Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Beyond the loss of items, guilds are severely damaged now. nobody in their right mind will donate to a guild bank anymore.

You’d be crazy to put anything in a guild bank.


This was not unexpected. Anyone who has been around knows these big changes are not tested properly. I know you have some infantile halfwit at the top forcing everyone to push crap out the door. That’s the person who should be fired, not the CS team.


“What data leaks?” would be the response of most people who don’t follow IT security news reports. As I’ve retired, I only found out about one potential privacy breach (the one involving a Class Action) yesterday from reading a Reddit thread linked in another mega-post about this issue. Even a quick search this morning only brings up the breach from 2023 involving employee data.

Either way, it comes across as insensitive to not acknowledge that people who lost stuff are feeling bad about it.


This is insulting, tons of items that I gathered and crafted in every expansion were lost forever… and Blizzard only sent me Hochemblume x2307 (DF herb) and Serevite Ore x10 (DF ore) :cry:

I’ll never use the guild bank again.


Everyone affected by this, just remember. Your items aren’t really lost. You’re just being screwed over by a lazy, cheap developer. A company of this scale has backups of backups of backups spanning back years upon years. They could recover your main in their original MoP state if they really wanted. The items you had in your bank 1 month ago are absolutely still in backup.

They just don’t want to spend the time and resources having the team pull offsite backups and run the process of versioning out what changed since then and what is or isn’t missing.

Just remember this next time you’re handing them over another $15 to play this game while listening to their greedy investor call talking about how many billions they made off TWW. This is where your money is going



I’d canceled my auto-renew two weeks ago, with the maaaaaybe if going back to monthly if this was fixed 1) in a timely manner and 2) appropriately.

They missed on both, and by a wide margin.

I’m not big on being :poop: on, and I’m even less okay with having to pay to be :poop: on.


No backups? Oh please. Does NO ONE here remember that bug 4 years ago where people logged in and their characters were literally rolled back TEN YEARS?

People could log into an accidental rollback of an entire decade and Blizzard wants you to believe they don’t have any backups from a month ago.


Just as was suspected, it was all bullshi*. I do not believe they are “working” on restoring anything now, what is done is done. Its over. They have randomly selected some trash from previous expansions and mailed as compensation. Nothing I have read here or elsewhere would lead me to believe they are returning anything of value, anything of substance or anything anyone couldn’t have lived without. As was suspected.

Over a month of waiting for ANY sort of recognition or resolution and nothing at all returned. 19 years paying this a*sholes and they believe, nothing is adequate compensation.

My girlfriend had a guild bank (4 tabs only) filled only with ore from each expansion, except current tww ores. Her gb was emptied 100% over a month ago and she received 3 wool cloth, and 6 mage-weave as compensation. She canceled her sub.

9 pieces of cloth she didn’t even lose to begin with. wtf?

This was blizzards biggest most successful gold sink to date IMO.


No backup? Oh PLEASE. Does no one here remember that bug that happened in 2020 where people logged in to their characters literally being rolled back TEN YEARS?

They could accidentally roll back characters an ENTIRE DECADE and they now want you to believe they don’t have backups from 40 days ago. Come on

… How does that even happen?!
I’m curious, though, if she at ANY point ever put cloth into that guild bank, and if so, how long ago it was that they’re choosing that to ‘return’.

No backup? Oh PLEASE. Does no one here remember that bug that happened in 2020 where people logged in to their characters literally being rolled back TEN YEARS?

Can’t post links, so search “WoW Bug Rolls Back Characters to 2010” from an article on GamePressure.

They could accidentally roll back characters an ENTIRE DECADE and they now want you to believe they don’t have backups from 40 days ago. Come on


This is honestly… more than a little upsetting. My guild bank was absolutely -gutted- by this “error”.

Pets, personal items…

And to hear that Blizzard has absolutely no intention of actually returning items that we stored? We pay monthly for the opportunity to play this game and now we can’t even count on the company earning millions of dollars to keep track of our data?

How is this an acceptable response?


There is not a single story that any decision-maker or PR mouth there could come up with that wouldn’t get picked apart in ten minutes. If any of them had the flap to read any of this, I’d dare them to try.

I don’t know their systems or architecture, but at some point that knowledge is irrelevant. I don’t know how to fly a helicopter, for instance, but I certainly know enough that when I see one in a tree, I can point it out and know damn well that someone done $#@^ed up.

I think that the decision makers at Blizzard not only are completely clueless, but if this whole dumpster fire of a situation is like that helicopter, they’ve fixed the helicopter being in the tree by cutting the damn tree down.


We all know, that this is “we won’t” – not “can’t”

My guild logs are intact – I have proof those items were there and not removed.
I’ve had customer support dupe items for me before.


No idea to be honest, her miner/skinner rogue is the only character in that guild and her tailor is in raiding guild, so its war-bank and personal bank for cloth as far as I know.

I checked my horde guild leader and he received a single ghost dye recipe only, and just like the cloth my girlfriend received, it had no flag, said it was from the post master and had 89 days remaining. Odd thing is, the recipe was never missing, as I removed it a day or two after learning the bug existed and it was on the AH as of ~8pm last evening when I did my relists. My alliance guild bank sits empty, and still untouched.

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But even that, is somehow incomplete.

They always claimed 1.12 is the only version they can bring back because so much has changed. I do wonder, if the items lost were from pre 1.12 maybe they just can´t come back?

I am sorry about your friend and the letter btw… that is just heartbreaking!

They can not be serious, if this is their fix!

Why mail someone cloth that never even was on the Gbank? That is fraud…

I don’t know if I could do it. Seeing some players that have lost years worth of work would probably make me quit. I’m not even in a guild, but this really doesn’t instill long-term confidence in the game.

are we going to get any compensation for the items that cant be restored. I get it cant be restored but we should get something for the stuff that cant be restored. in our case its millions of gold and irreplaceble items that arent in the game anymore. i dont expect to have what they are worth but something would be nice instead of an oh well were sorry.


They could not care a shred less if people trust or will use gbanks anymore. Less for them to worry about while they collect their monthly fee and overpriced expansions.

The only way to get a point across would be cancelled subs and loss of revenue.


This is a good time to reiterate the catch phrase of right to repair and true ownership advocates

“If buying isn’t owning, then piracy isn’t stealing”

You own nothing and all your stuff and characters can (and one day will) be deleted because none of it’s yours. It’s all just pixels on blizzards servers (with no decent backups apparently)