Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Someone started a spread sheet around Sept 5, it was at 399+ guilds 16 days ago.
One of the larger bug threads link: Guild bank missing items - what happened? - #1646 by Vaelhaeyn-wyrmrest-accord


My main GB (7 tabs) 80-90% wiped out this is what I got back in the mail.


My alts main guild (7 tabs) 50-75% wiped out, this is what I got in the mail this morning.


Beyond insulting.


I literally received no mail this morning for my missing items.

ā€˜Sorry we deleted your stuff, no weā€™re not going to make you wholeā€™


Has the restoration process completed? What has been sent is all or is the process ongoing?

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First time posting on this matter. Full Guild Bank with one tab all old xmog items, other tabs full of herbs, ore, inks, gems, thousands of items from years back, living steel, trillium and so on. Received 4 mail each with dragon flight items,

637 x Hochenblume
15 x Saxifrage
12 x maybe meat
7 x fish

and I think these are items I deposited into the bank after the bug started. Pretty devastated about the loss of all the things I have been collecting over the last 16 plus years.


99% wiped alt guild bank. First guild I joined/made with friends in 2004 that became a repository as people moved on. Almost 20 years Iā€™ve maintained it - from storing Hakkari coins/bijous for Rep needs back in the day to holding on to Primals/Motes/etc for the value. Tons of pets. Gone. Insane rep marks/tokens/etc, gone. Classic mats, some no longer in game (Sinew/Hide), gone. Decades of work, gone.

Iā€™m staring at the logs on each tab. You can literally SEE what was deposited and NEVER withdrawn. How is that not part of the restoration at the very least? If in Log, and not in bank, then mail it! Itā€™s a LOG! Write a compare and use it! START SOMEWHERE!

Oh - and no mail with missing items either, yet. But apparently, the term ā€˜someā€™ means something completely different to Blizzard than it does to us. Truly upsettingā€¦

Blizz needs to see this to a proper conclusion and not dust their hands of it so easily.


Thank you for at least posting about this.

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Iā€™ve been lurking/keeping an eye on multiple WoW-verse comments sections (wowhead, reddit, MMO-C, etc) since yesterday and so far I havenā€™t seen a single poster/commentator actually come forward with a definitive ā€œi got all my stuff back just nowā€ commentā€¦ instead Iā€™m seeing lots of ā€œwell, i got back a few stacks of Mageweave clothā€-style comments, hmmmmm :face_with_monocle:


Would LOVE an answer to this too. My assumption is what was sent was what we get whether it be something, one thing or nothing.


Iā€™m sure theyā€™re going to squeeze a few more months of sub fees out of people before they say anything else. Look how long it took them to say anything about itā€¦


oh heck, I donā€™t expect to hear anything ever again, lol. They waited till a Friday night to even say oh hey here it is. Theyā€™ve got me on the hook till March so may as well stay delusional till then.


Am I going to find out that the Reps you reset back to Neutral are forever stuck there too and I need to reearn them.

What data is actually safe? What progress can I actually be assured will be there tomorrow?

This is such a core trust-breaking feature that its hard to imagine Blizzard can actually secure any more of my data.


Blizzard has really cooked their goose on this issue nowā€¦such a shame its at the cost of 1000ā€™s of players in game time and work nowā€¦I am one of the few that got lucky and none of my private guild banks were effected by this issueā€¦Iā€™ll say I feel really bad to any of the players effected and not getting back what they worked for years to get is mostly gone nowā€¦its damn sad Blizzard let this happenā€¦its a big slap in the faces of players that blizzard has state they can only get so much back ā€¦sad sad sadā€¦


Sorry, I was coming from a more end user-friendly perspective.  I essentially know jack all about coding.  :sweat_smile:

I checked my various alt GMs again earlier today and there was no new mail (not even for those that never received any in the first place that should have).  Itā€™s extremely doubtful any further action will be taken.  ā€œOne and doneā€, as that old phrase goes.

I intend to stick around for the 20th anniversary event at least since my active sub lasts through April 2025, but damn I feel so demoralized.  I struggled to even login to do some warband reputation world quests and pick up the new Brewfest cosmetic back piece just now.  Donā€™t know if Iā€™ll renew my sub or not, but Iā€™ve basically stopped using my guild banks because of the massive screw-up.  Canā€™t trust it anymore.


Not Acceptable Linxy. the accounts werent not HACKED this was casued by a internal glitch that casued people 20 year collection farm to go POOF. If you ask me this is worse then being HACKed, Blizzard can NOLONER be trusted. Blizzard has lost the trust of the player-base just reading the posts in these forums

Alittle about myself and my guild 8 tabed guild bank CLEANED out. ginfo my guilds name is CrusƤder Knights have 132 members 9 connected accounts of ownership of 15 accounts. Aquired 8th tab 07-04-14 along with the stay classy (all on my own) achievement same date. been playing and collecting since Vanilla. Had that entire 20 year collection wiped out by a blizzarrd BUG and not a HACKER. Its why I canceled and will not reactive until full items restored 14 of my 15 accountsā€¦ Blizzard again you my own this product but blizzard dont own my TIME and like any good employee I want PAIDā€¦ I ran time on my 1st accounts I have total of 1286 days 2hours 56 minutes as of this postā€¦ thats just 1 account I have 15.

Will give 3 months for FULL restoration of gbank items b4 I use the money from the 14 other accounts for a LAWYER and a plane ride too Irvine CALI

got this right from Google ā€œA breach of trust in California occurs when a trustee fails to fulfill their fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the trust and its beneficiaries. This can have serious legal consequences.ā€
We are (Players) what made blizzard what it is today

Plaintiff, WOW Playerbase



It really is historic that this has happened, and not in a good way.


Do you honestly feel like you can just say ā€œoopsie. so sorryā€ and move on without offering any form of compensation? Iā€™ve played this game for over 15 years, have 48 toons and have multiple guild banks. I can live without the cooking mats and foodstuffs lost but I had tons of pets, profession mats representing months of farming, a battered hiltā€¦ on and on. How is it that you store all the mail data and yet guild banks, which see far less traffic (most likely) get compromised with no record of their contents? Yes, IT does present challenges. You have virtually unlimited resources to continue ā€œworking through this difficult issueā€ and do right by your customers. No doubt that there are hundreds of items on the list to fix. How many of those effectively wipe out the efforts of people that extend back 20 years?


No its not Smiterā€¦its damn horrible this happened to 1,000ā€™s and 1,000ā€™s of players and their guild banksā€¦


I just wonder how it affected such random groups of people. There is no way theyā€™ll do something for the entire player base when some had issues and some didnā€™t.

Yeah none of my private guild banks got touched and I have 5 of themā€¦but a guild mate in my main guild they had 4 or 5 of their private guild banks almost cleared out completely and they have been in game since 2008 and collect big timeā€¦its a family of 3 that use those banks so they had tons of stuff gone missing, they have 14 guild banks.