Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I think it’s a thinly veiled way of bragging “Ha ha! I didn’t lose anything!”


That doesnt make much sense. So now i dont get to state an opinion? Its just a conversation.

They’re just a troll trying to get a rise out of everyone, ignore their posts and they’ll go away :smiley_cat:


I tried that once in this thread and got flagged. Not worth it, man.

I’m sorry you don’t understand the point. Perhaps someday you will learn how to expand your cognition as well as gain the ability of empathy.


I am not sure if we should blame the “new generation” of workers for the terrible state TWW is in.
Yes, I also experience the lack of work interest and skill in the younger generation and if you browse social media profiles of young people (20-30 years old) who are working in big companies, then you have to question if they ever work or only go on holidays…

It´s hillarious how much freetime they seem to have, each month a new country or island they visit :sweat_smile:

But, the decisions are made by a few people at the top of the company and they wanted TWW to be released in a non ready state and they wanted to hire people that may fit a political agenda, while their skills and desire to work were less good.

As I always say, don´t blame the people who benefit of something, blame the people who let them benefit. Let´s be honest, wouldn´t we all like to have so many days off, work from the Bahamas if Blizzard would allow that and we were 20 again?

Personally, I do worry about our society if the “workers” are so focused on their “work&life balance”, that products lose quality and deadlines are not held but things do change in life and once Skynet takes over, we are all jobless and dead anyways.



Dude, its a video game with virtual items. It might be you who doesnt get the point. None of this is a big deal.

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Your character doesn’t exist either, so we can all ignore you.


Feel like… my man. In game gold is backed by the usd. Your a decade to late.

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Thats fine, its not a big deal.

Yes … that’s what I’m saying … some people were getting confused and the warband bank issue (some items DID go missing - it was the Warbound gear from the pre-expansion event that get reset to soulbound accidentally by Blizzard - they reversed that fairly quickly) was not related, as far as I know, to the guild bank issue.

I’m not confused by it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m fully aware that all the stuff from my guild vault that has gone missing … has indeed gone missing, and that I’ve had precisely zilch back.


Do you genuinely not understand why people are getting annoyed about this?

That’s weird. Everyone else gets it …

I’m sorry.


Noone can possibly be that obtuse and be able to function. Thus, troll.


Weirdly though … there are quite a few who had mails with items in them … that they had never lost in the first place. Either those items were actually still in their vaults, or they were never there.

It’s almost like Blizzard saw something was missing, but couldn’t work out what it was, so sent some random lint and a spare sock …

Judging by the increasing amount of bugs as time goes on I would theorize it’s instead they have been hiring unqualified people for whatever reason (perhaps to fill some kind of “quota”, such as DEI for example)… although the recent layoffs in certain key departments (specifically the ones checking for bugs) don’t help matters either

When you have qualified/competent people, you generally don’t have this level of “game-breaking” bugs happening, so the theory makes sense

Anyways, it’s all “fun and games” until something like this happens and your 100’s and 1000’s of hours of hard-earned items/progress poofs away in an instant…


They still haven’t fixed people’s exalted reps being wiped back to neutral.

“It’s a known issue.”

I’m not going to grind world quests to get it back up, especially when it’s a “known issue” that can happen again and won’t see a fix.

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You can also cheat your progress back in single player games like Fallout 4, especially with it being a Bethesda game. No such thing here, where all game data is handled by Blizzard.


Pointless reply. You take what companies tell you at face value. Feel sorry for you. Good luck!

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Also, let’s not devolve into bickering here, guys. Just ignore the “it’s not a big deal” posters and continue on this topic without them. We can’t get this thread locked.


Good point, just block and ignore the trolls, and don’t respond to them. They get their thrills from people responding to them. If we just ignore them and act like they aren’t there, they’ll go away.