Guild Bank Missing Items Update

It does not feel right because it is basically an invasion. Just like when someone breaks into your house or car the aftermath does not feel good. You depend on your house and car keeping your item safe and when someone steals from it, it feels dirty and defiled.


This is what I was kinda thinking. :frowning: I love this game.

The art is gorgeous, the music is fantastic. The hope I got from this game is - important to me.

Idk what to do. I feel so sad, eh?


If you watch it, it won’t hurt as badly to stream the seasons close together. It was so terrible for loyal watchers because we waited ten years for a building conclusion that never happened and was destroyed terribly.

Kinda like playing a game for over a decade plus and having everything gone now and trust completely broken.


They do not care. They care about shareholder pricing, executive bonuses, stock options and padding their own pockets at the expense of everyone else. This is how big business works now.


when i was telling my family about it, they asked me if it was hacked and if there was anybody at the company we could talk to about it, to let them know… i told them ‘no. they don’t let us call them, anymore.’ - she thought that was really strange. that there was no way to contact anybody to put in a regular plea to a human being.


I’m not really a fan of GOT but I heard the last season was an abomination. Although I’ve seen worse, what was my favorite show of all time had a last season so bad that it almost un-does the entire thing. The last episode is the worst episode of anything I have ever seen in my entire life.


:frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :sob: :sob:

i’m so bummed


oh dang, the show was on for 10 years? lol totally didn’t know that.

edit: i mean i was probably busy in rl. i’ve heard of got but not seen it. lol :slight_smile:

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I am with you.
My GB toon only has left out of 6 tabs, 3 x stacks of goblin gliders that survived.
No emails or anything.
No logs and nothing left at all.


The show ran for 8 years. But they could be talking about previously reading the books and the show then getting ahead of the books.

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Just wanted to say, the Griswold reference made me smile.


I was thinking this, too. I feel SO sad. It’s nuts. It does feel like a friend did somethin’ bad to me. There’s a real sense of grief, loss. my memories were in that bank. my stuff maybe wasn’t worth much, but it meant a lot to me. :sob: idk what to do. i love healing in the game, but i’m afraid to keep playing?


Someone posted in Bug Report that a GM told them the mail is coming out in batches.

Which is hilarious to think about. Initial wave giving a couple of stacks of cloth = unsub since there’s no official statement outside of some rando’s GM ticket saying the mail is coming out in batches.

So now this disenchanted player who unsubbed and leaves - let’s say the batches of mail thing is indeed true and everything does actually get returned.

Well, they would be unsubbed so they wouldn’t know. Then the mail would expire.

Blizzard’s poor handling and communication is beyond terrible. I think a first grader can do a better job at this point.


See, IF the mail was coming in batches, and they SAID it would take a little time, I would be ok with that. If we were kept infomed and the resolution was adequate by the end.

But so far there is no indiciation of that. But given the poor communication, and the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, there’s no way of telling who’s right.


Everything returned at the rate of one or two items per mail, but only once every 4 days.

This may take a while.


Hey, thank you so much for doing this. :heart:


If “staggered fix” was mentioned originally I’d believe them. Since it was never included in the original update message I’m suspicious. Makes me think that “It’s coming out in batches” is corporate spin used to buy time in the hopes it will all blow over. Given the level of customer support and technical bugs recently this would make more sense to me.


It’s also (remotely, but still) possible that they’ve seen the way this is blowing up and reaching social media, and it won’t just be swept under the rug like they hoped. And someone high up went oh poo, quick let’s say it was always going to be a staggered fix, and that will give us more time to do something.


Except, they haven’t said it’s being staggered. One person saying “a GM” told them this really doesn’t mean anything if it’s not publicly posted for everyone to see. There isn’t even a GM name attached to the claim.

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Yes I know…I’m just speculating on how it could be true if a GM actually did say that. That’s why I said the chance of it being true is remote.

EDIT: At this point, I think they are eventually going to have to do something™. What that something will be I don’t know. But it’s not going to go away like they hoped. The last 2 times they tried the Friday afternoon “make it go away” post it backfired hard. The facebook deal that would result in real names on the fourms. And the WOD “no flying ever again” interview on a third party site that wasn’t even posted here.