Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I received five random items today out of hundreds that are missing from 3 guilds. This is really depressing. I’ve been here for 20 years, paying subs and collecting this stuff. For what? To have it ‘‘lost in the nether.’’ OK. Clearly, I’m not smart. :woman_shrugging:

Subscription is paused indefinitely.


So that sounds more like, IF they did a proper data comparison of one date to another and restore items missing in between … they’ve used the wrong dates as parameters. Which wouldn’t surprise me in the least, now.

Every time Blizzard deal with big bug (or ignore it), I become less and less surprised about how badly they deal with it.


I got 10 items back from this restoration. That’s it, out of a full guild bank, I lost all of the bags, recipes, ores, jewels, potions, and misc. mats I had saved to get the mounts in DF like horns, bones, etc. The items that were recovered were all trash items and I really don’t know why they even bothered sending them. This is disappointing, but I would like to see some compensation, either gold or game time. I feel this is only fair since we lost so many valuable items and things that cannot be replaced. While any compensation will not replace the items or make up for the breach of trust, it at least shows some acknowledgement of the loss and that Blizzard is taking some responsibility for their mistake.


Why did you guild bank trash?

I didn’t, that’s just what I got back.

ETA: Perhaps trash was the wrong word, I got back a few items that were basically worthless. One old health potion, some linen cloth, and a couple of other misc. items. TBH, except for the cloth I couldn’t even swear those items were in my GB to start with. I have a tab for misc stuff, but I can’t remember everything in that tab. The others were organized and I do know what was there, like the recipes and such.


Who says this is not an alt?
This character I am on now is level 80 but is an alt.

:film_projector: :film_projector: :film_projector: :film_projector: :film_projector:
Mirror Mirror on the wall.

:mirror: :mirror: :mirror: :mirror:

Ok, so just to make sure I understand.

You did place “trash” (trivial, unimportant items like minor healing pots, etc.), but Blizzard didn’t return the stuff you kept but actually wanted to keep. Not “trash” as in grey items.

So like a hypothetical: if I was only allowed to keep 5 things but I thought it was 100, and now 95 of those 100 things which I may have valued more were lost.

People. This thread does not need trolls. Please don’t.


Not trolling. (Though plenty already here.)

I legitimately thought they meant they had epics and mats, and instead Blizzard sent trash (greys).

Yes, I think that’s fair to say. I had mostly items that I was going to use to level up professions on my alts and recipes and bags that I had created while leveling my tailor and to keep extras in case I decided to make a new alt. Regardless, the point was Blizzard needs to do more than replace a handful of items and say Oops, sorry. IMHO.


That’s if you can get any of the WoW news people to care. Their take on the matter:

Blockquote - Soulsobreezy on Twitter:
“They made a statement a while back and at the time, that was that.
I was not affected but even if I was, I’m not that kind of customer who wants status reports for stuff like this. It’s not a car in the shop, or at least I don’t treat my guild banks like that.”


lol, whoopsie we deleted some of your stuff!

What a disaster. No attempt to even backup our stuff before you launch changes or test them properly.

Completely unacceptable.


Thanks for clarifying.

I am wondering about this myself:

Some guilds? What guilds? What’s known? How widespread is the unknown impact? Since they relied on reports to find out and discover, what safeguards are being put in place to know before someone stubs their toe next time?

Sure, there are bigger fish. But governance is one of the biggest fish out there.


Ah, I see. Essentially, “It’s not a problem unless it specifically impacts me.” Got it.


On this one point, I’d have to agree with Grizzle. Some customers (including me) lost progress on Archaeology (in MoP era, possibly). Still haven’t got the progress back, despite having the achievements and, in some cases, the mount or item in my bags or toy box. They also lost reputation progress for many people, particularly those who server transferred at some point.
Not as impactful as the Guild Bank Issue, but still a data loss.

Quite how an IT department can do this, and not have the back-up data, or the will to go through the manual process to restore it, begs the real question. It has not only an impact on those affected by it, but also their friends and acquaintances that they might have otherwise encouraged to play the game.

Careless curation costs customers.


Coming back to this too, now that I’ve had a moment to think about it.

Threatening to quit every time there’s a bug or an issue, but then never doing it only adds brazen disregard for the feedback attached to it.

This is why the entire streamer cult is just so laughable. They exploit every possible bug, are never punished and therefore shut up if gamebreaking bugs happen.


My bank guild on Dalaran was almost completely destroyed, only a few random items remain in there. How do I get whatever restoration is available?

This is absolutely unacceptable, there needs to be compensation here, and a lot of it. What a disheartening thing to log in and see.


Yep. Others like Hazelnutty had the same brush-off attitude. Sad.

Also, hello fellow 'hoofer! :ox:


Honestly, I’m not sure it should stop at the gaming press. This is Microsoft we’re talking about. How they’ve handled this really should be a very big deal. What happens when something goes sideways with OneDrive because they decided to lay off tech people to save money? Just say whoosie-doodle! Nothing we can do? If people accept this laughable handling here, they’ll figure they can get away with it anywhere.