EVERYTHING in guild bank is GONE

Six tabs, once filled with thousands of useful reagents, all empty, because of a “glitch.”

To say that I am livid is a gross understatement. This is far, far more than a mere “glitch” – this is a major failure of the game client. And as such, it deserves a major response.

I would like to know what the heck happened and why, and how soon we can get this fixed, New toons (ex.Timerunners) are in need of some of those lost reagents, and it will waste many hours of otherwise happy playtime to manually re-gather those missing reagents.

Someone there at Blizzard needs to lose their job for this failure.

(Edit) . . .

Here is a synopsis of my lost items.


  • Each and every Cooking reagent from “Vanilla”
  • Each and every Cooking reagent from Burning Crusade
  • Each and every Cooking reagent from Wrath
  • Each and every Cooking reagent from Mists of Pandaria


  • Each and every “raw” gemstone from “Vanilla”
  • Each and every “raw” gemstone from Burning Crusade
  • Each and every “raw” EPIC gemstone from Wrath
  • Each and every “raw” EPIC gemstone from Cataclysm
  • Each and every “raw” EPIC gemstone from Mists of Pandaria
  • Each and every “raw” EPIC gemstone from Warlords of Draenor
  • Each and every “raw” EPIC gemstone from Legion

Caged Pets:

  • (Since these have not been selling on the Auction House, and since the NPC Breani is not offering any kind of shelter for surplus pets, I am actually OK with these specific items not being returned, to be honest.)

In most cases, the bank had just one stack of each item in question (and not necessarily a full stack either). Still, we are talking anywhere of many dozens to several hundreds within each stack. This bank held the majority of gathering of such items over a period of more than fifteen years! (I’ve been playing since Burning Crusade.)


If you haven’t already, please add your issue to the main thread on this.

Blizzard has acknowledged the issue, but there is no ETA as yet.

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I am already aware there are numerous other threads about guild banks missing some items. Thank you.

Most of those other threads state that some (or even many) items and/or gold are missing. My thread is to document the loss of ALL the items (and gold!) from that guild bank.

Furthermore, the specific thread you linked does not appear to have any response from Blizzard. In fact, to the best of my recollection, NONE of these threads I’ve seen have received any official acknowledgement from Blizzard.

Thanks, any way.


Here is my post on that thread you linked…