Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Yep, I’m not letting this die and be shrugged off. They will have to block me on all their twitters.


This is the worst possible move they could make, though.

WoW has a serious issue with attracting new players, and alienating their stable player count is not a good move.


Well you’re definitely not three streamers

Perhaps they’ve decided we are the problem, and they need a do over in an attempt to get another 12 million new players.

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Alienate your existing audience = product dies. Nintendo tried this and it hurt them BAD.


While we were working on the water pipes in the neighborhood, we accidentally blew up some of your houses. Since you can’t prove you owned some of the items in your home, I guess that’s all there is to it. That’ll be $14.99/month + $50 in another year please.


That cannot happen in a 20-year established game.

Without grandfathered plans, you should always take one customer that has been there for 20 years over a new customer.

Unless you have 100% customer retention, which is not possible with this game’s many convoluted systems that intimidate new players, you should always choose stability.


Bless your heart. Thank you for your time and effort. You are like the Tina Turner song “Simply the Best”

Edit for a friend Armystrong has 8 guilds. I am in 2 of them.

Thank you again for all your efforts!

Have a great day



Servers up. No new mail.


Shockedpikachu or whatever.


I can’t imagine trying to master this game’s interface as a brand new player. It’s only the 2 decades of playing that make it somewhat easy to use.


Yeah, I have a friend who came back from WotLK times, and he is absolutely drowning.

If I wasn’t there to answer all of his questions, he would have already given up; he has straight-up told me this.

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Another week, another maintenance and the Nigerian prince that is Blizzard has not put anything in my bank account that I trusted them with and they emptied.


“Weeks”, if they’re to be believed.

As for how it happened, they messed up, and either do not have backups, or do not feel it important enough to dig in and find the difference between pre and post patch to fix it.

I’m still not confident they’re actually doing more about this yet.


Restorations are not coming from maintenance and they never were, if anything does happen it’ll be in-game mail.


If they give us an update, they better change the subject of this post, or make a new pinned one, because I don’t go back and read the blue post every time i come here.

Even though they’re just the messenger, it still infuriates me and sickens me at the same time to read it, and it’s implications of innocence and lack of solution.


I just checked, no mail for my 3 guilds

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Blizzard made the statement they could see all the items in our GB’s and that it was there but we could not see them. Now all of sudden no, they can’t restore it.

Which is it? You can see it or it really is not there? One of these is a total lie and made up.


7 full tabs were wiped in my personal gbank… Only some boar meat and boar ribs left.

All I’ve received in the mail from Blizzard is… more boar meat and boar ribs, nothing else.

Sooo many crafting mats and almost 3 tabs of gear is just gone.

Toys, bags, etc, gone.

I am heartbroken.


No news and providing false information (they could see our items in our GB) is literally stringing us along. It is a tactic of choice these days…they hope eventually everyone will find another shiny object to take attention away and they are in fact right it will.