Guild Bank Missing Items Update

And if they did start claiming it was staggered, I don’t think I would even believe it… I’d feel like it was a scam to try and keep people from unsubbing for as long as possible…


Yeah I’m not sure I would believe it either at this point. But momentum is on our side, and their attempt to Friday afternoon “make it go away” post seems to be backfiring just like it did the other 2 times they tried that.


Unless everyone they screwed over unsubs and no one’s left but the esports people and people that don’t care and/or are too addicted to quit.


I didn’t post in the bug forum, but my guild was affected -wiped except for a couple random items on each tab. Hellcandy. Ysondre. Twisted Sanity.

Thank you for taking the time. Blizz could use you, but I wouldn’t wish working there on you. (I feel bad for what their employees have to put up with from the powers that be).

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No kidding huh, that’s a decent part of the insult too, like what, ya don’t think we’re gonna be here and remember this Monday morning?


Yep. And I remember when they tried the same thing with the real ID on forums fiasco, and the third party site “no flying ever again” interview in WOD. Let’s just say they had to backpeddle hard in both cases.


Streamers are barely acknowledging it. WoWhead skated right over it too. If they aren’t actively agreeing to help Blizzard “bury” this, then they should be actively helping us hold Blizzard accountable. At an even higher level, maybe if they would stop laying off Blizz employees (there was another round very recently) and destroying their morale, there’d be enough people around to care and fix this.


This is the thread in bug reports where someone got a reply from a GM suggesting the restoration mails are coming in waves.

Time will tell.


That does not sound like someone made it up. And I don’t believe a GM would “make something up” in a situation like that. But they haven’t been providing CS with proper updates (which is why the blues can’t give us anything - I don’t blame the GM’s or the blues). So it’s very possible there has been an internal communication breakdown, and Linxy just didn’t have all the info. We’ll just have to wait and see.

But if they had just SAID “the emails coming today are what can be restored quickly. The rest will take more time, please be patient”, people wouldn’t be NEARLY as upset…


While that restoration in waves looks legit enough, I still don’t believe it, or trust it, nor am I willing to continue to pay them in good faith.

Once my sub lapses, I’ll have to keep checking back here to see what’s happening, because I refuse to pay them for that time in hopes that I might get stuff back. That’s just complete BS.


I appreciate that were finally getting some information. Thank you. This should of been done at the same time the information was available to you. The trouble is that the solution breaks a trust. I realize that this is just data on a drive. But I pay every month to ensure that data is protected. This brings into question all of the items I buy in addition to in game items, Pets, Mounts, an Achievement, Even a toon. If blizzard cannot guarantee this data that means it could happen to anything in my account. And the solution that you came up with is were sorry there is nothing we can do so you have to live with it. Just does not give me a feeling of confidence. This was badly handled from the start from closing tickets after sending people to delete their addons and reload their UI and if that don’t work go to the forums for help. Knowing the problem was yours and anything I was doing was a waste of time. Then closing the ticket permanently so I could not request additional help. I question if Blizzard really understands what Customer Service Means? Automated processes, and a 2 day wait for a half answer is not cutting it.


It does look legit, and would make Linxy’s message make sense. It makes perfect sense that some items would take longer to restore, and the first set of mails was “here’s what we can do quickly”. It tracks with how all restorations (even hacked accounts) go.

IF that’s the case, we’re good. But the problem is extremely poor communication even if that is true.

I can fully believe that that’s the message that was intended to be communicated, and the breakdown in communication was bad enough to cause this whole mess. They’ve always been terrible at communication. All it would take is a blue post saying “restorations are being done in waves, please be patient”. And most people would be, if not happy, at least not upset to the point of unsubbing.


WoW! I’ve copied this into a note file on my laptop, incase this thread goes bye bye.

Many thanks for keeping a running tally. It’s much worse than I thought, way more people affected than I initially figured!


Several weeks ? are they sending items through carrier pigeons ? I jest. I do understand that something like this technically could take awhile considering the large quantity of people affected (+ all those that we do not know about) and the enormous amount of items that each person lost. However, this information should have been mentioned in the original post. As much as I want to believe it, I want to see that written in blue in an official statement. I have delt with several GMs two weeks ago concerning a completely separate issue and even though they were nice and respectful, their information was contradicting and disconnected from my request.

Also, saying several weeks… really feels like "hey guys, don’t cancel your subs, mail is coming soon™ :slight_smile: "


I think I have four or five separate copies saved, but that’s because I’m completely disorganized and at the moment also too tired and sick to bother grouping files as they ought to be. I’ll run back through this thread in a few days once I’m feeling better and tag on an addendum.


Actually, I believe it. I haven’t had my account hacked, but I’ve known people that have, and it’s taken over a week in some cases. And that’s for 1 individual account. This is thousands of guilds. I fully believe restorations can take that long.

Honestly, if most guilds get back most of their stuff, I wouldn’t be “happy”, but I’d be “ok, they did what they could, but we need reassurance that this will never happen again”.


I think the real issue is that it could happen to anything in game. Pet, Mount, Achievement, Toon, how would you even know. I have 1500 pets, 512 mounts, if one goes away I would not even know. They not only lost the data they were not honest about it and tried to bury it. I am glad your guild was not impacted!


Wondering if we should start a list of the Guild names…

I blame the blues for actively shutting down any and all threads that talk about this issue outside of this pinned thread.


They’re required to as part of their job. 1) they want the discussion in one place. And 2) they’ve been told that CS CANNOT do anything about it. The devs have given them direct instructions.

As long as THIS thread remains open, I’m ok with that. There is no reason to have a million different threads for the same thing. Now if this thread gets shut down, then Houston we have a problem.

Vrak and Orylia have been very understanding. They’ve even said “we’ve given as much information as we can, it’s out of our hands. We can lose our jobs if we give any information that the devs haven’t authorized.”