Guild Bank Missing Items Update

There is no bug.

I work for one of the top employers in my state. Do you know how data is transferred from one location to another sometimes?
Server to server?

LOL! Physical hard drives!!! A billion+ dollar company in revenue per year has me transferring old data from one location to another with physical hard drives!!!

Connect them one at a time to a pc, extract all the data into a shared drive and pray, pray hard that nothing gets corrupted. AND THEN that data needs to be xfered once again to a server.

Someone somewhere did a join that went wrong, a table got corrupted, a plug was unplugged in the middle of a transfer…something happened but there is no gd bug.

I can assume a database was becoming unstable with billions of rows and they had to alleviate it. They tested this with a smaller table for testing purposes. They then made their move with the original table, something went wrong and they couldn’t restore the table back to its original state. Hence, ‘a bug’.


regardless blizzard will never take responsibility. It will always be called a 'bug". PR 101


In this scenario, I would simply ask why they felt the need to move the master data. I was always taught that when you are working with something that is either unstable or would be disastrous to lose, you never ever $#@^ around with the master data.


There are several threads of people (including myself) having all of their physical TCG tabards and Epic Purple Shirts completely deleted, no option to restore via item restoration, support tickets are of no help either.

Will these items be restored? Will there be a way to reclaim these items from Landro Longshot if you’ve already got the appearance in your collection if restoration isn’t possible?


Paused my sub. Hope they do or say something. I truly do not want to unsub and leave, but I will not stay and spend my time and money on something that doesn’t work very well and get lied to about it. I can’t trust it. Not sure what they could do other than a full restore to make me trust it. Not sure even then at this point.


Sorry, the time for patience left about 3 weeks ago when Blizz decided to ignore us. All we asked for was to keep us in the loop and you are the first blue to say something to us on the US forums. You closed a post that had over 2,500 posts asking for updates and nothing. I have turned off auto-renew for my 5 accounts and am currently trying to get a refund for 4 of them that I upgraded to War Within and for the remainder of the 12 months on each account since the game is unplayable to me. If being married for 30+ years has taught me anything, it’s that communication is key and Blizzard failed.


I am even afraid to move my other chars into the guild, thinking the guild is now cursed and personal banks will be next.

Gosh, I have lost every trust I had left in this company…

Doesn´t the US american section of WOW, have a CM? Bethany, what would you say if someone robs your cosplay collection and then comes forward and says “oh I am sorry, but you will not get it back!”.

Wouldn´t you be furious and demand a proper handling of the situation?

Do you lose your job, if you just tell your superiors that we players that are / were with the game for 20 years are not happy? Isn´t this what a CM should do in such a situation? They can not fire you for something like that…

Is it truly that bad working for Blizzard, that they put chains on your fingers so you can not type anymore and give us an answer?

Oh man, I miss the old days of Bashiok and Co. :frowning:

I know it´s not your fault, but I just don´t understand why the radio silence!


I’m curious. Where did you expect to move data that didn’t use physical hard drives?



I hope there will be another 30 for you two! :smiling_face:


The whole game has been getting more and more bugs and less and less customer service. The company needs to prioritize the players or it’s going to have another massive dip in players and have to scramble to get them back, just like what happened with Shadowlands.


I’d really like to see the real numbers. How many play classic verse retail and not lump them into one number. But I agree that more and more bugs are just going un-resolved and when you report them you get told by a blizzard employee to look on Wow-Head on to solve it or we know about it and report it to push the team to acknowledge it to fix it.


My guild bank “Central Brewery Command” on server Magtheridon, lost everything out of 7 tabs, and I received no mails with restored items.

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This affected half of my personal guild banks. I lost millions of gold in mats and unobtainable items. I received 4 boe items back worth a couple thousand gold. Even with half of my accumulated in-game wealth remaining (I started playing in 2004), I have very little desire to keep playing the game. I didn’t expect this is what would’ve caused me to quit.


So, I suppose the person telling you themself is hearsay? Well, at this point, we’re calling the streamer a liar then. How fortuitous …

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Pointless speculation … they already said it was a bug in the code recently introduced for a cross-realm feature, nothing to do with your fictional assumption.

Our entire guild bank was emptied due to this bug. we have received 0 items back. It’s a bit ridiculous tbh.


The thread was not deleted! It was merged into this thread. The posts are really wacky now becauses there are posts below other posts that were before them. But everything is intact.

The person’s post from bug reports with the GM response, is now in THIS thread. It’s wonky to search because of the merge but it’s here.

This is the ONE thing they’ve done that I’m ok with. It’s totally ok to consolidate multiple threads about a single issue into one thread to reduce forum clutter.


Yes, but the people who have unsubscribed can’t post in General Discussion but they can post in the Bug Report forum.

I agree with the clutter, but I still think there should be a thread on Bug Report for the people who can’t post here, their voices matter too.


I hear you. I work in communications. One of the most important principles we follow as a best practice is communicating as transparently and early as possible, particularly around crisis issues. A statement earlier on saying “we’re aware of this issue and are investigating” would have gone a long way.


This topic has been moved to G-Discussion. You had your free shot. At least they left it open and continuing here. Thanks for that at least.

Can you imagine how tedious it would be to parse that many logs by hand to restore it? Time to add a pack of interns for 3 months or so.

I’ll believe that when it stops raining down my neck. Wait a sec that’s awful warm rain?

I feel safe now, don’t you?

It’s a slap in the face!

I wouldn’t use it on my resume. It’s become a farcical situation and would make a great southpark episode. Where’s Timmy!!