Guild Bank Missing Items Update

How dare you rob me of my coarse stone, which I was saving for retirement.

Yeah my guild is a personal guild, though I don’t appreciate being disrespected.


I guarantee you that those eSports (world first) guilds are treated far better than the rest of us.

Blizzard would shut the game down for hot fixes immediately if the top eSports guilds had issues, especially the North American guilds.

They (Blizzard) loves free publicity, especially when it’s in their favour.


Really? Blizzard have merged access like that of the Warband system overhaul before? And you say that they have done it several times over?

Seriously, quit trolling and read what someone says rather than taking a purposefully intellectually dishonest position to garnish upvotes from forum contrarians.

A GM’s duty hasn’t changed since Vanilla, so no. “Back in the days when they had active GMs” is a lie told by trolls. GMs still act, have the same tool, and do the same things that they have always been doing.

You are just outright lying for upvotes. Quit it.

Then why are you here? Do something more meaningful with your life and learn a skill like knitting or something. That way you could make a troll rather than be a troll.

There is a specific streamer on the realm that is merged with mine, that often does things with people I raid with. According to what I was told, he did suffer loss from his personal storage guild bank, but it was only for about two days; everything came back. After that, he wiped his hands and considered it fixed. I do not know if he was told specifically not to say anything, and I have no way of verifying if this is even true; it is only coming from people who I raid with, who also do content with him. You can take that for what it’s worth.


Sure, I don’t doubt this.

If you’re an eSports/Streamer member of this game, Blizzard does everything possible to make you happy so that you can relay that in your streams.


I also want to add that, personally, I am inclined to believe what they told me due to the fact that I did not request this information. They volunteered it, knowing I had mentioned weeks ago my guild bank was missing things.


This is my first time posting about this issue, but I have been lurking from the start. I have been playing since 2007 and have collected many valuable items over the years, including unique and no longer obtainable items, a hoard of gemstones, and various other treasures. However, the most important items to me were the letters from friends whom I will never be able to speak with again. Unfortunately, around 95% of these items were lost from my private guild bank, and I have not received anything back at all.

I understand that the servers will eventually shut down, and if I wanted to preserve these memories, I would need to take screenshots. However, as this is a live service game that the developers intend to maintain for many years, I did not expect my items to disappear before the game’s eventual closure. We all trusted that our items would always be accessible when we needed them.

The loss of these items has made me question the security of other in-game assets, such as mounts, transmog, and even our characters. If the issue had been temporary and we had received our items back, I probably would have been able to overlook it. However, the lack of restitution for our losses is unacceptable. Additionally, my wife has not resubscribed for this expansion due to concerns about reputation loss and potential character deletion bugs.

The communication from the game developers regarding this issue has been extremely poor. As soon as I noticed the bug, I locked down my banks and refrained from adding or removing anything. However, I am uncertain if this was the correct action to take. I also refrained from submitting a ticket or posting on the forum until now, and I am worried that this may have excluded me from the list of players eligible for item restoration. The lack of clear instructions left us feeling lost and uncertain about the situation. We do not even know if there will be additional waves of item restorations or if what we have received so far is all we can expect. Furthermore, the fact that this significant issue was not addressed by the WoW media gives the impression that Blizzard did not want it to be widely discussed.

Despite the occasional shortcomings in gameplay and story, I have a deep attachment to Warcraft. My wife and I initially bonded over our shared love for the game, and I have played every expansion on and off. I intend to continue playing until the end of this Saga, but if this issue is not adequately resolved or addressed, The Last Titan might be the end of my Warcraft journey.


You know it might be a good time for guild leaders and owners of private guild banks to start taking Screen shots of what is in their banks now and save those files onto a usb stick storage device in case this BS happens again…Keep the files off your computer or send them to a cloud storage off your system…think I am going to go get me a usb stick and start put screen shots of all my guild banks and my personal banks now. At least with screen shots you can show blizzard in a ticket file the stuff you had that you lost…


I logged in today to seven mails from Blizzard regarding lost items from the gbank. What I got? 50 silk cloth, 135 mageweave, 428 frostweave, 40 saxifrage, 4 volatile air, 27 embersilk, and 14 worg haunch. I had seven tabs full of mats and transmogs and recipes, I had the Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger in there as well, and now I have a few old world mats back, yippee /s

This is the most ridiculous “fix”. Hey sorry we lost all your items lol we don’t care to check the gbank logs that show what items were deposited, sucks to be you??? My sub expires tonight and honestly, I don’t feel like playing anymore. Certainly not paying for Blizzard to just take away the things I’ve worked for over the last few years. Unless the mail is being staggered, I just can’t justify this kind of response from such a huge company, which is a damn shame because I was enjoying TWW.


That’s OK. You can just send each of my guilds the equivalent amount of gold lost. I estimate that to be approximately gold cap.


Tell you what … give my warlock Atiesh and 10 million gold (half of the estimated value), and I’ll forget this ever happened.


How long should we wait till we know that our guild is part of the incomplete restoration?


This information would be great to have.

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Just adding my name to the rest. Nothing more to add that hasn’t already been said. My guild banks were just old crafting mats and such nothing of any real value, but I expected that they would be there. I’m not even angry about it.

It’s the response they gave after all this time that has me here. I was enjoying my time in TWW and looking forward to it’s progression. I’m sorry to those who lost things they valued. Your time should have been respected.

Happy 20th WoW!


So this is what we pay a subscription for, whoops bad luck all your items from the last 18 years are gone forever with no compensation.


This worries me. There was the issue with restoring characters and now the guild bank? I’m afraid of what may be next.


They need to let their customers back up their own data like they did when they pulled out of China (when Bobby was still around).


Fact is,

stuff goes missing from time to time, but we often don´t notice that. On my personal bank, I keep finding blank spots from time to time, despite it being full before. They remove or lose stuff and that since years, it´s just that we don´t monitor our banks like a hawk to truly notice that.

Some of the stuff that I have lost was from Vanilla, like the book you could find in the barrens, that did start a quest. But also transmog gear, just vanished like some dresses from events.

I figured the quest was removed, or that the transmog item was automatically added, but who knows if that truly happened. Having hundreds if not thousands of items stored, you easily lose track of what is there.

Achievements go missing since years too, it was also noted by other users that with the TWW patch, their progress in reputations or achievements was lost / reset.

I do believe they are not playing with open cards here, either they just delete things without telling us, or their data center is leaking. The sad truth is, most if not all personal from back in the days left and now that MS laid off another big amount of workers, those left may have no idea what they are supposed to do if an error occurs.

Oh, and the gold stored on my guild bank has also not come back…


Yeah, no, people who play would notice and post about it, and they don’t.


The stuff that wasn’t deleted, I have been trying to off load by selling it on the AH.

I figure maybe I can then buy tokens with my gold and use them for bnet balance and then pay for stuff on D4 with wow gold.

I am feeling so done with wow in looking at how much I lost and I start to think “I was an idiot for keeping so much stuff…” like I also think I am an idiot because I had so many private guild banks for keeping stuff on different servers.

How can I trust my gold balance to not disappear one day during an update? Their staff has shown they are absolutely not top tier talent. Top tier talent doesn’t make mistakes of this level.