Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Sometimes bad things happen. In this case its just something unfortunate in a silly video game. If the pixels are that important to someone then sure they can quit if they want. From a rational, mature perspective its not that big of a deal.

Then there is no point in playing that “silly video game” if it’s just a silly video game. We should switch to playing games that don’t delete our progress. Just because it’s not a REAL LIFE big deal does not make it not a big deal for the game.

This is unprecedented in an MMORPG. It removes any reason to ever play it. Maybe tomorrow you’ll log in and find out your main was deleted. Too bad, start over.


Its entertainment. If your arent entertained then you shouldnt play.

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And even before they decided to undertake this huge change (cross-realm access) some banks already had the log issue, where the logs weren’t always showing activity in the bank. That should have been fixed. I don’t know if they are related, but it could be. For my banks, it hadn’t been working correctly for MONTHS, and I’d reported it through the bug report feature in-game.


Ok you’re just trolling now. I’m done with this conversation.


While I personally lost nothing and if I did, I don’t think anything was of value because someone else deemed it. That said many of the positions being eliminated are redundant. Is it possible they are cutting dead weight, eliminating the people that were not qualified for the job?

Does it suck to lose a job, yes. Does it affect their product, maybe. When I worked, yes, I am currently unemployed collecting no benefits while having health issues. I gave my all every single day even if I hated the job because I was there to work, while this new generation of workers show up want more money to do less and just sit around and complain that they have to go into work.

Poor buggy products are the result of hiring people that are not qualified to do the job. Poor buggy products are the result of not having a quality control system that says hold the product back. Poor buggy products are the result of corporate greed over valuing the customer than a shareholder.

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Just because someone has a different opinion doesnt mean they are trolling. I respect your opinion but I disagree.

I think you got it backward. They’re eliminating the high paid devs so they could save money on their bottom line.

This sounds about right.



you disagree because you didn’t lose anything of significance or have too much free time to re-farm or too much money to the point it has no value.
but ya, you’re a troll.


The funny thing, I didn’t lose anything of significance. But that doesn’t mean I can’t comprehend the sheer magnitude of this issue, and can’t understand how the people that did lose stuff feel. This level of incompetence is unprecedented in MMORPG’s.


If you are a person who enjoys playing this game, and would like to continue, you perhaps should not be as lackadaisical, and forgiving of Blizz, about a potential mass exodus of the players. Eventually people’s complacency will result in less attention to wow, then less money from Blizz for support. Perhaps the lack of support results in the the unrecoverable deletion of your whole account which ultimately is also, to borrow a phrase, just some pixels. . . . where do we all draw the line here?


They are pixels, virtual items. None of it is significant.

Again, just because someone disagrees doesnt mean they are trolling. Some of you getting upset over this.

This isn’t the only game out there. It wouldnt bother me to play something else. I do that frequently anyway. Again, not a big deal.

i agree with most of what you said except for ‘dead weight’. if we compare the number of high impact bugs in TWW to older expansions, it’s noticeably higher (in my experience).
keep in mind that thousands of players purchased the epic edition and tested beta for blizzard free of charge and they still didn’t fix so many bugs…
blizzard isn’t stupid, they don’t need to pay for QA, instead they get us pay them for the privilege of being their QA… and they treat us the same, dead weight.
they will get away with this because not enough players were affected and not streamers of people that can bring attention to the issue.


This sums it up nicely.

let me type this reply really slow so that you can understand. you have the right to your opinion and we to ours.
you=pixels not significant
us=time spent not just pixels
i wouldn’t care if the items weren’t of value but mine were


For something that you really do not too care too much about you sure are vocal and oddly defensive of the developers.


I never said you cant have an opinion. I just disagree with it. Its ok to disagree. Pixels are not a big deal.

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Its just my opinion. Not a big deal.

If you feel it’s not a big deal then why are you evening bothering with this rhetoric?