Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I pointed out earlier some simple math:

  • Suppose there are 1 billion objects in WoW
  • Suppose that it takes 1 kB to track the creation/modification/deletion of each object
  • This = 1 PB (petabyte)
  • 1 PB of “frequent access” S3 costs about $200,000/yr, but there will be a great discount to that (ballpark 70%), and the frequent access tier is probably not what’s needed either
  • $200,000/7M = $0.03/customer per year

This gives you an idea of the order of magnitude of the expense of maintaining logs for this activity. It’s not expensive.

To add more context to that, WOW is an SQL database. Specifically, Oracle.

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Right. If for some reason object modification uses stored procedures, basic best practices will be to log those calls to a table then roll that table off into a text file.

Also: Oracle is brutally expensive and everyone despises dealing with them. A lot of organizations migrate off of it even when it takes years. AWS/Amazon is 100% Oracle-free now I believe and that was a truly epic effort.


Is this really that last response from a “Blue” on this incident?? After almost a thousand responses from unhappy (if not irate and/or outraged) customers?


Earlier, I posted my own thread, wherein I listed the items that disappeared:

I also logged my own ticket:

Of the several THOUSAND items stolen (yes, STOLEN) from this specific Guild Bank by this glitch, I have received, to date, precisely NOTHING. No items restored, no other form of compensation. Just a pro forma apology issued from the executives on high, to be distributed by the GMs down to us unwashed masses of angry paying customers.

Congratulations, Blizzard, on becoming TRULY part of the Microsoft family of customer-indifferent corporations!


Ok so the EU forums work a little differently. They have a big thread in their CS forum which had been getting blue responses. And now like us, they also have a sticky in the general forum giving the same info as the one here.

CS thread

General thread

That way we can easily keep track of how our friends across the pond are handling the situation (since they’re having the same issue).


It is clear they don’t want to put in the man-hours necessary to make full restoration.

It doesn’t take many man-hours to provide some form of compensation. These items at the very least represent time spent, and we pay money to spend time in this game. Game time might be nice. I’m not a big money maker and I would be fine with a couple million in gold, but I know there are those who lost much more. Some people have suggested giving people special items they can’t get. Maybe give people one “wish” so to speak.

It doesn’t take many man-hours to properly apologize. A proper apology requires admitting specific fault. I personally see two main faults: Not properly testing feature that affect major infrastructure of the game. And esentually gaslighting players; making them think the items were safe and would be returned for over a month. “I’m sorry” is empty. “I’m sorry that I did (specific things) to you”, is more meaningful. Blizzard, you hurt people, and you continue to hurt people.

I think the apology should be as public as it can be. Instead of posting “what’s your favorite spec” on facebook, they should post their apology for all to see. Do that on all the social media.


The funny thing is, MySQL is capable of handling WOW’s back end just fine. And since they are both standard SQL, such a conversion would be possible.

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In order to support a dataset that large a lot of features beyond SQL have to be involved so it always turns out to be much more complex to migrate than expected, and usually it’s expected to be hard to begin with.

I personally am a PostgreSQL person ever since Oracle got involved in MySQL, but MariaDB is certainly an option for an alternative.

That is for damn sure.


Oh awesome, I’m going to replace MySQL on my Gentoo server with that, since it’s basically a drop-in replacement.

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There was a HUGE thread in the Bug category about the guild bank deleted items, that was still getting posts, until an hour ago when Blizzard locked and closed it…

This incident has had 3 major phases, and now they getting ready for the 4th phase:

Phase 1: Delete their items.
Phase 2: Do nothing and don’t acknowledge anything; wait nearly 2 months.
Phase 3: Post about “incomplete restorations” starting, but days later no one has gotten anything restored.
Phase 4: Bury this issue. Just make it go away.


As many others have stated, I lost EVERY item in SEVEN tabs in the guild bank. I received back, about 20 stacks (which seems to be better than most) of the HUNDREDS of stacks, unique items, mounts, pets, gear, etc.

What will be the compensation for this? Literally MILLIONS of gold worth of items… just gone? And you say “sorry”??

This isn’t good enough. You should be able to track the guilds that are affected by this and just drop some huge in their guild bank as compensation. Or a year of free play time. SOMETHING. Just a slap on the rear and “good game” isn’t going to cut it.


Actually, I would rate Microsoft CS as better than Blizzard CS, here’s why:

  • usually a real-life human being (who may or may not have an Indian/foreign accent) answers the phone after a short wait with Microsoft support, compared to Blizzard ticket responses sometimes taking 1-2 weeks
  • the real-life human being (despite the Indian accent) usually walks you thru your software issue/problem step-by-step and produces a fix/solution for you right there over the phone… while the first/initial ticket response from Blizzard is usually a “generic” automated message that doesn’t fix/do anything for your ticket issue(s)
  • with Microsoft CS you get thru to a real-life human being “on the first try” (either thru phone or chat), but on the other hand with Blizzard CS tickets they usually need to be “escalated” or “appealed” a few times before a real-life human being actually looks at it
  • typically with Microsoft CS you will get restored/made whole, but apparently Blizzard’s new policy is something along the lines of “we can’t do anything, tough luck” with players NOT made whole/properly compensated when a loss occurs
  • etc

The last time I had a software issue (related to Office 2019) and needed help getting restored, the official Microsoft support line got me all hooked up/restored and the entire phone call took only like 18 minutes start-to-finish, was nice and quick… none of this “waiting weeks to hear something back” like we’ve witnessed with this guild banks issue


The bug report thread getting locked isn’t actually a problem, IF this thread continues to exist and not be locked. If this thread is locked, then your phase 4 will happen.

There really isn’t any need to have 2 threads in 2 separate locations about it. It is counterproductive and makes the issue more difficult to track. It’s far better to have all of the discussion about it consolidated into one post. I don’t fault them for this.

At this point, we’re just waiting. The backlash about this has reached social media and gaming sites, so they aren’t going to be able to ignore it. This is a huge blight on an otherwise great expansion. This puts into question Blizzard’s ability to continue to run the game at all.


Good points, I agree.

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I don’t know if you consider it a “major phase” but it all started with items that could not be moved in the guild bank. There were a few threads on that for a couple days before things disappeared.

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I remember that. I would suddenly be unable to use the guild bank, the items were there but could not be interacted with. At the time it just seemed like a weird UI glitch. Of course now we know better.

However, it turns out it didn’t matter if you ever actually accessed the guild bank during the breakage time or not. The data loss happened on the server side whether your bank was ever accessed or not.


Has anyone received multiple installments of “lost item” mails, like several hours apart, or is it all one and done? I ask because of the tens of thousands of items I lost, many no longer dropping in game, all I received was a single mail over 30 hours ago containing… one fish. :upside_down_face:


MS became a much more civilized and open company quite some time ago, WSL being the most obvious sign of that, but it was happening much earlier. They changed their tune following the DoJ lawsuit c. 2001 and Apple took over the “pita monopolist” title.

They’ve always been a good place to work since basically the 1980s. You don’t usually hear Apple employees saying that.

Unacceptable imo. I received 3 stacks of reagents back out of probably hundreds that went missing in the guild bank

Nope, emails were one and done. Got pretty much nothing back. I received a couple of odds and ends that were no more than 5% of what I lost. Which, granted, wasn’t all that much in my case because I didn’t really have anything of value in my guild banks (fortunately for me).