Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Maybe Blizzard was like – well we have an inflation problem anyway. Let’s not spend the time to give them back their stuff.

I agree but where would you even put all that stuff that is likely soulbound? I certainly do not have enough bag space nor even close to it.

Now I am going to have nightmare about that eventual change …

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I actually lost the rooster. Other things too, but the rooster was the most gutting thing to have go missing during all this. If I could get one thing back out of all this I’d choose to have the rooster egg returned. Most of everything else lost I can get back with a wow token’s worth of gold and some AH luck. Losing the magic rooster egg is the worst I’ve felt in warcraft in a long long time.


I am almost 70. Been playing since early BC, and I am not a M+ or a cutting edge anything. I loved to collect achievements, mounts, pets, mats for my professions. The point is we don’t all play the same way. We find our sweet spot & enjoy our time playing.

I have 14 guilds for alts, professions, collections of pets, mounts, cosmetics, BOEs, etc to share or sell. EVERY guild of mine has been ravaged by this. Herbs, ores, pets, mounts, cloth everything has either been wiped out or looks like a checkerboard of empty squares that were full. One stack of nertherweave cloth or some meat from WOD does NOT fix this. Not even a little.

My guild on Terokkar (Winds of Twilight) was a full 6 tabs of all of the air, water, fire, earth, shadow, life plus raegents like bloods, frozen orbs, etc from every expansion. Also in this bank were archaeology keys from every expansion, all the expensive “junk” they made us farm to get DF mounts, mogs, & pets etc…you know those expensive sinews, femurs, jaws, feathers, etc with the horrible RNG droprates & nasty AH prices. It was full of so many years worth of things I used across all my alts & professions, for fine old recipes & schematics from long ago like “Lifelike Mechanical Toad” & the original “Tranquil Mechanical Yeti”. That guild bank was completely wiped out. 6 tabs of absolutely NOTHING LEFT & no gold. Not even a token sinew, air, or fire in the mail. Nothing. (I have lost millions worth of items)

This is absolutely unacceptable. And they offer no compensation. Disgusting :frowning:


Like, the way they fixed things is unacceptable. A simple “we can’t return items but we are going to give a compensation” of some sort than “we will return what we can” and it be like… garbage health potions I feel would have been better.

I’m so sorry you lost the rooster. This whole situation has just bee absolutely horrible.


3 Frostweave cloth out of 700 slots lol How depressing is that?
Rip the rare and removed from game transmog


Has anyone gotten a response from customer support on whether or not they will dupe or restore more items?

The only recourse is to cancel subscriptions. If you were affected by this, and continue to pay them a subscription, you are telling them it’s ok for them to do this, and you’ll still pay.

I’ve been playing since shortly before BC launched, only took a break during BfA, so it’s a bit of a system shock for me not to have my comfort game to fall back on, but this company cannot be trusted. They don’t give a single crap about their customers, and who knows what they’ll mess up next. After losing 7 near-full tabs of a whole assortment of items, with radio silence for over a month, only to be told “yeah, we deleted that stuff, you won’t be getting it all back”, i wil never give them a dime of my money for anything ever again, as sad as it makes me.


GameRant author wrote an article on this.

They noted that “Player reaction has been mixed”

And. This is why those gaming review sites are dying.


Mixed…between outrage and devastation? Lol


Sure, but at the same time a lot of people legitimately lost varying amounts of things in their GBs.

One friend of mine has 4-5. He’s lost varying amounts of materials or items he spent time to get, and he’s pissed. Don’t think he’s even gotten anything back from the supposed “restoration” yet.

For some people this is a mild to moderate inconvenience. For some others, this a nightmarish situation in relation to their time spent in the game getting things that just vanished overnight.


absolutely. it is a HUGE failure and i don’t blame anyone who is extremely upset. blizzard absolutely needs to come up with a better response than “oops, our bad”.

but demanding that they accept screenshots or text copies of guild bank logs or whatever is a nonstarter. not going to happen for reasons i think should be obvious.


I’m disappointed that Kotaku hasn’t picked it up.

Bear in mind that even Fortune magazine runs the occasional article about WoW.

So the silence is deafening.


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What was it, 800 guilds? Think if every GM sent him an email, it might motivate him to say something about it.


You forgot the other half of the sentence, which makes the whole sentence even more disgusting:

“The news received a mixed response from World of Warcraft players, but some thanked Blizzard for providing an update on the guild bank issues.”


That’s the harsh reality.

Blizzard has no practical way to “make it right”.

They can either fix it, or they can’t/won’t.

Bottom line is, the " apology" in this initial Blizz post is the only thing that anyone is going to get.

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Why would screenshots of guild logs not be 100% proof?

Way too easy to forge a fake one.

And if they could/would put in the effort to verify legitimacy, they could restore our deleted stuff.

But they won’t. Not can’t, but won’t.


I don’t know if you understand that the IN GAME guild bank logs are showing a lot more missing items than what was restored. No need to depend on anything that is outside of Blizzard’s full control.


That would require manpower to review, and they don’t care enough to do that.

Anything automatic would be vulnerable to the same potential for mistakes, which I’m sure they wouldn’t care if it destroyed more of our stuff, but if someone got any extra stuff, that’s not allowed.

I think this event is the ultimate in “Fun Detected” memes…

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