Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Welp, apparently there aren’t. Or they fell victim to the meltdown the system had over this problem.

Like I said, profession logs are only kept for 24 hours. I know this, because in SL, when I mined one of the Progenium Ore nodes in ZM, the next one I tried to mine said, “You do not have the skill level.” I was maxed in every mining skill from Legion onward on my DH. Suddenly, I was reset back to Legion mining skill 1. When I put in a ticket, they said they couldn’t do anything, because they have no records past 24 hours for professions. Didn’t matter than I had all of the achievements, either.

They found the problem that needed fixed too late. That’s the issue.


Apparently you care. You agreed to it and have been giving them your money to do just that.

At the time we gave them our money, they were there, but now they are not, so we can’t use them.


Start reading legal documents that you’re agreeing to and paying for lol

You are not helping things by trolling.


That’s simply not true. The “logs” facility that faces CS is not the service logs. It is data stored and presented specifically for that purpose.

Service logs are enormously more detailed and are generally something that requires developers to analyze, or specific tooling that requires significant understanding of internals to use.

Not trolling. Correcting your misinformation and misconceptions.

No, you’re trolling by trying to shape a narrative away from a corporation having fault.


Please send me everything from your banks. I will delete most, but send you back some of it.


I never said they weren’t at fault, I said what you said was wrong and corrected you to hopefully set you on the right path for something you want corrected.

I’d have to use them first :slight_smile: the only thing in banks are items I do not need but cannot delete

Technically speaking, literally all WoW is, is Blizzard’s stuff.

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The point is that it’s not inconceivable that, for a bug that was difficult to isolate a cause and develop a fix for (as this one evidently was), the team being aware of it and actively working on a fix is actually the best info they could give out.

And for the record, Once they’ve said that, it’s been acknowledged. Claiming otherwise is just a lie.

Honey, unless you work on Stacks… you have no clue what you’re talking about.

Whatever gets you there.

Well continue to be wrong and play armchair lawyer and lemme know where that gets you :slight_smile:

Edit: and before everything goes to your head…no, owning stock in a company doesn’t let you sit in on board meetings. Just so you know, before you try to start making that claim too

That’s precisely why I unsubbed and will never purchase their products again.

Pains me s little to do so, as it was fun, but not as much as it would letting them do that to me and continuing to pay them for it.


Nobody (but you) is talking about law (or apparently stock options lol).

You purchase a service, that service better work as advertised, or else you don’t bother paying for that service any more.


Assuming you don’t pay your taxes either for the same reasons right?

I never mentioned the law lol

Yet here you are. Weird
And your ignorance on how all of this works because you just checked a box and said okay without reading anything is on you. Not Blizzard. As much as you’d like to blame them.

If the entire game got deleted and wiped clean and everyone had to start over with nothing, at level 1, it would still within the contract and be the product you agreed to.

As an aside to give a sense of the scale and economics, let’s say there are around 1 billion items in the game and each item requires 1000 bytes of logging to track its creation/state change/deletion. That’s 1 petabyte.

1 petabyte of standard S3 costs ~$200,000/yr before what is probably a 70% discount from AWS.

Divide that by 7M and that’s $0.03/yr.

Very ballpark/back of the envelope but we’re not talking about a crippling expense. So I’m not sold on the “cost” narrative.