Guild Bank Missing Items Update

People got confused or Blizzard got confused???
I was not confused about anything…and I’m still not… well I should say the only thing I’m confused about (and I guess I should not be) is Blizzard’s lack of effort and response to this entire situation.


Yes, I have used BankItems ( for years and make backups of my WTF folder before patches.

So I restored an old BankItems file and opened it up in-game without going to the guild bank and was able to compare screenshots and write everything down by hand.

(It also helps that I barely touch that Guild Bank so it’s really easy to tell when things go poof!)


A Blue came out and stated that they could see the items in the GB and not to worry, blah blah blah.


I think that was a case of someone misunderstanding or misspeaking. Regardless, it wasn’t accurate, at least not in general, or, at least, not now.

How soon is soon? Asking for a friend. Said friend has no mail filled to the brim with gbank items.

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This was a gb thing and not a warbank.

I reported it early on. He then followed up.

If I recall he got a human reply faster than I got the ai reply.


Maybe you should take the hint then ? Lol. They don’t care and you are still giving them money.

For me this is the drop in a cup full of water. I am quitting WOW and will never come back, there is a ton of games in my steam library to play and I really want to play more ESO. I don’t thrust this company any more and will not pay just for them to wipe me out of all my items and just tell me they are sorry. No items back, no compensation, nothing. just: give me your money and we will be screwing you. No thanks, I am done. Sub run until December. Already canceled. I will Play occasionally ( because I already pay for my time) but I will don’t go after, mounts, tmogs, pets and professions anymore. Just do some quests and when there is no more quests, quit.


Can confirm my guild has not received a single item in restoration. This collection has been around for some time, my wife and I have been playing since Vanilla. Wife is guild master, she never got a mailer with restoration of anything. NOT. A. SINGLE. ITEM.

Some of our logs show some things that we never got back, i.e. Wirt’s Leg. Among other things like bags, pets, transmogs for friends and alts. Other tabs are completely blank on logs and items. We had stacks of leather, cloth, ore, enchanting mats, gems… Just all gone.


So, there was that post that was about Warbanks in a guild bank thread that caused confusion. However, some people reported that they got a ticket response from GMs saying that stuff in the guild bank was just invisible.

With all due respect, if a blue doesn’t post it here, I’m only taking it as hearsay.


Items are still missing.


No one but Blizzard and whoever Blizzard has told.


This, 100%.

If you continue to pay your sub because you can’t quit, still love the game (I do!), whatever, then they don’t give a rat’s behind what you do or how you feel.

I just wish individual subs had more impact. I can only cancel my own, and I have a few friends and my nephew that are also cancelling (nephew will hurt them a little, he loves to spend money on mounts/mogs/etc on the cash shop), and a few people that play classic that were planning on getting the expansion are no longer going to do so. But ultimately even all this is a drop in the bucket to them, it will take a much larger turnout for them to notice I’m sure.


I lost all my guild bank items in every tab. Everything. I’ve received zero items in the mail. Zero. I’ve been playing since WoW launched. My guild bank is just me; treasures, materials, pets, mounts, rare BOE items (Vanilla era shirts like the Brawler’s harness that no longer exists and sells for millions) that I’ve collected over the last few decades.

Blizzard destroyed all that. But what they really destroyed is my trust. If I get the wrong takeout order at lunch, they make it right. They make up for the mistake. They communicate. They know I’ll be back tomorrow.

Blizzard has done none of these things. I first reported my guild being empty almost 40 days ago. My post in customer support was locked with a rude reply from staff. My in game ticket said basically, “We don’t know, nothing we can do.”

And now this. A crappy throwaway response from an intern that basically downplays the issue, makes it sound like it’s barely affected anyone, and most items have been returned. (They haven’t).

What am I asking for? Compensation. Compensation from a company that I’ve done business with for 25 years, predating this game. Compensation for my time, my memories, and my value as a customer who has spent thousands of dollars and hours supporting your game and company.

Make this right Blizzard. Stand by the people who have stood by you. Your players deserve more than a “whoops, my bad” on the forums.

I don’t know what just compensation looks like, and that’s not for me to decide, but you need to do better than this.

Sincerely, Starcore, Guildmaster of Bunny Magic, Proudmoore


I was thinking about all this madness while at work today. Tuesdays are slow and I only had a 4 hour shift, so I had plenty of time to think. In my day job, I deal with customers all day long while representing a multi million dollar company. I’ve built up a working relationship with the regulars and I genuinely enjoy chatting with most of them. If you are one of my regular customers, I will go to the moon and back to make things right for you. For a brand new customer, I’d go to the end of the block and back. I do make an effort for new customers, but I put more value on repeat business. As a result, my department is wildly successful and I get friends and family of my regulars as new customers.

I don’t understand why Blizzard won’t do the same. Repeat business is where the money is. Happy consumers spend more and bring in more people who will also spend more. But what do I know, I’m not a multi millionaire.


Simple answer: NOTHING is safe, ANYWHERE.

It could be deleted at any moment, with no notice, and no restoration or compensation. They’ve all but told us this verbatim at this point.


Please let’s keep a record of this.
If the situation changes, I will edit this post.

Realm: Ragnaros US
Guild: Mana Bomb
Missing: 100% of GV content (7 tabs)
Returned atm: 0%


I had seven tabs nearly full. Nothing has been restored to me. This is unacceptable.


I have all guild bank tabs unlocked, and each was stocked with useful items for crafting and new character creation. Thousands of gold in items are missing from my bank and there is nothing that can be done about it? I have to be honest; this is a B.S. solution to Blizz’s f’up that payers (you know, the people paying your salaries) are having to just eat. We should get no less that 50k in gold and a free month of play time. It wont bring the lost items back but it would at least show some semblance that you, Blizzard give a damn.