Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Yeah, digging to shovel all the manure they’re giving us.


This comment got me thinking…Has Anyone looked at their void storage lately? Lord knows I’d never remember what I put in there. I guess like your home attic, out of sight out of mind


so nothing else from blizz figures they are just going to f@ck us


I note that it says some items cannot be restored. I appreciate finally getting a post on this, but it’s exceptionally late in the piece, and with a rather cruel underlying message. So I have to ask, is this a ‘lol we here at Blizzard don’t care at all, sit down and shut up and be grateful we are letting you access anything you lost at all’ customer service post, or is Blizzard actually intending to do something for the people who do end up losing things permanently? I know it’s really mean of players to ask that they don’t lose things they worked for without any form of replacement or gold or anything, because we should just sit down and know our place as provider of real money while not being worthy of a well-operating game. But unfortunately, back here in reality, we do care. In the event that items have gone missing and aren’t returned, is there an intention to resolve and restore that via tickets, or will we truly being told to suck eggs because Blizzard really doesn’t care, and we need to just use our ‘hopes and prayers’ that we aren’t one of the suckers who loses everything?


Maybe? Because every time I think we hit the bottom, they toss me a shovel.


So the 16 plus pets, missing out of one tab is gone for good? You can look in the bank and see them deposited and nothing withdrawn. Not sure this is the way to handle it but I feel like it didn’t cost BLIZZ anything so just move on. Great customer service there.


Thanks for clarifying your stance. Yes, it is truly a shame that there is such a widespread problem, which runs contrary to what Blizzard claimed. Not a single item - not even a single piece of gray vendor trash - should have been lost, and this situation screams incompetence while breaking a ton of trust.


Worse than incompetence. It means there is no plan in place for any type of database corruption.


Please tell me this is one of Blizzard’s ridiculous April Fool’s jokes come early. I lost hundreds of items across two guilds, and you were only able to find and restore 10 items from my Alliance guild, and 3 from my Horde guild??? A grand total of 13 items! Wow! I’m sure you did your best looking for those lost items though… That is some great data integrity you got there.


I just saw this post and checked my Horde Alt GB.

I stand corrected. I got happy too quickly. I haven’t received my items yet. I am hopeful because the GB Log is showing activity when before, it was completely blank.

crosses fingers

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If something even 1/100th as bad as this happened at my work (which, granted, is not in the gaming industry and is more important than games), people that made decisions would be losing their jobs. Heads would be rolling.


i did most of my stuff seems to be there. atleast on my warlock.

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No losses in personal banks, warbank, or void storage.

I have received nothing across 4 guild owners. How long do we wait before we come to the conclusion that nothing will be restored for those of us in this situation?

I lost everything in 8 tabs across 2 guild banks, and lost parts of 5 other tabs across the other banks. No-one but my characters in the guild, so it’s not a case of ‘couldn’t see who withdrew it’

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yes yes me too, i also had all these expensive things in mine too

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blizzard please note that i had a long boi in my guild bank. i didn’t learn it because i was waiting. obviously nobody would lie about anything that was in their guild vault so you should just take our words for it.

I know you’re trying to be funny here, but this really, really does not help those who are legitimately trying to get their items back.


My guild bank was 7 tabs almost completely full, now all completely empty, not an item restored via bank nor mail.

I’ve already cancelled my sub, I’m done with this game tbh, and it’s 80% due to how they handled this situation, and only 20% because of the missing items.

No, no one can have my stuff, because I don’t have anything anymore, they deleted it all.


This has nearly 800 responses so far, so pretty sure this will get lost in the mix. I have screenshots of logs showing 585 unique items in my guild bank. My email so far has had 1 stack returned. Holy, to make my mount festive. Not the unique and rare blacksmith plans or 2x diamond tipped canes that were still BOE. Is there more mail coming, or is the ONE thing, that I can get again in December, everything that’s coming?

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Our guild bank was nearly full, everything except a stack of fish and a stack of bear meat disappeared. Nothing has been returned.

I know not everyone cares about pets, but I had many pets I’d leveled up to 25 in there. We had expensive transmogs.

I’m so sad.