Guild Bank Missing Items Update

And what’s looking like a 0% restoration for other guilds.

Ok, fine. Then we need compensation for items and time lost. Each guild should get a hefty gold deposit. I’m aware it would affect the economy, I don’t care. The other option is that we get nothing and that’s not ok.


I had a feeling the items restored would be a handful of junk items like bags/food & not the actual items of value and unfortuntaley I was right. This feels very defeating to have spent all that time collecting/gathering.


I had a near full GB, and the amount of restored items is a joke. None of which were the most recent items put into the bank. I am highly annoyed that none of the items of real value were restored. And I think we all know what we have recieved is all we are getting.

My alt guild bank was also unaffected, but I had starightened up that bank a few months ago as it was 6 tabs full of old world mats and wanted it TWW ready so not nearly as full as my mains bank.

This is 100% spot on. If I had to guess, they get some sort of $$ from Blizzard, but at the minimum they are nothing but a shill for Blizzard.


I’m not going to drop a name, because I will likely get in trouble, but it isn’t hard to figure out who it is, based on what realms are connected to mine. He isn’t a small-time person, and even gets mentioned by Blizz in news events now and again.

Also, this was the point they were making, I think, when they told me; that Blizz could do it, but didn’t, as they were surprised I only got back junk and not anything actually missing.


Research the term “Payola” and then think about what a 21st century version of that would look like.


I am so bummed. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

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If it wasn’t for the fact that my good friend is playing, I would have cancelled my account.

If this is Blizz’s new face (under MS), then it is terribly ugly, and not worth putting trust in.

It is beyond belief that a company doesn’t have any back-ups - even more so for a company who’s product is software.


I bet they got backups of their systems for payments! :smiley:


Considering that there are streamers who do things that would literally result in a perma-ban if they were anyone else ought to tell you something about the class division between influencers and normal players.
I can’t tell you how annoyed I get when I see WoW media posts about something like, “Ha, ha, ha, he found a bug and got Blizzard’s attention to fix it! Good ol’ [steamer] is at it again …”
It disgusts me to see the favoritism and double standard that goes with it. We are all second-class players with a low priority, and that is the sad reality of where turning a game into an eSport will take things.


Well, I guess I’m not getting anything back then. It’s been a few days now and nothing has shown up. Thanks Blizzard. :unamused:


I want to repost something excerpted from a larger post that I think is important:

Anything less than a full public breakdown of what happened, exactly how it happened, exactly what Blizzard’s process for attempted recovery that didn’t fully succeed was, AND what they’ve done since then to insure against this or anything like it that happening to player inventories/banks or warbanks in future and your plans and methods to guarantee that is unacceptable.

It’s not okay to just wipe your hands and walk away, say you’ve done what you can without explaining why and explaining why this shouldn’t mean a total loss of trust in Blizzard and a reasonable fear that some future change like the announced change of removal from bags from player banks to be replaced by tabs couldn’t have the same type of unrecoverable loss occur. In other words why should players continue paying or playing this service when their hard earned items, their data is not guaranteed to be secure and when Blizzard was not at all shown they will go above and beyond (as I believe MANY other companies would have) to do everything in their power to recover such lost items from a bug on their end.


Where do I even begin with this? I’ll just skip WAY beyond the frustrations I have read from all of the other affected players AND the unaffected but severely concerned players and head straight to where I need to come from…

Firstly, I reported this issue in pre-release through a bug report ticket. Next time I’ll just take straight to the bug forums where I will have some trace of what I actually reported.

Secondly, it is an extremely grotesque disregard for OUR trust in YOU as a company that your response is literally “Too bad, so sad. Your lost items are not worth our effort to recoup even though our technical issue is what caused the loss.” Shameful… Just shameful.

Lastly, that I am fuming angry at the sheer volume of ITEMS lost over multiple personal guild banks doesn’t even cover what I am feeling right now compared to the literal loss of potentially MILLIONS in gold that I could have made in the rarity of items I stored in said guild banks that are just… GONE… and by your wording Linxy, have ZERO intention of reimbursing. (I AM truly sorry that you were chosen to be the sacrificial lamb when it came to addressing those affected if that’s any consolation.)

This is not even close to a situation of “Oops, we messed up. We’re really sorry and we’ll do better.” This is just blatant “We can’t be bothered with your trivial complaints. We got your money and there’s nothing you can do about it at this point.” mentality.

While I DO understand that technical difficulties happen, for a company 20 years in the industry to just throw their hands up and tell its devoted clients indirectly that their loyalty is no longer valued is despicable.

You CAN do better… You MUST do better. Tossing trivial amounts of crafting reagents at your loyal customer base when you have been informed that it’s far more than JUST that missing NEEDS to have an acceptable resolution because this? THIS IS NOT IT!


They CAN recoup them, the logs are proof. They won’t spend the time to do this for maybe 100,000 or more guilds.


Honestly, people need to lose their jobs over this. I’m not talking the people actually doing the work, I’m talking about whoever it was that made the call to push untested code live.

This is likely a failure at the management or project manager level.


I lost about 100 million. There is really nothing I would accept. However, if every person who even lost 1 item – could pick any mount of their choice – ever released in the game. ANY mount, let’s say even a KSM you missed, or a promotional mount.

I would forgive – but not forget.

In my case – since i lost 100 million – I’d pick a spectral tiger or a rooster.


I lost about 20 million worth of rare transmog, pets, mounts, and various other miscellaneous items; not to mention personal letters from friends and loved ones, including one from my ex who unalived themself. I am not one who ever forgets things. If they want a decent goodwill gesture, give my warlock Atiesh, and maybe about half the value in gold of what I lost, then I will take their claims of “we tried” seriously.


I am just thinking about their intention to change the personal banks of our chars in a future patch.

What a desaster this may be, it might be a wise idea to not have anything on our banks if that happens…


So out of 300+ bank slots wiped I got back 18 Tuskarr jerky, 40 Leyblood and 973 Maybe Meat, what a joke. We pay for playing time, how about compensating us for the time it took to collect all the lost items.

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