Guild Bank Missing Items Update

A CD key for a $5 game that you own already.


I did not have any BOE stuff restored, but Iā€™m probably not the best to ask. I did not have any BOEā€™s in my guild banks.

I will go so far as to say Iā€™m ā€œmostly okā€. I only used my guild bank to store miscellaneous ā€œstuffā€ from old expansions. Elemental motes, various drops, things like that. Profession-agnostic stuff. I got lucky. I lost a bunch of stuff like, oh spider silk, elemental motes from previous expansions, and 2 thermal anvils.

But I didnā€™t lose anything I really needed, or anything that was of high value. But just because I consider myself ā€œokā€ from this point, that does not mean this situation is ok. There needs to be compensation, dramatic compensation, for those affected. And we need some kind of statement beyond ā€œSorryā€¦weā€™re sorryā€ like the BP guy from South Park.


Logged in this morning and Draika still remains the only alt GM to receive anything in the mail.  I suppose it really was just the ā€œone and doneā€ yesterday night and shouldnā€™t be expecting any more restoration mail.

Fun fact: At one point in time, you could.  Blizzard had that original WoW Armory website that existed for the longest time in ā€œbetaā€ before disappearing with the release of the Cataclysm expansion.  I still miss it.  :frowning_face:


Iā€™ll admit, my guild bank was really just a magpieā€™s trove as well, loads of old xpac crafting mats and nothing of value, neither in gold or affection. I could regain what I lost, and possibly will, little by little, as I keep starting and questing around with my alts.

But Yeahā„¢, this still doesnā€™t mean that the people who did lose piles of valuable stuff and treasured things are to be dismissed as some sort of ā€œunfortunate casualtiesā€ and ā€œcollateral damageā€, and thatā€™s probably the greatest disconcert with this entire event for me.


Yep. I PERSONALLY, while I would appreciate some compensationā€¦I didnā€™t have anything of real value. It was mostly just me hoarding old expansion profession agnostic stuff, and random drops for things like Aldor/Scryers rep (which amazingly were the items I didnā€™t lose). I consider myself ā€œokā€. Not because their ā€œrestorationā€ was of much use (though I appreciate my horde guid bank inky black potions being returned). But because I didnā€™t really have much of value to lose to begin with.

But still, that fact doesnā€™t make any of this ok. I think we need to make this blow up in the general gaming media, outside of just WOW itself. Not so much the event, but that Blizzard cannot be trusted to keep your character data safe, and everyone that plays the game is at risk of losing anything at any time.


The apps log you in like a character in game and use the ā€œin gameā€ APIs. The web APIs Iā€™m referring to are these, which are used by TSM, wowhead, etc.:

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Youā€™d be SOL just like now.

Spend your money elsewhere for sure.


You wait and hope they send you stuff. What you get is what you get.

How many more times do you think Blizzard is going to create a game that they donā€™t expect to do well, and then 20 years later come back and change things in the code to allow for things that werenā€™t ever meant to be available at the same time to be available at the same timeā€¦?

Should folks be frustrated? Sure.
Should folks be scared of situations like those you posed? Unless you genuinely think that Blizzard is gonna do what I said above, then no.

There will be more bugs in the game, but this type of a bug? It is practically implausible and logically impossible to happen again. Other serious bugs will occur of course, but not this type of a bug.

yeah microsofts approach to bad press is to either a.quickly revert the change and then reimplement it later when no ones looking or b. double down in a go pound sand kind of way.

Also, go look up the term/word ā€œPayolaā€ on Wikipedia, then imagine what a 21st century version of that would be like.

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It takes a lot to get people to act, but it does happen. See WoD and when flying was taken away.

But yes, saying youā€™re going to vote with your wallet is different than actually voting with your wallet, that is true.


What you described does not mean that they do not have the capacity to make you whole, just that they may have chosen not to make you whole (aka ā€˜put in the effortā€™).

There is a difference between actual data loss, and programming code that fails to throw a switch based on the data that does exists.

Thereā€™s another bug currently that prevented people from getting a hard achievement, and Blizzardā€™s response was to fight the boss again to get the achievement, even though they know they did the work to get the achievement. That just shows laziness on Blizzardā€™s part to make their customers whole in my opinion.


I would like a much more specific answer as to how this happened.

I would also like to know why my guild bank (and others) were affected and not ALL guild banks.

Does anyone have any idea as to how many of the total guild banks were affected? (like percentage)

ā€œToo bad, so sadā€ is hardly enough of a response for 20 years of collecting items.


I had thought I hadnā€™t been affected by this. My (private) guild bank held a ton of old-school patterns, like Lifestealing, and old alchemy patterns, like greater fire protection, and dozens of other patterns. I stopped using my guild bank for gold storage when I managed to pull all the gold out and then put it all in the Warband bank. I never checked my guild bank thoroughly.

I got restoration mails yesterday, containing:
2x Pink Mageweave shirts
1x Wildvine Potion recipe
1x Wildthorn Mail recipe
1x Schematic: Dark Iron Rifle

And thatā€™s it. I was a bit confused so I went to go dump all that in my old patterns tab in the guild bank and saw the entire tab was empty.

I checked my other characters, because I had definitely done some rearranging prior to the expansion, but I was certain I had kept the patterns on my bank toon with all the transmog stuff on another toon.

Canā€™t find the patterns anywhere. Theyā€™re gone. The tab was full, or almost full. I donā€™t even remember everything that was in there. I can see some history in the log ā€“ plans: arcanite reaper, patern: white remedy cape, pattern: robe of the archmage, reciple: soothing turtle bisque ā€“ but there was so much more.

Edit: ALSO, I had tons and tons of old dragonscales of all colours! All gone. You canā€™t get them anymore. Theyā€™ve basically robbed me blind.

Blizzard, this isnā€™t even close to acceptable. Whereā€™s my stuff and when will I get it back? Iā€™ve opened a ticket but I donā€™t have much faith that anything else will be restored.


Still have yet to see/hear from anyone that had any meaningful restoration of their missing items. Everyone seems to be in the 0-10% range. That seems completely different than the communication you did Blizzard.

So which is it? The restoration failed to do what was expected/is incomplete or your statement was less than truthful?


Full bank of items and get 2 holiday pets back? Iā€™d say thanks, but Iā€™d rather have heard a too bad, so sad instead.


Iā€™m so furious right now after getting a handful of mails with items like a stack of DF herb and ore, some silk, a piece of leather, some blackrock ore. I mean just a few things from a guildbank that was like 80% to 90% or so decimated. The one place in life in which I felt safe has been violated.

Considering how much time people invested in their game and storing important stuffā€¦consider the time we took out of our lives to do this. The family and friends we didnā€™t spend time with, the things we didnā€™t do because we were doing ā€œthisā€. The books we did not read or events we decided not to attend because we were playing this. Secure in the knowledge that there are such things as BACKUPS!!! I am sure if might be hard but I am also sure it could be possible to perform directed backups to the guilds that were affected. Not to the whole game. Yeah, sounds like it would be a lot of time and effort. But theyā€™d do it if they wanted to keep seeing my money. But little ole me leaving wouldnā€™t bother them a bit. They just expect everyone to keep paying and being the good sheep. Because what else would we do? Well to steal a line from Prince, ā€œIā€™m here to tell ya, thereā€™s something elseā€¦ā€

Dunno what that is but Iā€™m going to do my best to find it. As people in other posts have mentioned the quality of everything about this game has deteriorated. Not really much is challenging anymore like the days when you had to be very strategic to get your quests done for Jintha Alor, or the Minds Eye quest with the elite ogres in STV. It is all just a cake walk and everyone gets a trophy (a purple)!!! Clothes look like worse crap than they ever did. Mostly all look the same. No creativity or imagination. Same with pets and mounts. But ya know, they figure we will just keep on paying and playing and we have. Until now. This guild bank fiasco just feels so invasive and final. Their response does show exactly how much they care and what they think of us. Again, not sure what Iā€™m going to do but I believe I am going to take a break so I donā€™t do anything rash. Zero loyalty, itā€™s so upsetting. Much love to my fellow gamers because I care, I just canā€™t fix it.


I have 170 guild banks and 34 were affected at various levels. So what is that ā€¦ 18-19%?

I classified my losses as:

Full Wipe - 8 - (everything missing)
Major - 12 - (ALOT of stuff missing)
Medium - 7 - (7+ missing)
Minor - 7 - (1-7 items missing)

None of my full wipes were restored ā€“ not a single item. Two friends said them same thing. Which indicates that maybe a full wipe is something different that did not fit Blizzardā€™s lackluster automated restore process. Really ā€œcould notā€ is, letā€™s face it ā€œwill not.ā€ The logs show ALL my items ā€“ they CAN restore it.

My majorā€™s never got a full restore or even half of the items.

Meanwhile, my mediums and minors almost always got full restores. Ironically ā€¦ the ones I care about the least face palm

These guilds were on all servers. There is no rhyme or reason to which items were or were not wiped. I had everything organized in a way I could see what was missing. I noticed that rows seemed to be erased more often than columns.

There is my data.


People are saying they are getting items returned that they already have in the guild bank, so it would make sense that an empty bank would have nothing returned. I emptied my most affected bank (I panicked) and I have received nothing in the mail.

Very, very not cool Blizzard.

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