Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Another thing that would have gone a long way is not outright deceiving people about the extent of the restorations.

In their main body of the post, the say they spent the “next few days” investigating the issue, and the following weeks gathering together lost items.

Together with the lack of restoration, these portions of the blue post seem like manipulation.


Ah, you are correct. Took me awhile to find it because the gm quote got edited (the info removed concerns the intro/outro and the gm name). The only way I could find it was looking up “several weeks” in this thread. I can edit my previous post to include that information so I don’t mislead others.


Call Matt and Trey. They did a WOW episode once, they can again. They can make an episode about how the Underpants Gnomes stole all our items and Chris Metzen is chasing them down, and once he catches them, he’ll get our items back.


The fact that they edited out the GM name but left the rest of the post, tells me it’s accurate.


That was a great episode!!!

The whole post absolutely stank of desperation, and a pathetic attempt at dampening the blow.

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Work it into the plot of the new episode. Metzen has to recover the Sword of a Thousand Truths from their evil lair, and then use it to defeat the Underpants Gnomes to recover our items.

I swear I can see this episode in my head. I can even hear Trey attempting to do a Metzen impression.

It can end with it having been an inside job, with a gnome character revealed to have been an Underpants Gnome all along.


So any thought on if they return our items today?

(Who posted that list of people effected with guilds? Did it ever make it to streamers?)

My bet is…not today. The GM response (which has been all but confirmed now) stated that the restoration is happening in waves over the next few weeks.

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The odds of stuff being restored today?

I really hate to be that guy, but it seems like the odds are near-zero.

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It ends with Metzen sitting on an empire state building sized pile of copper bars and runecloth, riding a wooly rhino.

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I’ll believe it’s accurate when I see a blue post :confused: They’re probably just trying to not fully silence what is being said. Otherwise that would look extremely bad if they start editing part of our messages or deleting what they don’t approve of. Honestly surprised they didn’t just delete the whole thing, because it really seemed like they did.


Just imagine how, with just a TINY bit better communication, they could’ve headed off this whole situation, and had people at worst maybe still irritated but willing to be patient. Just say the restoration will take a little time and won’t be all at once. And then add some silly RP like, the Underpants Gnomes broke into our guild banks and made off with our items.

I don’t even work in a customer facing roll, and I’m extremely introverted, and even then it took me 5 seconds to think of many ways it could’ve been done much better.


But like, it’s not even a past-tense thing.

The lack of communication is still deafening.

People don’t know if their 9g worth of cloth is the full extent of their restoration.


OMG just started hearing it and seeing the damn thing… someone get the south park guys onto this right now…


ok so let me get this straight! ive lost a ton of stuff out of my own personal guild bank and some items might not be restored hmmmm so why keep anything at all on our toons if you are going to wipe it away with the stroke of your mouse i understand its virtual stuff but i know alot of people on here store items for future endeavors and whatever floats our boat!! why store anything at all ?? just play the game and sell everything!! i know im being a jerk but im frustrated!!!


Thing is, that is one GM. There are other GMs that have stated that all mails have been sent already (like this french one posted on EU forums) :

So who do we believe ?


You have every right to be frustrated. Guild banks have been around for a long time, and I certainly don’t remember anything like this ever happening before.


I don’t know, but if we keep this thread blowing up, and we keep blowing it up on social media, they will have to at least issue some kind of response.


Working as intended. I honestly think they are trying to purge the game of folks who have played long enough to see the utter incompetency and can point to past errors much like this one.

In a fashion, creating cross-realm guilds are the equivalent of doing a game-wide server merge.