Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Yup, I was right.

Radio Silent because they had data loss and were sitting on it for a month because they couldn’t undo it.


Getting mailed, that’s going to take forever to restock running back and for rth from the mailbox…lame.


So this isn’t a hypothetical. There’ve been numerous reports of reputations reset to Neutral since 11.0. These are separate from the display issues which were being reported on just after the patch - the reputations are actually functionally reset to neutral.

The most acknowledgement we’ve gotten of this issue is a bullet point in a support article:

A situation where reputations which have a direct correlation on the opposite faction (such as Battlegrounds factions) are reset to neutral. A hotfix is planned for this issue and it should be resolved for players logging in after that fix soon. Investigations are ongoing for players who experienced the issue and need their reputations fixed.

This was over a month and a half ago, and I’m not aware of any updates. The bug causing resets may have been fixed, but as far as I know, missing reputations haven’t been restored.


I’m Sorry Linxy this is beyond unacceptable HOW are you all even saying it’s a “incomplete” restoration, any respectable software engineer and even programmer knows the concept of snapshots. So you all DEFINITELY can, Your all choosing NOT too. Which frankly feels criminal, how are you telling your customers that “oh we made a mistake but to bad, it’s lost” you all HAVE to make these guilds whole, theirs no excuse.

If you all don’t how can we trust that this won’t happen again EVEN more so now with the warbank system, this isn’t some small private server, your a billion dollar company so you all need to pull in all your resources and fix this correctly not just pass by and put your hands up and say oh well

I am SHOCKED reading this to be honest.


Absolutely unacceptable to just be told that things that went missing on Blizzards end won’t be restored what the hell kind of answer is that?


My problem too is that I had 8 tabs full of stuff and I cannot remember exactly what each spot had, or how many. I know approximately what is missing for the most expensive items, but for mats from old xpacs, I am not sure. I agree they need to do better.


Blizzard taking this many weeks to inform the player base on what was happening with the Guild banks is unacceptable …players should of been told from Blizzard here in the forms what was happening right after finding the issue and tell the players they were working on getting their stuff back to them…to wait almost 5 weeks before any kind of up date is wrong.


What exactly am I going to do with 50 soulbound bags, Blizzard?


Thanks for the update, but this is such a massive blunder. What a shame.


Oh, I’m sorry, EVERYTHING is soulbound.


(post deleted by author)

Ding ding ding…problem found.


Generally, anytime they restore something you will have x amount of days to retrieve it with or without a sub. When you sub back in they should be there if the x amount of days hasn’t passed. However, if you miss that timeframe for ANY reason. I’m talking recovering in the hospital etc, you will never see those items again and they will not care. This is what happened to me, and support gave no Fs.


Can add me to the list of people peacing out because of the disgusting/non existent customer service, and complete garbage this company has become. I was somewhat a fanboy too. Not anymore.



Some communication! OMG! I think I’m going to faint…

Thank you. I will stop yelling at my screen now.
But I probably won’t stop thinking bad-word-things about Blizzard until I see what items they actually restore.


Well, I did get several dozen mails worth of missing Sturdy Expedition Shovels with the guild bank restoration. There seems to be a major problem though. ALL of the shovels had 20 charges when they disappeared, yet now have NO CHARGES on them. In the mail it says the sell prices are 25 gold each. Yet, when I took them out of the mail, they are only worth 1 copper each. These are but a fraction of my missing guild bank goods, yet the only ones I have gotten back.

This isn’t even mentioning that several times since this fiasco started that ALL the gold I’ve been getting weekly from running guild challenges has disappeared. Repeatedly. Last week got the guild bank back over 10k gold, yet its dropped below 3k on possibly Tuesday. No one has access to the guild bank but me. As of today I’ve taken the remaining 2900+/- gold out. When can I expect the weekly loss of gold to be replaced? Or the original balance that was several hundred thousand gold?


Well, I just got one batch of mail from Blizzard CS for one of my guild banks. Before it was wiped out by this ‘bug’ it had thousands of BC mats - multiple stacks of each ore, including the rare and hard to find stuff. Tons of leather, cloth, herbs, etc. A few stacks of gems.

Now - what I got back in the mail thus far is about 4 and 1/2 stacks of Netherweave cloth. That’s it. 4,500-ish cloth. Gee, thanks, Blizz. I kind of think I am done. Maybe it’s for the best. I can find something to spend my money on.


Got a bunch of the bags back. However, all of them are soulbound meaning I can’t put them back into the guild bank…


“We a sorry… sorry… SOOOOORRYYY”

Southpark BP moment eh blizzard?


Make sure when you cancel your sub, you reference this specific issue, in addition to their garbage customer service.