 8 left to do. Everything has just compounded to the point where I only log in to check on the 3 guilds & mail. With the warbound bank issues, guild banks fiasco, now rep has been reset, achievements missing, gold missing… I don’t feel like playing at all.


During the end of Season 3 of DF I had real life occupations that did not allow me to play for almost 1 month. Upon my return, I was surprised that the registration of guild banks went back months. I wouldn’t be surprised if the problem of not being able to restore the gv items depends on the fact that movement records stopped being taken.

On the other hand, I find it quite striking that this topic has been moved from the bug forum (where the thread was closed) to the “General Discussion” forum.
What’s there to discuss about a bug? There is nothing to discuss, it is a BUG in all capital letters.
Moving it to “General Discussion” is demagogic, it is waiting for other players to comment (like the troll whose comment was hidden by the community) about a problem that does not affect them. It’s like the father who calls out his child in public and hopes that passersby will nod in agreement with what he says to the child.
There is nothing to discuss here. Data was lost here, and it’s like you lost all your feats of strength and they told you “ops thanks for your patience, maybe we’ll give it back to you, maybe not”
If there is anything to discuss it is why one (or more) WoW publisher guilds (streamers) received all of what they were missing from their GV.
Do you want to discuss something? Let’s discuss that.
Stop calling your “friends” to support you.


I know I purchased the Epic version but not for Beta testing or Early Access. I wanted it for the free month, mount, pet and trader tender. I’ve been a pre-Alpha, Alpha and Beta tester in the past. Even became a SysOp for a few games I tested back during the Microsoft Gaming Zone era.

I think a few people that bought the Epic version used it not to actually test but to find exploits and some others to get their add-ons ready for launch. Those that actually tested I don’t think where taken serious with bug reports and feedback, that or Blizzard totally ignored them.

I feel some of the bugs that benefitted World First Raiders got overlooked and some didn’t get smacked for actionable offense because Blizzard wants to promote something that I really wonder how many average people care to.

100% this ^^^. It’s why I left Star Wars: The old Republic. I found a game breaking bug off a recent patch 5 years into the game. I duplicated it a few times to make sure and then sent it into BioWare for fixing. They suspended my account for 3 days then took all my money (600-700m) from 5 years of playing the game of which 2 1/2 years was because I was out of work for health issues.


its up you all

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This is the main thing, exactly it. If it were a free game, fine, you get what you don’t pay for. If it were a single player game, like in the Fallout 4 example earlier, you could cheat your way back to where you were with player.additem type commands & quest completion commands. But WoW’s been a subscription service forever, and part of success with that model is establishing and maintaining a level of trust between you and the playerbase because you can literally just lose customers from month to month. People have spent thousands of dollars and years of their lives on this game, and like, regardless of what someone thinks of that, the time and money sunk into WoW by the playerbase should matter in the sense that people can and should demand that this service meets a certain standard of quality. Reliability is extremely important when we’re dealing with 20 years of data, and up to 20 years of people’s lives.

And like, the ship’s been sinking for a while now, right? I don’t think WoW is unique in that regard as corporate greed is reaching an all time high, especially in this industry. But man, it’s hard to watch when it’s been such a huge part of people’s lives, whether they want to acknowledge that or not. It’s a good principle to maintain a difference in attachment between tangible real-life things and intangible data. But these games are built to form attachments to and memories around data, and how long WoW has stood as a pillar of the MMO scene really plays into that.

I’ll get off my soapbox now. I just wish people would have more empathy for this kind of stuff, especially since we’ve all lived in the same increasingly digital world and we all must know how that can reorganize what’s important to people to include data.


TO YOU, it’s no big deal.

Your opinion is noted.

I doubt anyone else in this thread would agree.

All but one of the posts you have on this character are in this thread trying to say it is “no big deal”

It feels like you just came in here to be contrary.


From what I understand, those items that disappeared AFTER you checked and compared the GB were ALREADY GONE. If you had tried to remove them from the GB or even move them to a different spot on the same tab, you would not have been able to do so because they weren’t really there. They had already bugged out on Blizzard’s side and it just happened to update that information later. I’m not an IT expert, so I apologize if this makes no sense! I think it’s unfair that you feel like you should have done something to save the other items when it was already too late.


They are a forum moderator on a personal alt, intentionally trying to derail and shut down the topic so no more attention is brought to it. They are paid by Blizzard to comment.


One person lost a Magic Rooster Egg mount they had …that mount alone is worth 10 million gold on the market right now…


Of course there is, cancel service and never do business with them again.

Doesn’t get our lost time/pixels/etc back, but makes it so they cannot abuse us any further.