Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I think it’s worth mentioning that a lot of people in the massive bug report thread (dare I say almost all of them) only knew to report the problem because they were the only people who had access. Either restricted access or a private guild bank (alt bank), so they knew there wasn’t shady business afoot amongst other guildies.

We wondered how many guilds out there didn’t realize there was a bug and were possibly busy accusing innocent members. Imagine all the guild leaders currently receiving a handful of items in the mail and being bewildered about why it’s happening, because they never noticed the bug and aren’t aware of these posts.

A vast number of players have private guild banks for personal storage.


How much again is the amount Blizzard pays you to defend them at all costs? Maybe I should applying for this position too?


5 tabs of mogs missing here. Still waiting for anything to be restored. Not hopeful though.


I wasn’t too badly affected (only because I didn’t have anything of value in my guild banks), and I’m already paid up for the next few months anyway. This situation is making me re-evaluate whether I will stay beyond that point. I quit the game for good (I thought) in Shadowlands. It took several years, and a lot of good word of mouth about Dragonflight to get me to consider coming back. If I leave again, it will be for good this time.

It’s a shame, because War Within is genuinely a good expansion. I wouldn’t be leaving because of the quality of the game like I did in Shadowlands. I’d be leaving because of business practices, and THAT is permanent.


Just another “no mails on Guild Leader, Cataclysm-era Guild Bank lost a touch over 5 tabs worth” status update.


My people this might have been mentioned already but no large guilds were affected, i was just talking to my GF so both of hers were wiped and the guild we are in together is just us, and reading through these posts none of the guild banks affected had more than 25 people in, something isnt right.

Seems like it is time for everyone to submit a complaint/letter to the BBC and the FTC.
And any other organization you can think of. Write letters, submit what ever to the major news networks, too, like ABC, CBS, and NBC. The newspapers too. Time to get some fresh eyes on this fiasco.





I don’t think this is true, but probably seems that way because people with personal guild banks full of high price items to sell or giveaway had a lot more to lose compared active guilds that might have lost dragonflight consumables at worst.


So we are supposed to just trust that anything else in this game is safe after you lose things that are almost 20 years old? Completely unacceptable.


Next time they’ll lose our characters and the only answer we’ll get is “oops… sorry”.
Even though I’m not affected by the guild bank issue (at least I think so), I no longer trust Blizzard.


I mean, the bug that had people deleting their mains with character restoration offline is basically this. (I have to wonder if they’ll eventually say that it was too hard to bring that back too.)


My personal gbank doesn’t often have transfers and a tab where I lost everything has a log that goes back months.

If this was an issue my stuff would have been fully refunded. Instead I received nothing.

With logs that they already keep this problem is a minor issue. What actually happened is someone completely deleted the actual underlying data.


I did not mention this before since I was more focused on my own private guild banks, but I can confirm that this is not the case.  My raiding guild, Chiaroscuro, had been hit by the bug too when patch 11.0.2 launched.  Lost a lot of Dragonflight crafting materials in a tab that the log confirmed no one had withdrawn, and we have notably more than 25 active (and unique) accounts.

I just don’t understand why a backup from the last known working guild bank status can’t be restored. OR why we can’t get some type of compensation. Out of around 150 items, many of which were large stacks, our leader has 2 items in the mail.


You actually haven’t worked through it. My items are still missing.

The long wait you’re thanking us for is useless without an actual resolution.

What else can I not trust you to store properly?


Fun that you say that, because that bug has happened many times before and each time they did restore the items to the player. That was when we still had active GM´s and a support team.

Vanishing items is not new, it is very common actually. Their ignorance and “don´t care” attitude is new.

I already voted, by not buying TWW and I will also not buy the D4 expansion.

Sad thing is, the people in charge never heard of the dragonscales and how valuable they are today, as they did not play in Vanilla and don´t know what Cata did to Azeroth.

They are coffee drinking politicians so to speak, with no clue whatsoever about the game that makes them rich.

They lost so much more than our items, but most things are still in the shadows as people don´t check them daily. I have honestly no clue where my rep was before the incident, nor do I keep count of my achievements, transmog collection.

Who knows what else I lost…

Throughout the years, I sometimes lost items from my personal bank, I had a blank spot here, another there. Just an item or two from time to time, but ya, that items disappear has happened before, just never in this large scale.

Something is definately wrong with their data, but ofc. they will never admit that.

It´s their policy,

if it only affects some, they sit it out. Like when people exploit and make millions of gold, Blizzard will do nothing. We have seen this so many times by now, it´s their company philosophy.

I am sure something like that exists, but if they use it, then everyone, also those without lost items, will have their Gbank rolled back.

That means, people may dupe items, take stuff out now and make a profit, others may lose something they had stored from TWW and so on.

It seems as if Blizzard is just not interested in tracking down the affected accounts, which shows how understaffed they are.


In case you are wondering why so many think they could have restored more, but didn’t. Here is why:

The bug appeared at a certain point in time, everything there, then not. The gbank log stopped at that point, meaning all items were accounted for as going in, but none were withdrawn, they poofed without any notation on the log. It seemed pretty straight-forward just to look at any snapshot of the deposits previous and note anything that was missing without a withdrawal notation.

Trusting the company, we went through the proper channels to get this acknowledged and fixed. Our thread grew and we saw the bug listed in open items. All seemed to be going okay and we were alarmed, but had no doubt it would be fixed.

Then the bug was closed as fixed, but no notification was sent to the thread that we were all sent from CS to create. The CS tickets all pretty much said the same, “CS can’t help with this, go to the bug forum”. We started to worry, but still figured such a trusted company would handle it, or perhaps overlooked something. We started to re-escalate CS tickets, and emotions started to elevate. The thread kept growing with more and more people noticing the problem. Thousands of posts. People began getting more urgent in their please for some notification or clarification in the bug forum.

3-4 weeks later with people commiserating daily about what could be going on, sharing any snippets they received from their CS tickets in hopes to spread whatever info we could get (it was contradictory, but we stayed hopeful). We didn’t know whether to touch our gbanks or not, some CS tickets said we could, some said not to. People started to feel very ignored and emotional at the lack of any clarification as to what was going on. We knew it was acknowledged, being investigated, then closed. We had no idea it was still under investigation until we were made aware of the French forum blue post.

The French post, said they were still investigating the issue of missing items. We still had nothing past the bug closure on the US forums, but it gave us hope.

People doubled down on requesting any official status on the US Bug Forum. This is when things got a bit catty with the message that we had not been ignored. Yes, we have been ignored. We have been sitting for weeks sharing info and CS snippets in order to stay hopeful and finally found the first shred of any info that they were still working on getting our stuff back, by accident!!! Yes, we were ignored. If you actively send everyone with this problem to a single location (over 500 people with over 800 banks mentioned), then never notify anything there or in the open issue/bug report, you ARE ignoring them.

Fast forward, and we see this post from Linxy, not on the bug forum where we were all sitting every day…on the general forum as new update. This is the first official US notification and it says: sorry, thx bai!

This is why we are pissed. This is why people quit, unsubbed, got refunds for TWW, etc.

Everything we have been told is contradictory, vague, and borderline untruthful. Its under investigation, then closed. It’s okay to use your gbank, don’t use your gbank. We are sending you back your items, BOE bags were originally sent BOP, all items with charges have 0 charges, some items sell price reduced to 1copper. “Incomplete restoration for some guilds” = barely complete restoration for ALL guilds.

No armor, weapons, mogs, toys, pre-launch expansion flair items (haunted memento, etc) , mounts, pets, gold, could be returned. No grey keepsake or personal letters were returned.

After waiting so long and then finding some hope after stumbling on the French post, we are greeted to this faceless, issue diminishing message on the General forum. Not being part of this issue and reading that, you would think that we waited a while, but got most everything returned. That this would be a welcome resolution to this “ongoing” issue.

That is NOT what happened.


I got one recipe back. I lost 6 tabs of pets
LEVEL 25s and 1 tab of Xmas recipes and about 20 stacks of riding hollys that I have been collecting for years!

The amount of time and effort and some of it just can’t be gotten back! Some of the pets are from events that won’t repeat.

I have been willing to deal and even forgive A LOT but this … THIS may send me packing.

This is very very upsetting.


Whenever there is unavoidable data loss, a company needs to put together a public statement that needs to be checked and rechecked. I work IT, public released statements always take longer the more likely that the data is permanently lost.