Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Pretty sure they are aware, but there is currently gold missing from warband banks.

I think they’re saying don’t use it, because if you lose something, good luck to you.


So big PSA to everyone here.

What this means is even if they do take backups of the data for their live service… whether they are capable or not, they’re not going to use those backups to make you whole.

There is always a way as long as the data exist… but it’s likely too “expensive” to do it… and we’re all not worth the time and effort.

You have to decide if this level of service is acceptable to you or not. Consider my trust broken.


If it is anything less than 95% of items it’s going to be damning.


Yes, but given they have confirmed actual data loss - I wouldn’t trust any system that spans multiple realms.


Well, some of the info in logs has come back; says I deposited some slap rocks, bat guano, pocket lint, some ears. Nothin’ in any of the tabs. Still blank. :sob:

edit: Some letters from friends from Vanilla were in there.


See, I knew you knew!

You’re probably right, I was too quick on the draw… I do agree with them as well. I lost everything in the warband bank as well when the expansion was launched but thankfully that’s been restored but I haven’t touched it either since. I haven’t put anything in any bank since then, my trust is completely gone at this point, I’ve been ah’ing or vendoring everything


All my alt guild banks were among those affected and the ones that held collectibles such as hard to obtain / removed gear were especially affected by this issue.  That it’s quite likely I won’t get all of them restored is… genuinely upsetting.

I appreciate the update, Linxy, even though it’s not entirely good news.


Please do let us know how many of the items (if any) aren’t returned.

Once we get data of what % of items are restored we can start to see how bad this is.

Here’s hoping everything, or close enough to everything, is restored.


This reply honestly hurt to read.

You clearly care about this game, and I’m genuinely sorry you’re going through this. It’s incredibly upsetting.


This is how I feel right now. I used to save lots of mats and misc items in my alt only gbank and now warbank, but seeing how easily that can disappear has made me not want to hold anything longer than necessary. I hope they do more to restore our confidence in this because what is the point of playing an MMO with unstable memory.


I had a bunch of stuff that isn’t in the game anymore. I hope that is all returned. This is very upsetting.


Thank you for giving us an update, it’s been long anticipated. I now know we can use the vault once again, which will help declutter my warbank.

In the future, please don’t hold back and respond here, on your platform. I don’t tweet or visit the EU forums well… ever.


Blizz pay attention. Something as quick as a few lines posted to acknowledge the issue would have gone a long way.

Do better.


I’d like to ask what Blizzard expects us, as players, to do going forward in case a situation like this happens again. (I know that this particular issue is now fixed, but who can say or guarantee that nothing like this could happen again in the future.)

Going forward, should GM’s of guilds make it a practice to screenshot every tab of the guild bank before every expansion launch, every patch launch, every game update, every scheduled maintenance, and/or every weekly reset?

And then should the GM’s screenshot the same tabs afterwards, so just in case there’s an issue, a comparison between the before and after screenshots could be used to prove what disappeared? Of course, that assumes that Blizzard would accept those screenshots as sufficient evidence of what was lost so it can be restored via a ticket, which who knows if that would even be allowed or possible.

What about our WarBanks, should individual players do the same type of thing? Or even our own personal banks and reagent banks, or even the contents of our bags or what might be sitting in the mail?

If players can’t trust that Blizzard is going to be able to do something to restore things in situations like this, doesn’t that put the onus on the players to protect themselves?

Or does each of us have to make a conscious decision that we are just going to trust Blizzard at the risk that we have a repeat of this situation and just accept the chances that we could lose stuff that is difficult, time consuming, expensive, or even impossible to replace or have Blizzard restore?

Frankly, despite this update, I really think that someone way higher up the food chain at Blizzard needs to come out an address this situation, and in particular address:

  1. what will be done to prevent the loss of items from happening again,
  2. what will be done to avoid the permanent loss of items again, to ensure lost items can be recovered/restored, and
  3. what will be done to address the permanent loss of items this time to the players/guilds affected.

Players have made a significant investment in this game, both in terms of real money spent and in terms of the time spent to progress in the game. Blizzard management needs to make the case as to why players should trust Blizzard going forward that those investments by the players won’t be permanently lost for reasons outside of our control.

/moo :cow:


Why will it be an incomplete restoration? I know you guys do snapshots/backups. This isn’t just “missing items”, it’s thousands of hours of my life over the last 20 years farming and collecting these items and mats, on top of paying a monthly subscription fee.


Communication is really easy. Its something that could be done every week that goes by. Something like “were aware, were looking into still, were still working on it”.

Silence until you find a solution doesnt make people feel good about a situation. It makes people feel like you dont care. So maybe show that you care by communication.


I wasn’t effected, but I am really concerned about this. You lost data. I have characters on my list that I never remembered making other than like to sign a guild charter back in the day and deleted. Player data is supposed to be very secure with you and we have always felt secure that ‘blizz can restore it’. Now I am wondering if our data is secure after all. This should never have happened and I hope you compensate those affected because it was their hard work that was lost, not because their guild was hacked or stolen from but because of your incompetence in launching warbound banks. It’s scary.


I don’t expect they will share a reason. It likely comes down to reduced support staff, hard to know who lost things, takes time to get the backup and find what to restore. Time is money as they say. Blizzard doesn’t respect your time but they will always take your money.


You’re right. :grimacing:

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