Guild Bank Missing Items Update

You didn’t get your 2 stacks of worthless cloth and a stack of fish like I did? I didn’t even lose those items.


I got a couple dozen out of several hundred stacks back on Friday and nothing since then.

I have lost other items but I have no idea exactly what or how many. Of those I got precisely one Hanzo Sword back in the mail.


Honestly, the emails that people that actually lost a lot of stuff got, it would’ve been less insulting if they had just gotten an email with a middle finger emoji.


I don’t know if I got NOTHING back, or they haven’t got to my guild bank yet.

But with 7 tabs ALL empty, from hundreds of slots and tens of thousands of mats, I have got nothing back.


EU realms get handled differently cause there is chance Blizzard would be in big do-do over in Europe rules on how a gaming company works there…some high end laws and that…that the US area doesn’t have…

On my two characters that have my personal guild banks, they each got a few things all at once and nothing since. From what they say and what players are saying, if you got anything once, that is all you are gonna get.


Probably just a matter of time until Blizz locks this thread too, can’t have people saying anything negative about how they run things. Shows they are paying attention, they just won’t communicate anything and would rather everyone ignore this issue.


Except…EU is getting blown off with a couple junk items as “restoration” just like we are.


if they don’t have an answer what do you want them to say.

this forum is 99 percent people complaining about blizzard and the game lol what are you smoking

We want them to acknowledge the seriousness of the issue, give some idea of the failure that allowed it to happen, assure people it will not happen again, and provide SOME sort of PROPER apology and compensation.


They seem to be giving things back through the mail to the guild leader.

I thought that was odd since they restored things lost in the Warband Bank directly.

Wow I didn’t hear about that yet…that is a damn shame I would of thought the EU would have bit more bite they could put too Blizzard about lost stuff from the banks. Its damn sorry this has happened now to anyone …

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they have done that. so not sure why you are crying. do you think they are happy with what happened? dear lord. some of you think you are entitled to the sun and moon i swear

They could of damn well acknowledged the issue by a blue poster early on when it all started instead of ignoring the whole issues for weeks and weeks…


did they know what was causing it and how to fix it then? no? thats what i thought.

NO they didn’t not for weeks and weeks…nothing was said by them or what was happening…


They found out with in a few days the issue but didn’t tell anyone tell 5 weeks later …and players are only getting back a small faction of what they lost and I mean small as in less then .00000000% back…guilds have lost everything …the tabs are completely empty


No, they haven’t. They still haven’t. There has been no proper apology or any compensation, and a lot of long time players are leaving. If you think this response has been “acceptable”, all I can say is stay out of any customer service job, or you will immediately run the company into the ground.

And yes, expecting the items we collect in the game to remain is “entitled”. Go away. Noone wants to hear your shilling. Go do it somewhere else, the adults are talking now.


did you no read the blue post at the top?