Guild Bank Missing Items Update

SAME… and apparently, it’s just an “Oops, our bad!” attitude about it.


50k? I can make that with world quests. i had the weekly give me 15k from one quest the other day. The people who lost multiple tabs and got nothing should get nothing less than gold cap.


LOL I made 50K+ in gold in the first two hours or so of the early access with new Battle Pets I got too the AH before most thought about it…I am one of the lucky ones none of my Private guild banks got hit…and I have 5 of them…but I do known a guildmate of my main guild he and his wife and daughter have 14 guild banks between them and they lost everything in 4 of them…I haven’t heard if they got back anything yet.

Everyone with a long term sub should cancel it right now and put this in for the reason why. Your sub wont lapse until the original scheduled date.



  • Your GMs are little use. They’re not much better than AI, in fact with what little they do in their replies to tickets you might as well just replace them with AI. They just reply with “check this article, check wowhead, submit a bug report that gets no reply.”
  • You have frustrating bugs on older content that has been in place for months/years and done nothing about it, but as soon as there is a bug that benefits the players you are right on top of fixing that. “Fun detected, hotfix incoming” is a very valid meme you should be ashamed of.
  • You keep trying to push this enemy scaling that you STILL haven’t gotten right after years and instead of just throwing in the towel and trying something else that works you just keep pushing what hasn’t been working
  • You are so far from transparent with your customers. Do you not realize how much your customers would appreciate more communication, more transparency, more honesty, more humility, more accountability?
  • You had a HUGE screwup that resulted in thousands of customers losing their hard-earned items from their guild vaults. This translates to play time lost, which translates to money wasted. What do you do? Offer a halfass apology and a halfass “resolution.” VERY far from doing the right thing, for sure.
  • All of this and other things unmentioned equal a low-quality product not worth your asking price. This is poor customer service, great disrespect, great arrogance that what you’re doing is just fine. This is just plain sorriness.
  • You’re no longer worth my money, I am ending my subscription. I encourage others to consider all this as well. Vote with your wallet.

I would imagine prepping Season 1, dealing with other more technical concerns, and still working on Season 2 would take priority over some missing items. It takes dozens, and sometimes hundreds of man hours to pour over code and find an issue, confirm the culprit, and then strategize a fix and response. You people seem to think it is easy as Open Screen > Look at Guild > Check Bank history > click restore link.

My guild bank was almost completely cleaned out. Just a few random items left in each tab.

My GL character was mailed three incomplete stacks of Sunfury Signets. That’s it.

The bank LOGS show far, far more items that were deposited which are missing, and I’m being told that you’re unable to identify even these items?



The blue post should really say unwilling*.


so, because it takes time to fix the f-up they created, it’s ok to not fix it? obviously you didn’t lose anything of significance. maybe if they had better employee retention instead of firing them, they would avoid these huge mistakes…


Unfortunately, they’ve moved their “success” metrics to very short term metrics. That means that they’ve decided the content locuts are where the money is. Give them half baked, grindy content at fast paces and collect the money as they buy tokens to compete in the latest thing. Those players don’t care about bugs as long as it doesn’t stop them from winning whatever the current thing to win is. The long term customers? Sure, that’s steady money, but it’s not the whale money they now crave. And those long term customers have all these demands, like “I want to be able to do the quests and not be blocked by bugs” and “I don’t want my stuff and collections arbitrarily deleted.”


Assumptions. You people sure are full of them. My personal, one person guild bank, lost about 1/3 of its items, and one tab almost entirely. Things I spent hours and hours farming. Am I upset? Sure. Am I going to rage like a lunatic cause some pixels went missing from my pixel game? Hardly. I have perspective. Things happen, and whatever I do not get back, I will simply re-farm. They did not just wake up and say, “Gee, I wonder if this new tool will screw something up and leave people pissed…”. An accident occurred and despite being screamed at by a bunch of ragers, they are trying to resolve it as best, fast, and fairly as possible. They did not DO THIS to me. It simply happened. Life goes on.

I get why the items couldn’t be restored. That said, the following are what concerns me about how this went down.

  1. It would have been nice if you told us something, anything, when you were first aware of the bug. Just saying something like “We are aware of the issue and will update when we have more details.” would have gone a long way toward lessening our frustration, versus our reality, where we saw no blue response for weeks.

  2. This issue seriously undermines our faith in your ability to keep track of data that represents hours if not years of hard work for each of us. What if I log in tomorrow and all of my bags are empty, or my gear is gone, or my character is deleted, never to be seen again? Before this, it never would have crossed my mind to think about that possibility.

  3. If you can’t give us our stuff back, it would be nice to see some sort of restitution from Blizzard, maybe a little gold or some expansion relevant mats, I don’t know, just something more than “We’re sorry and there’s nothing we can do to help you.” Because maybe you can’t give us our stuff back, but I would like to think there might be something else you could do to try to restore our faith.


I have about 600 members in my guild. At first I did think it was somebody taking stuff from the guild bank. My history has been off for months so I can’t see who took it.

I realized that something was up when items were missing from the last tab which is just for leadership. At that point I opened up a ticket and then found out what was going on.


I suspect they’re banking on this new “model” of carry-selling, WoW tokens, and catering to whales carrying the bottom line over the older/traditional model where they were more focused on increasing (and retaining) sub counts/organic growth of the community

Keep in mind the sub counts are supposedly massively shrunk-down from the peak of ~12 million back in 2010… yet the profits have steadily gone up in the meantime :thinking: If there are now less actual players paying the $15/month sub fee, then all those new profits have to be coming from “other” sources besides the sub fee (shop sales? carry-selling/buying? etc?)

It’s a similar trend to other games where the playerbase has either stayed steady or grown only slightly… but profits have continued to go up regardless on account of shop sales, “microtransactions”, RNG boxes, etc


I started with Vanilla and have paid them monthly from the first October. I now pay them a year in advance. After all that time, today I canceled my auto payment. This was wrong on so many levels I just can’t understand the thought process.


Yeah, try having a data loss like this in any line of IT work other than gaming. Something like this would be career ending where I work. Heads would roll. People would be getting fired. And the fact that they just expect to pass THEIR data loss onto the players is mind blowing. People are leaving the game over this. A LOT of people. Long time players. The people who have kept the game running all this time. Some kind of compensation is absolutely required. I wasn’t personally affected that much (I lost some stuff but since I had liquidated my guild banks and sold off everything of value it wasn’t much). But that doesn’t mean that I don’t understand what it’s like for people who did lose stuff. Because at one point, I had a lot of extremely valuable stuff in there. There is this thing called “empathy”. You know, where you realize the world isn’t just about you. Try it sometime.

This could end up causing another Shadowlands-level failure, which would basically be the end of WOW. I could see future expansions getting cancelled. You would be lucky to see the game running in “maintenance mode” with no more content or updates.


although i agree, i doubt that this will have any impact on their subs $$$. there are plenty of people that accept this behavior and even speak against those who do not, just check a few posts above.
even if the few thousand affected were to cancel their sub it would be little impact.
shadowlands was an issue growing from BfA and shared by nearly everyone.
for every mistake they make and get away with, it sets a new expectation that they can get away with it.

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Those of us who are “raging like a lunatic” as you so eloquently put it, have perspective as well, thanks. We pay monthly for a product. We spend hours using the product, and trust the assurances the company that created the product gave us, that the data is secure on their end. We pay for assurance that if data is somehow compromised, they will fix it promptly, or provide valid compensation. If we can’t have that sort of trust, then really…why bother to play? Why bother collecting, achieving, or storing anything, if it can vanish with absolutely zero recourse or affect being made on the company?

The way this situation is being handled has shown us with crystal clarity that our money is being wasted. This isn’t some bug in a dungeon, an exploit, or the hilarity of rogues getting their hand stuck in the air after using [Vanish]. This is the personal data collected over years of playtime written into our characters – data that has just been completely wiped out with minimal effort to restore. There was over a month with no communication. Then, when a “fix” dropped, there was nothing of value returned, and no compensation for the massive wipe of data from an obviously large swath of people. In addition: reputations, achievements, collections, and various storage caches have all been screwed up by code they did not properly test throughout the entire playerbase, and I haven’t seen a single iota of progress on those fronts, either.

We pay to play the game, but we also pay in trust that the progress we have made will be protected and honoured. Besides the fact that if they can lose this sort of data, who is to say my personal information is safe?

Over my 10+ years of playing, there has never been a breech of trust of this magnitude, nor a lack of communication this broad. Never has there been an instance of this magnitude that was so smoothly swept under the rug. If you recall, when pets and mounts became collections, lots of items were lost. But there was communication every step of the way, friendly banter, and eventually each and every item was restored. To this issue, we received silence, aggression on many fronts, feigned ignorance, and a slaphazzard “restoration” that is so piecemeal and pitiful that it in itself is a dark joke at our expense. No compensation is even being discussed by them for what they admit is lost. Nothing more than an empty “woops, sorry guyz!” before they return to tweaking delves for the upteenth time.

TL;DR: Blizzard is no longer the company I used to trust. It’s not screaming like a bunch of ragers to keep the issue open and let them know this is beyond unacceptable. They will absolutely lose our business, but it is our right to ensure they know why they have lost this trust so abruptly.


This is not an acceptable answer. You broke it and caused thousands of people to lose items they may have been saving for 18+ years and the best you can say is “Oopsie daisy”? JFC what a bunch of clowns.


From Reddit:

I’ve seen several posts pop up in this sub and others reporting millions worth of gold in items disappearing from their Guild Bank, while receiving a mere pittance being replaced in Blizzard’s restoration efforts.

With the following points I want to be 100% clear: I’m an off -and-on solo WoW player. I have not ever owned a guild bank and haven’t placed an item in any guild bank for 10+ years. This issue does not affect me in any way shape or form.

To my knowledge, Blizzard’s current stance on this is that they have done what they can, but due to the nature of the data loss, are unable to restore anything further. From their forum post:

“Due to how some of the data was lost, we’ve reached a point where the result will be an incomplete restoration for some guilds, and we do not have a way to restore the remaining missing items for them.”

As a consumer, allowing Blizzard a “whoopsie” with no method of compensation for these losses is insanity.

With the introduction of the WoW token and its continued support, Blizzard’s unequivocal stance on their own virtual economy is Real Money = Gold, and Gold = Real Money. “Incomplete restoration” should not exist in the vocabulary of anyone representing Blizzard on issues like these. Would you accept your bank to “whoopsie” your savings account, replace it with a fraction of what it had, and have the end all be called an “incomplete restoration”?

You are insane to allow Blizzard to have this both ways. If their data is worth real money, then by their definition, their data loss should be their monetary loss.

Thanks for reading.

I’m also going to add my own post, that I made here a few hours ago.

I lost all my guild bank items in every tab. Everything. I’ve received zero items in the mail. Zero. I’ve been playing since WoW launched. My guild bank is just me; treasures, materials, pets, mounts, rare BOE items (Vanilla era shirts like the Brawler’s harness that no longer exists and sells for millions) that I’ve collected over the last few decades.

Blizzard destroyed all that. But what they really destroyed is my trust. If I get the wrong takeout order at lunch, they make it right. They make up for the mistake. They communicate. They know I’ll be back tomorrow.

Blizzard has done none of these things. I first reported my guild being empty almost 40 days ago. My post in customer support was locked with a rude reply from staff. My in game ticket said basically, “We don’t know, nothing we can do.”

And now this. A crappy throwaway response from an intern that basically downplays the issue, makes it sound like it’s barely affected anyone, and most items have been returned. (They haven’t).

What am I asking for? Compensation. Compensation from a company that I’ve done business with for 25 years, predating this game. Compensation for my time, my memories, and my value as a customer who has spent thousands of dollars and hours supporting your game and company.

Make this right Blizzard. Stand by the people who have stood by you. Your players deserve more than a “whoops, my bad” on the forums.

I don’t know what just compensation looks like, and that’s not for me to decide, but you need to do better than this.

Sincerely, Starcore, Guildmaster of Bunny Magic, Proudmoore