Guild Bank Missing Items Update

There are quite a few of us to get the message out too.


Thanks for the stack of neatherweave and other **** I wasn’t missing…


…continued…reply to my own earlier post.

I usually play about 4 different characters, the rest I’ve created over the years for professions, curiosity, or simply storage. I am also sort of obsessive with organization. When cross faction mail (account wide etc) became available I started organizing by item types. Meaning each storage alt and bank alt took care of specific things. Eg: food is kept on a level 2 horde character, who only uses the AH when stoarge runs out, while recipes, patterns etc are kept on a low level alliance alt, who uses AH. At the end of each exspansion, I mail all mail such items to the desonated character - all processed buff food went to the horde gb for storage for example and was eventually auctioned, etc.

The items blizzard mailed to me have all been accounted for, they were all moved, then sold or vendored by me in july, and some of them even after the issue occured. My add-on shows the sales dates, and my horde guild bank has the rest in it, with the dates deposited. The other items are found on my item restoration page for the characters that I simply vendored items on. The ghost dye recipe was moved in july from the gb to my bank alt and its on AH still.

1x hornswog hunk ((vendored in july))
40x honey snack ((vendored in july))
50x thunderspine tenders ((moved from Alli GB and deposited in horde GB in july -currently in horde GB))
80x apexis asiago ((moved from Alli GB and deposited in horde GB in july -currently in horde GB))
1x ghost dye recipe ((currently on ah, moved from GB in july))

So in essence blizzards seems to have recreated items I had simply moved, auctioned and vendored in july, and presented them to me today as being “restored” from “lost”.


This is why I wasn’t going to trust the Warband bank at launch with my gold. I knew something like this would happen but I didn’t expect it to be to the guild banks.


This is what makes this infuriating to me. I get that things happen; sometimes big things happen, and people screw up. Even IF they could not be restored, despite many of the lost items were deeply personal to me, I could have eventually got over it and moved on, if Blizzard had showed at least the slightest shred of empathy. Not only do they flat out not care, but they have such blatant disregard, and furthermore disrespect, for their customers. They deliberately kept us in the dark to avoid any public scrutiny, meanwhile quietly gave us subtle assurance that we would be taken care of, and then not only did not follow through, but tell us in a brash manner that “Well, whatever, we tried …”
The problem of the missing items, bad as it was, was a problem that would have blown over eventually, had Blizzard not tried to bury the problem, and then write it off with a knee-jerk response when it got too big to ignore. That, is what grieves people the most. It is the response to this problem from the people we were supposed to be able to depend on to help us, should anything go wrong in this game. They betrayed our trust in them, in probably the most harsh way they possibly could do so. I don’t think there is a way for them to ever fully come back from this. People aren’t going to forget the shameful treatment they received when they cried for help …


Trying to follow this thought process… What do you mean by constantly changing sources?

I was patient, you’re welcome. I fully expected the issue would get fixed in a somewhat satisfactory way. However, the fix is howlingly short of any meaningful restitution.

My ancient guild bank, always stuffed to the gills, looks like swiss cheese, missing about a third of the contents. Hadn’t been logging in to the guild characters while playing MoP Remix and soon as I saw its state, shut down all permissions so me and hubby wouldn’t try storing something in the bank, possibly overwriting the “not quite empty” slots before Blizzard could restore what used to appear there.

Last evening I received:
217 Protoflesh
252 Maybe Meat
3 Date Simulation Modulators

Let me assure you, this is so far from replacing my missing stuff that it’s just tragic. Also, the bank has a partial stack of Protoflesh and Maybe Meat so I’m pretty sure those didn’t go missing, not that it’d matter, they’re vendor fodder. Or does it mean that in addition to the actually empty slots, you’ve also peeled off partial stacks and ditched those items too so it’s worse than it looks?

Honestly, it couldn’t look any worse. Our stored items, gathered over the years, IS THE GAME. You stole about a third of the game from me and sent me some Maybe Meat. It’s like you spun a prize wheel of random garbage items meant to make it look like you gave restoration a shot and then mailed the guild leaders a smattering of fluff that doesn’t have any relation to what they lost.

Over the years, I feel like I’ve dutifully handed over rather a lot of money, both in subscriptions and shop purchases, because I believed it was well-spent, ensuring Azeroth was a continuous, persistent world, my characters’ names were held, and my time invested in accruing whatever I deemed precious was respected.

Sure, mishaps mishappen, but I do not feel like Blizzard gave any geniune effort to truly make this disaster (to us only, not them) feel less devastating. Who can trust the guild bank again? Or the personal one? Or the absolutely frightfully expensive Warband bank, if we ever cough up the gold for enough tabs to be concerned with?

I was patient because I was fairly sure my missing third of the bank would return, give or take a handful of items the Postmaster couldn’t track down. Now I’m just disappointed. And nothing short of walking away from the game can be done about it. I’m sure you’re, um, banking on no one doing that and, for myself, you guessed right. I’d rather stay with my tenuous treasures and keep playing, gathering silly icons that may or may not evaporate in the next patch. For now. But this theft of my time, memories, and gold value didn’t make me more attached to your buggy game. Far from it.



Starting to feel like some exec did the math and decided it’s cheaper to lose some subscribers than actually fix the problem, regardless of the hit to the company’s reputation…

There are too many elements of this whole fiasco that make no sense…


Don’t want to derail the thread too much on this.

Constantly adding items in for raid nights and removing them for when raid happens, depositing mats that are removed for making raid consumes, etc.

It is technically a constantly changing source since most don’t use it as long term storage, but short term.


As a former systems analyst/programmer for the U.S. military, I agree with this, 100%!


My guild vault has all 8 tabs unlocked, and was nearly completely full of items, equipment, consumables, recipes, pets and materials of all sorts - everything vanished when this bug happened, and I quite literally received one item in the mail, a Jingling Bell that turns into a pet. This is an egregiously massive loss for my guild, and I do hope it can be investigated further. I expected some degree of losses when I read the first post in this thread, but to lose everything but 1 singular item is beyond outrageous!



They made it sound like, “hey you may lose a few items, but the majority will come back” and “only a few guilds will not get everything back”.

The reality is, that they lost 99% of our stuff …

They just lied, it´s unbelievable if they can get away with that.


I didn’t expect to get anything back of the four guild banks I had wiped out.

And I haven’t. Not one item in the mail.

Thanks for the useless apology. A sincere one would be some sort of compensation. I pay for the time I spend playing wow and you just wasted a ton of it.


That is exactly how personal banks work and your bags work.
It really is zero difference.

Though you are of course entitled to your opinions and expressions in the matter, I don’t believe your “ideas” on this are very accurate as to why GB were never reliable. They have been in fact stable (and to my knowledge) reliable since they were first intro’d what 15+ years ago. I’ve had one and the same one since they were intro’d years ago, so I have some actual experience with this.

This sounds like you are trying to plant the seed that players should have known better than to ever use a GB hoping this seed will grow to cover up for the incompetence of Blizzard in this matter.


I had someone tell me “You had too much junk anyways if you needed three guild banks”.

Honestly, I have too much money, if I can afford to give it to a company that robs me of my invested time, without any sort of genuine apology for it.


not gonna lie this is making me second guess ever buying a wow expansion again. what if another similar bug happens and my guild bank is wiped out? or my personal bank? that has letters from old friends who no longer play the game and havent since wrath ended.
this response reeks of “we dont want to spend any time more than neccesary and at the very least roll back the servers to before the update and make everyone whole again.”
lol even my reply is bugged. should read as one paragraph but is broken up into several sentences. gj blizzard.


My response to that person would have been that is none-ya-biz how much stuff I have until you start paying my bills :smiley:


ya sure ok

(post deleted by author)

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hey it was ur quote lmao