Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Did this earlier, will prob check again later, and fly a few laps around Dornogal before I log out in sadness and disgust.


I saw this post and decided to check my guild banks. One of my banks was for sure affected as 80% of the items are missing, mostly transmog and ore from previous expansions. I have received no mail with any restored items.

This is completely unacceptable Blizzard. Storage is one of the most vital components in an MMO. How could you be so negligent? Worst of all it looks like you are making little to no effort to make the players whole.


This is exactly why they need to back up and get this right. They can’t just let this mess settle the way it is.


I literally edit and create pixel art for retro-style video games. Anyone with basic knowledge of how to do that would know how to forge a screenshot that’s nearly impossible to distinguish from one that is legitimate. Given a few days, I can whip up a screenshot of my guild bank filled with only spectral tiger mounts. I don’t blame Blizzard one slight bit for not trusting screenshots, and in fact, it is wise of them to do so.


exactly. there has to be accountibility and responsibility taken. acknowledgement and regular communication too. sometimes these are the only things people want and the actual items in this case aren’t the issue. it’s the accountability and if that was taken, i’m sure people would be more willing to let the issue of missing items go.


Just adding to the woes here… As a guild leader I have recieved nothing via in game mail. Bank remains completely empty.

You are all right, the feeling of whats the point is starting to creep in, if they dont have a way to restore from backup, how are we to know that anything we do in game is “safe”.


The answer is simple: we can’t. All we can know, is they do not care about, nor respect us enough, to make this right.


The Blizzard we knew is no more. It is now all Microsoft. Microsoft bought Activision solely for the Call of Duty franchise. Blizzard was just a side note. Microsoft doesn’t give a darn about Blizzard or WoW. This is evidenced by this and all the other blunders that have happened alongside of them laying of hundreds and hundreds of people from specifically Blizzard.

Some of you, however, can might still be able to get some recompense. There is an on-going Class Action lawsuit against Blizzard. If you have a Facebook account, you can join the lawsuit. It will cost you nothing to join it. They get paid if they win the case. The issue in the lawsuit is that Blizzard shared lots of very personal info with Facebook, including when you made your purchases and subscription histories. You can find the lawsuit on ClassAction dot org. (remove the word dot and put in the dot there) (I cannot link 3rd party websites here) In the search bar, type in “video games” then scroll down and find the one for Blizzard. It is free to join the lawsuit.

You might be able to get some compensation one way or another.


Why do people keep doing this. It’s never Blizz its <Bobby/Microsoft>

No, its Blizzard.

Microsoft didn’t tell them to not restore our items. Microsoft didn’t say to code poorly and break the game.

This is blizzard.


How is Blizzard going to know which guilds have the missing items? I’m assuming that pretty much all guilds have missing items? More importantly, when can the guild leaders of the guilds with missing guild bank items expect to receive the lost items? My guild lost a lot of crafting items so I was just wondering what the time frame for the items being mailed to the guild leaders will be.

100% this. If it’s true that they fixed it for a few people, then they COULD have fixed it for everyone - it would have been time-consuming and expensive. But they sure liked saving money by letting a bunch of people go who may have been able to prevent this or help fix it or at the very least, have the hands to get it done. They don’t want to do it because we are not worth it to them. Those of us who pay the sub, who play the game, and who might buy in-game items are not the real customers. We are the products to be sold to shareholders. And if they lose a few products in an effort to keep making more money for their REAL customers, then so be it.

I too am filled with despair, especially when I go to my first bank toon. 7 tabs. Had been full of cloth, bolts of cloth, enchanting mats, elementals (you know, motes, primals, volatiles, essences, etc.), dungeon/raid drops (chaos orb, primordial saronite), other misc. mats often used for tailoring/enchanting (righteous orbs, felblight, pearls, various spider silks) and so much more from Vanilla through Shadowlands, TONS of recipes, misc items (like bags that were dropped by mobs, items needed to get the Legendary Fishing Pole - mostly keeping for friends).

It felt great just knowing that I had whatever I needed for any mogs, or any guildie or friend who might want to do something with an old expansion profession, or maybe I wanted to make a bunch of enchant illusions. I LOVED adding to my collection after say, Timewalking runs. Now, when I get those items, I am reminded of how empty the whole thing is. How much I lost.

Last night I actually went out trying to get linen cloth, wool . . . and thought, WTF am I doing? Not only might it all disappear once again, but I’m putting my OWN GAME TIME that I am PAYING FOR trying to fix the issue that THEY CAUSED and are REFUSING TO REMEDY (though not really - no way I could get 18 years worth of mats - not even as a level 80 since the drop rates of those things can be terrible and very random). I just didn’t want to see all of those empty spots anymore because doing so makes me feel devastated. And knowing that this is probably it - I’m not getting anything other than ONE KIND of enchanting mat (which btw, I already HAD in the bank as it was one of the VERY FEW THINGS that was left) . . . I don’t know what to say.

This was done because they rushed things, because they didn’t care to test it enough, they didn’t care that they were shipping a subpar product that actually ERASED progress (collection) of so many years. And rather than fix it for all of the affected people, it’s possible that they “fixed” it for the influential people so that they wouldn’t talk about it.

(EDITED for bad grammer/spelling)


Salt 2 is on sale on Steam right now. Just saying.


Actually CIOs are going to look at Microsoft and wonder why one of their premiere customer facing products cannot do Enterprise level recovery of data, when deciding to purchase their Enterprise products or not.


I know! :fearful:

Knowing that our stuff can just be lost, is a very demotivating thing indeed.

One reason why I don´t raid anymore or do pvp, it´s worthless after a season as they call it. At least the transmogs, pets or mounts, achievements seemed save, but as we can see now, they are not either.


you think wow is one of Microsoft’s premiere products?

From Vanilla hey ? lol hang on when were guild banks created again ? xD

You mean like getting absolutely nothing back from multiple tabs that were full of stuff, granted originally I was more in the camp of that I was just hoping to get all the Warlock green fire tomes I’ve collected and bought off the auction house over the years back so that I could use them for my newer Warlocks and when I make more Warlocks but this whole situation has been disappointing due to the fact I like many others haven’t gotten even a bolt of cloth back.

I feel that Blizzard knows exactly what we had in our guild banks just like they know what we do on every character, what content we have done or not done, quests, etc. but you just don’t wanna put in the time, effort or money to actually restore everything for everyone that lost stuff including myself to make us whole which just isn’t a good look at all because it’s shady.

After this experience I don’t even trust you when you say that this issue has been resolved because I don’t know if I spend the time, effort and gold/real world money to refill up all of my guild bank tabs if this will just happen all over again so from here on out my guild bank tabs will stay empty and I will just send the essentials from character to character as I need them it’s very sad that it has to be like that but it’s also very true.


Yes. Even if its not, it is. Perception is Reality, and its Microsoft’s for the last YEAR.

EDIT: Reputation is key, any company that loses that does not do well.

If you can’t keep your own house in order, why should someone else trust you enough to buy your products to keep their house in order?

CIOs look at things in a certain way.

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They’re apparently willing to do a “full” restore and make you whole… IF you happen to be at least a semi-popular streamer

Already heard 1 or 2 reports of streamers who mentioned in offhand comments that they were affected by the bug, but were actually restored/made whole

Unrelated to the guild banks bug issue, but earlier today I was watching Liquid’s RWF stream over on twitch and a Game Master (GM) literally logged in/made an appearance right there in the raid live on the air to sort out some sort of bug/issue they were having, right there on-the-spot. And on a Sunday no less, proving they do indeed have some sort of 24/7 team capable of fixing bugs on-the-fly :thinking:

So on the one hand, us “regular” players get total silence and are made to wait a month or more to even get an update - but these top 1%'er players get their bug(s) fixed IMMEDIATELY, and apparently by hand/manually (…which they imply they can’t do in this thread)! Just the sheer disparity in customer service/response time between “regular” players vs streamers is the size of the Grand Canyon :laughing:


want to ask a Tech question about this issue If I were to kick all the toons out of guild would it fix the glitch?