Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Disgusting company spitting out untested update after untested update.


Don’t forget the untested hotfixes!


Thank you!!!

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what about the items and gold missing from warband banks


Honestly, this is unacceptable.


Before 30 minutes ago I would have just told you that your memory is bad.

Now, I’m very inclined to believe you.


This is very concerning that there is Data Loss. Data Loss is absolutely unacceptable as many people keep items no longer obtainable items in the game in their bank or very expensive items.

Now if this turns out to be that 99% of guilds get every single item back down to that 1 linen cloth, that will be somewhat reassuring depending on what wasn’t recovered.

If it turns out, as some have pointed out, that stored TCG items are not recovered this will be absolutely damning to the collectors of this game.


It’s a game. There have been no promises or guarantees about this kind of thing from Blizzard going back 20 years.

Sometimes software messes up and things can’t be recovered.

There is absolutely nothing feasible that can be done to prevent it from happening occasionally and there is no magic button to poof things back.

Without wasting a lot of money this is going to happen sometimes.
I guess they could do constant backups and store the data for years
 If you want to pay $50 a month for WoW. I don’t, so if I lose a few thousand gold worth of items from a bank like this it would suck but it would be waaayyy too costly $$$ to implement a loss proof system.

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Except for the past 20 years until this instance we have not had this occur
 That’s a 20 year precedent broken.


That’s 20 years of consistency that can’t be had without another 20 years.

Blizzard pissed away this reputation, nobody else.


I have not experienced this bug, I am only commenting to say the response is unacceptable. Data loss shouldn’t be a thing given backup processes.

It’s extremely unlikely that a ‘technical’ update to a maintenance procedure wiped all the backups, and if it did - yikes.

It’s pretty likely that the development team is either:
A. Too lazy to go through all the data manually and restore what was lost.
B. Too cheap to keep backups long enough so the data is really gone.

Given this, I’d advise people not to keep heavily valuable items in the warband bank, lol.


Terrible a** response. This amounts to hundreds of millions of gold if not worse. But more than that, numerous items and time spent collecting those items over 20 years by people that pay for a service to store those items. Shoo


Finally a response.

It is unacceptable that you lost items permanently. Period. I am extremely disappointed and my trust for this team’s capability to steward Azeroth is at an all time low.

This issue was also raised for war banks. Will war bank items be addressed as well!?


Unless we get a response that we can expect the remaining missing items within the next month because they wanted to get most of the items back to the players, this is what players will think.


This bothers me so much. No transparency, no communication at all. You found it days in and didn’t address the bug thread & you’ve been trying to ‘restore’ items for WEEKS and yet again didn’t address the bug thread.

SO many of us have multiple guild banks affected and reported it over a month ago and checked daily for updates and no one at Blizzard could even be bothered to just acknowledge the bug and a ‘we’re working on it’ reply

What steps have been taken that this won’t happen again? Data loss
? What? Well, that doesn’t bode well. Does this restoration apply to the gold, mounts, battle pets, grays, collectables, etc that have been deleted or just mats?

I do appreciate the bone you have tossed out but wow, I’m still in so much disbelief that we’ve been ignored for over a month on top of everything else wrong
 and data loss, I’m at a loss for words.


Or they are dropping that bomb now, getting people prepared for how little they’ll actually have restored.

Seems like a very odd thing that only some of that data was lost.

It seems even more odd that this took a month to mention.


Let’s imagine someone had the cap of gold worth of items that they could sell on the Auction House and then buy WoW tokens. That would result in 51 tokens, which is approximately $1,000. So technically, you’re saying, 'We’re sorry, but you lost your money".

Blizzard should be rensposible for this, there is no excuse.


Surely you guys have restore points / backups of the production server you take prior to patch implementation? Restore it to a backup environment and copy the items over

My alt guild bank had some incredibly rare items that if they aren’t restored I’m going to just consider unsubbing.


My issue is nowhere near as impactful as the gbank issue, and it’s still killed my motivation to log on.

My play time has dropped off a cliff since, as there’s just no real hope of a resolution in any sort of reasonable timeframe. Erosion of trust is not something they’ll get back by half-assing restorations worth tens or hundreds of millions of gold.

This post didn’t help that feeling, at all.


This is mainly about guild banks wiped out, not the shared warband bank.