Guild Bank Missing Items Update

No, this is the ultimate in “this game is officially dead” memes.

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It is to me for sure. I already cancelled, have time until 10/8, have logged in every night since the blue post, but can’t even bring myself to play.

And, for me, not even about the items, but the complete destruction of any trust or good faith in the game and company running it.

Honestly, better off playing a free knockoff game on knockoff servers, your data would have the same integrity it does on official game/servers, but without the sub fees.


The larger problem here, other than the fact that the company gutted all it’s talent:

Think of how much the game changed from Vanilla to BFA.
Then think of how many changes they made to the game from Shadowlands to War Within. I mean MAJOR changes.

Chromie Time, Cross Trade, Cross Faction, Cross Guild, Faster Leveling, Follower Dungeons, Dragonflying — etc etc etc right?

These changes are all fine IF they don’t try to squeeze development into a certain time frame … like lets say it’s 18-20 months per Xpac they are shooting for?

Whether it’s a book, movie, T.V Show or a video game – when you have this “It HAS to be done by THIS time” attitude … quality suffers."

Personally Warcraft is such an immense game, there is plenty to go back and do during content droughts. I mean … you could even go play their other 20 games.


Just as long as you don’t try to collect any stuff.

Storage is volatile in this game apparently, your sub fee does not include any backups or data integrity


I was, kinda trying to be nicer, since this really sucks and its first day of fall, …that is good.

But ya. Is hilarious what those sites refuse to write.

The WOW servers could shut down for a week, and they would write “WoW server outage surprises players; players thank Blizzard as they catch up on chores”


At this point, should the restoration be considered complete? There is still the “checkerboard” of missing items on one tab I know had been mostly full, and at least one stack of missing Volatile Fire from a prior expansion. I never had screenshots, but I would estimate there were probably 3 dozen missing items/stacks in one bank, but I got 8 or so mails of items back. Even if my memory is bad, and I only had 2 dozen missing items, that’s still only a 33% restoration, with some items requiring a lot of time/effort to try and replace.

If the “restoration” is complete at this time, what recourse exists for the other missing items we know were there, even if we don’t have proof? After all, I never considered the need to take detailed screenshots of logs/bank over the years to try and keep for possible later proof.

I know you, personally, are not responsible, and having to deal with a lot of disappointment/frustration from the player base. But thousands of players spent nearly two months dealing with an extremely frustrating issue, with practically zero communication. And now that we get communication/resolution, it is extremely lacking in the fullness of making us whole again.


That’s exactly why this game is failing. The game is being tailored to the influencers and streamers, and the fact that they get priority treatment when issues arise, further reinforces this. These are the people who level to level cap each expansion within the first day or two, try to blow through as much of the new content as fast as possible, and then get bored until the next content patch arrives. I’ve been playing a LONG time, as you can tell from just simply looking at my profile. I remember when there might be 2-3 patches PER EXPANSION, and that was it. Patches weren’t intended to stagger content, but rather to make major updates, major changes, etc. such as the things you’re talking about. This entire “seasons” setup is annoying, and a product of eSports. I don’t want content to be “seasonal”, especially in a game like this.
… and that is precisely the point. Many of these streamers and eSports monkeys hardly ever do old content. This game used to be a fun and immersive MMO, and it has now turned into an unironic parody of a virtual “sport”. It’s painful to watch, knowing what the game used to be like. I can honestly say, I’m essentially here BECAUSE I have been for awhile, and likely if I was a newcomer, I wouldn’t touch this game with a 10 foot stick. This is not to mention the decline in customer service, but that’s another matter.


They may have just done the math: How much will it cost to assign a team of employees to go through all the data and restore the items by hand vs. how much in subscription money will we lose when these people unsub.


That’s why everyone that didn’t get 100% restored needs to cancel their sub, and not buy into World of Deletecraft anymore.

To do otherwise is to say it’s ok to do this to us, and any further complaints, while still handing over money, will fall on deaf ears. Not that it appears that they’re listening anyway, tbh.


I understand what you are saying – but I still enjoy the game.

I lost maybe 100 million … but I still have like 800-900 million in inventory, 175 toons, almost 1000 pets, 960 mounts per toon and i’m subbed on 4 accounts for a year …

I mean … I want to quit, but I didn’t lost quite enough to do so. I would be losing so much more by leaving.

Other than maybe reclaiming a part of my life …

The ironic thing is — I was thinking of dumping to resellers start of War Within. Then this whole fiasco made me feel like I don’t want to dump. Blizzard dumped for me, I just got nothing out of it.

There is ANOTHER bug going on where for many of us, guild logs stopped working 7 months ago.

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For my guild, the logs don’t go back beyond 10 months, which seemed bizarre to me because I thought for sure they went back years.

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These deleted items have devasted me. What has been a positive 19 years playing World of Warcraft is suddenly replaced with gut wrenching feelings of despair.

I do not believe that they can’t restore the items. I believe they either don’t care, or don’t want to pay the programmers to work on it, because there is no way they don’t have snapshots, backups, or logs.

If guild bank items can be lost and they do nothing, then mount collections, titles, achievements, and entire characters can be lost too.




A much better stance on the issue is to state something along the lines of…

“We initially failed to provide an adequate restoration, we have found a way to make everyone whole again and will be applying this fix throughout some period of time. Rest assured you will see your items again.”

Anything short of that is really a vote of no confidence in this company.


I just got an error message when I tried to view it: “Your warband bank is currently being used my another member of your warband.”


Probably deleting the rest of your stuff, and sending you 187 silk cloth as compensation.


I think this is why I can’t even bring myself to play even though I have a few weeks of sub left.


Warbands works like your pet collection. Whichever account is signed in first is the one that is using it.

I logged in yesterday to do the Mereldar Derby. Got maybe twenty minutes in and I thought, “Why am I doing this?” Flew around for a bit, then thought about running a delve - “What’s the point doing in a delve?” Settled on a few four minute runs through Baradin Hold to finish sets - “There’s zero point in this.”

Haven’t logged in today except for a five second mailbox check that I already knew the results of.

There’s no reason to play the game. I don’t raid or pvp; I prefer questing, gathering, and other solo content. Everything new is just too buggy, and old stuff… well, we’ve seen what can happen to that.