Guild Bank Missing Items Update

It makes me wonder, how much is the lack of will to restore our items the fault of MS? Maybe they just gave the order to screw us and what does this mean to the future of WOW? How soon will they pull the plug and the servers go offline forever?


I have 4 tabs without any logs, so I guess it´s not working either for everyone, as many of us don´t see any.


MS has a long history of decent and sometimes extremely accommodating communications with customers. This problem dates from “the decline of Blizzard” when ATVI fell and couldn’t get up.

Ok. Disappointing.
WOW 20th anniversary present of black hole to suck up all those items I’ve carefully hoarded over the years is not great.
I’m so over it all.


7 guild tabs of missing items and they only returned 10 darkmoon faire quest items. Tons to cloth, ore, herbs, pets, mounts… gone.

Wow. I am so disappointed.


The fun people who aren’t just out to get item level and who actually enjoyed the game to the fullest are the ones who got screwed. I’ve spent a lot of real money on this game. I’ve spent a lot of time over the years gathering stuff for random achievements and collections.

I have memories of my once active guild having a lot of in game parties and I would do raffles and giveaways of mounts and pets. I was just starting to get back to doing that again. I had tabs of fun random potions, new and old mats, pets, mounts, mog, etc.

And then there’s the principle of it all. The breach of trust. The lack of care. The blizzard I knew and the role playing cs ppl are gone. I’m not a role player, but it was funny to have them pop into game and keep up the charade.

Who doesn’t want a relaxing place to escape to? I didn’t think I’d have to deal with junk like this on a game I pay a monthly fee for and have paid a lot more to in various ways. Through WoW themed tech (remember the old WoW mouse?), clothing, transfers, name changes, etc.

This is a large strike 1 that it happened at all. Strike 2 is the recovery process and the fumbling that is going on with that. I can’t believe I’m considering deleting forever. I have definitely taken breaks, but why would I want to support a company like this?

Idk why I take time to comment except to just vent for myself because I figure this doesn’t get read or cared about in the slightest. When/if you see the dip in subs - then it will only be of miniscule importance to hit blizz in the pockets.

I’m sorry to their employees who have to deal with the backlash. It all feels very very icky.


OMFG the 20th anniversary present is going to be:


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That actually didnt effect anything but character level. We ended up having a weird clone version of ourselves that was level 85 instead of 120. Some did not have the clone and just had a weird level 85 version. If i remember right it was fixed almost immediately and did not involve any rollbacks. Seemed to be more of a level squish breaking then any loss of data.

Those talking about keeping letters in the gbank always screencap those things I’ve had letters blank out for odd reasons and learnt quickly that the chance I’d lose a personal letter I wanted to keep was too high a risk to not screencap to save it.

I’ve personally never trusted using a gbank as personal storage it just seemed more volatile then keeping my items in my bank or on a bank alt. I do wonder if they had a process that gets rid of old items go awry if it found them in a gbank, I had a dummy item in my regular bank alt from wrath that finally seems to have disappeared.


This needs to get out to the wider internet. The best way to get it out to things like gaming press is not to say “people lost things in their guild bank”. It needs to be “Blizzard is losing data and can’t keep your character data safe, anything can be lost at any time”. It sounds alarmist and clickbaity but that’s the best way to get views.


So… were… 5…6 weeks for this? really? geez…


I find it amusing that the only items that were restored for me were items that I KNEW I was missing. I had like 8 stacks of items total, out of 12 bank tabs.

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They restored 7 out of 239 missing tabs, I dont understand how this is some items lost, its nearly all items lost. I lot i can now not replace and also dont have time or patients to replace the others

I consider that the same thing as :point_down:

Happy 20th!!! :partying_face: :dancing_women: :tada:

We’ve sucked out all of your stuff and gave some of you a pathetic portion of it back. Just wait until our 30th to see what we got in store for you!!!

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There literally is no reason to not use a GB (well until now).


I’ve been posting on Preach and Bellular videos that Blizzard cannot keep your character data safe. Data is being lost, any of your accomplishments can be erased at any time and there will be no compensation. If guild banks aren’t safe, NO STORAGE in the game is safe. None of it. Anything can disappear tomorrow and you won’t get it back.


This restore item lost has to be a joke. I had 5 personal guild banks filled with item from pets, mounts, transmogs, reagents, glyphs ets… millions of gold in items since I started playing in Cata. All I got back is 37 stacks of Gorgrond Flytrap from only 1 of the 5 guilds?


I think the thing that bugs me the most is the 100% total lack of empathy, understanding and caring.

This is an excellent example of how not to run a company and how to not treat customers that you just gave them the old :bone: to.

No communications other than oops “We’re sorry you feel that way” condescending apology (that was not really an apology).


7 Tabs affected, herbs, ore, leather, alchemy stuff from all expansion packs, gems, raid and reputation items from Vanilla - WOTLK, transmog gear, lockboxes, profession patterns dating back to Vanilla, crafted gear, pets, mounts…

guess what I got in the mail?

98 netherweave cloth, that you can farm in 5 minutes at TBC.


They must be kidding…


This is completely unacceptable.


He has a point here. The same could actually be said about your character’s personal bank as well. If that suddenly broke, and items disappeared, it would be in the same league as the guild bank problem. There was absolutely no indication this would happen, and no reason to believe you couldn’t use it safely before this incident. It already happened with the warband bank? Now, my paranoia is even greater …