Guild Bank Missing Items Update

They could not care a shred less if people trust or will use gbanks anymore. Less for them to worry about while they collect their monthly fee and overpriced expansions.

The only way to get a point across would be cancelled subs and loss of revenue.


This is a good time to reiterate the catch phrase of right to repair and true ownership advocates

ā€œIf buying isnā€™t owning, then piracy isnā€™t stealingā€

You own nothing and all your stuff and characters can (and one day will) be deleted because none of itā€™s yours. Itā€™s all just pixels on blizzards servers (with no decent backups apparently)


That is an interesting legal definition, that I must remember if I ever deal with something like that.

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So I got 5 pages of mail this morning, 13 of those mails were bags.

Not even 10% returned? Iā€™m really hoping this is a process, and not ā€œthis is all we can returnā€.

This was on ONE Guild bank, my main. Checking others now.

Guild bank 2: No mail.

Guild Bank 3: Oh my! Grey Transmog and some lockboxes.

I canā€™t even ā€¦


I received no mail. Nothing.

Would you like the screenshots and the itemised list of whatā€™s missing? Would you like me to come over and hold your hand while you restore it? There are times when I wonder how youā€™ve managed to stay in business this long. This is one of them; this is absolutely mental.


This whole thing is beyond belief and has to be a lie. They just choose not to spend the effort.

Even the items that are visible in the guild bank logs as being deposited and are missing have not been restored. Saying this is all that can be restored is simply untrue. Someone is choosing to not invest more time and effort in restoring the rest (or at least more of it).


All of this data (we do know) is stored in a database. All of this could be recovered. This process is slow and tedious, but they are not willing to put in the effort.

The code has nothing to do with it at this point (and no, Iā€™ve not seen the code either). I was a c-suite executive for a very large IT firm (70K+ employees) in the US. We had similar ā€œcodeā€ that went rouge. It came down to a few things:

  1. It was not tested well
  2. It was sloppy work
  3. Implementation procedures were sloppy
  4. Backup/restore procedures were not followed

What did work:

  1. We had backups of everything
  2. We were capable of restoring the old data to another system and then we were able to match what was missing from what was not.
  3. It took over a week of around the clock work to restore everything, make sure, double check and triple check to make sure we had things.
  4. We updated our BCP, release procedures and quality control to prevent it from happening again.

We didnā€™t just tell our customers (who were in the millions at the time) oh well we lost all your stuff and youā€™ll be ok w/that and hereā€™s a cookie.

Will I live without this stuff? Sure.
Should Blizzard be so dismissive of this? Oh hell no.


This is ā€œwe wontā€ not ā€œcanā€™tā€

My logs show everything that is missing and was not removed.
Customer support has duped items deleted by the system before.



I was of 2 minds going into this when we first learned of this ā€œBugā€.

I was thinking Oh My! All my stuff is gone, whatever will I do? Then I pondered for a second and thought, Oh My! All my stuff is gone - fresh start? Empty guild bank means more slots, right?

I put in one bug report, no tickets. I just thought, theyā€™ll fix it.

Iā€™m still of those 2 minds but I will admit to being a little mad at Blizzard, at the lack of communication, the lack of transparency. I refuse to believe that they ā€œcannotā€ recover everything.

Iā€™m not going to quit over it, itā€™s just stuff and WoW is still fun for me, I managed to play the game without my ā€œhoardsā€ of stuff, and I will continue to do so.

Any goodwill Blizz had left with me though, is gone, that ship has sailed.


I lost so many items in all 8 slots of my guild bank. Reagents, Patterns, Pets, Mounts, and armor pieces. My guild bank got gutted. All I got restored was 3 recipe patterns.

There are logs of items that get deposited, I donā€™t understand how those could not have been used to create an algorithm to restore the items. If that was too difficult and the items were all these ā€œOld Materialsā€, just restore the guild banks contents to the last backup right before 11.0.2.


Replying to my own post with update.

Since my post, I have received 10 mail(s).

Amounting to:

1x hornswog hunk
40x honey snack
50x thunderspine tenders
80x apexis asiago

Items I can still clearly see in the logs I removed in july when I returned to wow and started preparing my GB for TWW release. Some of those very same items are still on a bank alt, and the rest could have been restored via item restoration as I deleted most of those items myself.

So blizzard has restored items I got rid of before the issue occurred.


At this point that would be the most fair thing to doā€¦

Yes, some people affected might get duplicated items for providing whatever existed prior to 11.0.2 but they would almost certainly be made more whole than where we are now.

The lack of customer empathy on this matter is mind boggling - itā€™s so far below my expectations, even for Blizzard.

Like many others here Iā€™m just extremely disappointed.


This is 100% spot on but it does shine light into the company and the way the are run and the way they think.


  1. They donā€™t want to = lazy and pathetic
  2. They are not able to = sloppy work and poorly run

Iā€™d add

  1. They donā€™t want to put the time/effort in since it would probably cost a lot to do a full and proper restoration = Greedy and uncaring.

Itā€™s the worst corporate communications Iā€™ve seen to customers that wasnā€™t actively hostile.


I have a question?? If we havenā€™t actually used our guild bank since the error and there are limited logs of items deposited. Will we at least get those items back, even if they canā€™t restore the ā€œlostā€ data?

I really doubt Iā€™m going to see anything at all returned to my completely emptied 7 tab guild bank, but thereā€™s evidence of at least what was recently deposited with no evidence of withdrawals. It wonā€™t make up for whatā€™s disappeared into the void, but Iā€™m just curious?

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I have tabs with plenty of log entries detailing items I was moving between tabs at the time the bug happened. NONE of these items were restored to me even though I basically have a list of them.

Blizzard could restore those items. They simply wonā€™t. Youā€™re out of luck, Iā€™m afraid.


It makes me wonder, how much is the lack of will to restore our items the fault of MS? Maybe they just gave the order to screw us and what does this mean to the future of WOW? How soon will they pull the plug and the servers go offline forever?


I have 4 tabs without any logs, so I guess itĀ“s not working either for everyone, as many of us donĀ“t see any.


MS has a long history of decent and sometimes extremely accommodating communications with customers. This problem dates from ā€œthe decline of Blizzardā€ when ATVI fell and couldnā€™t get up.

Ok. Disappointing.
WOW 20th anniversary present of black hole to suck up all those items Iā€™ve carefully hoarded over the years is not great.
Iā€™m so over it all.