Guild Bank Missing Items Update

From the main body of the post, it’s entirely possible that each CS agent was given a list of items, sent on a scavenger hunt, and are only now realizing it’s not possible to get some of these items.

People don’t even know what will be restored, what percentage of lost items will be restored, or what kind of timeframe people can even expect, and that’s bonkers to me.

What we did learn from this post: they’ve known about it for a month and said nothing.


Oh yeah - and the issue was reported shortly after prepatch launched too. I know I shared feedback early on war banks being fishy. And I told them how I got there too.

This whole thing is a terrible mess made worse by their lack of acknowledgment and communication. Too little, too late.


Also, we’re talking about ~5 data points? Guild name, Tab#s, tab slot#s, item#s, item stack#s. Am I missing anything? That’s not a complicated data set to back up from scratch, and compare against a current data set.


And once we start seeing the numbers of what is and isn’t restored will dictate how we should respond.


But anything other than complete restoration shouldn’t have even been an option on the table.

This is their disaster, and their mistakes.


Indeed, and everything should absolutely be restored.

We just don’t know what to see and expect.

Best case scenario is most of the stuff is restored and we get a Blue Post stating that over the next month(s) they will be manually restoring the rest of the missing items via mail.


So what do you do for guilds that are private like mine which was used to hold extremely rare items?

I had 3/4 of my original lunar festival dresses disappear. They are like 100-250k each on the AH. You cannot get these items anymore in game…

I also had millions in mats…so if a stack of 1000 doesn’t get back to me, ‘sorry mate, it’s our bad’ doesn’t cut it…


Which is why please share your data with everyone once you see what is and isn’t restored.


My issue with this is that a lot of untruths will accompany many legitimate reports of items not being restored.

The onus should be on Blizzard, and it’s incredible that we’re at a point now where we have people who just want to compare losses (this isn’t an attack on you, but rather the state of CS in this game).


First data set: I have a 1 man guild I haven’t logged into that account for a year. I just logged in and nothing was missing. 6 tabs of mostly full old expansion stuff. So my guess is guilds that had active login activity took a hit on the bank.

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This would be an acceptable followup as part of their response.


I’ve already taken everything left and moved it to mules. None of them are using reagent tabs, and none of them are using their personal banks. Everything is in bags in their carried inventory.

Maybe the real banks were the alts we made during Remix and Echoes…


I dont accept “some” I want all or nothing to be honest you ripped the players off with a mistake or bug I’m the leader of a guild (mostly my alts for more storage) and i noticed this when it first happened because my bank was sorted to materials in order from expansion so all that gold I spent on mats and time I spent farming stacks of 100’s of materials for old tmogs (since im a collector) are just gone because you made a mistake adn whats with the “restoration for some guilds” so not all of the people effected getting stuff back just wow… thats like saying “we know we made a mistake nothing we can do, live with it sorry you wasted your time and gold and maybe even money if you bought that gold with the token but your time was wasted not ours so keep playing and get it again ohhhh and thank you for the patience for us to admit it” but you dont have to worry about me wanting anything back cause this forever will be etched in my mind as blizzard stealing from its customers


Blizz you need to sharpen your pencils, try a little harder, and find the missing data. This is not acceptible.

If your 401(k) balance - something that is probably entirely digital to you - went missing, would you settle for anything but a full restoration? Would you accept someone telling you, sorry it got deleted? How would you even feel if it took the bank a month just to admit there’s an issue?..

Ineptitude at every level. Worse, it seems like you really don’t care about what you’ve done.


I have FIVE FULL TABS of items, Blizzard. No response from your team for a month. Absolutely disgusting.


While I agree that the communication could and should be improved across the board, us EU players have to come to the US forums to provide feedback or get information all the time. 9 times out of 10 the blues ignore the EU forums.


Also, Blizzard? Some of us have been collecting stuff for 20 years. Since day one. We’re loyal. And now you’re saying after a month of radio silence an incomplete restoration is all you can do? We’re talking mounts, pets, BOEs, mats. All gone. Thousands of items. With just this crap update? Wtf? Literally wtf? How can we have any confidence going forward that our stuff isn’t going to POOF and all we get is a “my bad” from some intern a month later? I’m pissed.


I had BOE starter shirts that literally don’t drop anymore from vanilla. Gone. Yeah to hell with this. Account cancelled.


My sub is expiring soon. Will the mail item retrieval only be triggered when the guild leader first logs in? Or will they all go out at once for all guilds regardless if the guild leader has an active sub or not?

I know previous Customer Support restorations have like a 180 day deletion timeframe or something.


Thank you for the update.

edit: I think Blizzard recovered 5 mild spices for Team Murloc.

7 rows, 14 columns, 7 tabs is 686 slots, many holding stacked items. Most of us packratting little players lost hundreds of items in their silent snafu.