Guild Bank Missing Items Update

It’s an answered bug. There’s nothing else a ticket can possibly do.


All of ours are now, too!


Honestly, the last time I tried to submit a ticket for an in-game issue I was unable to find a way to submit one. There were only pointers to articles and various “tools.”


They can be reconstructed from database records, if you keep good backups of your database.

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If my entire stock or inventory went missing I’m pretty sure I would want to know why.

And officials would be the place to start.

What kind of question even is that.



That’s because it usually means your issue is likely something the GMs can’t even fix. But if you ask the CS forums, they can help with links to ticket paths or at least point you in the correct direction.

From what we know, that’s roughly 7 million people’s worth of logs. I know profession logs are only kept for 24 hours.

I don’t think Blizz has the servers nor tech to do that.

Which insanely sucks. But here we are.


Not the farewell letters of old friends…



Nevermind, it was there. I will admit to being wrong.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but they acknowledged the issue multiple times over the past month:


Every external and internal API call is logged in detail. That is simply the way that the innards of these services work.

The storage for 7-90-180-365 day retention, whatever’s appropriate, isn’t much of an expense. It might be petabytes but that is no big deal at scale.

Given that items are a “forever thing” in the game, I find it implausible that there are not long retention logs of items being removed.

Blizzard was notified of this problem multiple times within a day or two of the cross-realm guild update. It’s also completely implausible that they learned about it “too late to do anything.” It’s of course possible that their response was careless and incompetent or that they simply decided to drop it on the floor.


You pay for access to the servers. Nothing more, nothing less.

It is pretty embarrassing for Blizzard. First there’s the bug where you can’t restore characters and then it deletes characters that weren’t selected to be deleted (making some people miss the TWW launch with their mains), then they permanently lose peoples items. Oh but we said we’re sorry so it’s ok


The thing is, that’s a lot of data to keep, and the need for storage has been going up a lot faster than the price of storage has been going down.

Maybe they can release a sparkle version of the brutosaur mount for $50 on the store to pay for the cost of storage of our item data.


And when you don’t have that access, because its been removed from you?

How do people access items in their guild bank if its no longer there?


We were all sent to bug forums by CS and were not given any official statements there. We had to search the FRENCH forums to find an update, as it seems UE laws require it.

The BUG was logged 5 weeks ago, and a week or so later they closed it as FIXED without any notification. In the bug forum, you can see that one person received a message in email that they were working on it, but we were also told that we should not use our banks, that we should use our banks. Half of that thread is begging for any official notice and clarification.

If you are trying to say that communication was ongoing, that’s a LIE.


Yeah, there was basically nothing on the NA side of things. To claim otherwise is foolish at best.


Can you log into the game? Okay, that’s access to the servers. Guild bank isn’t promised nor is it part of your sub fee.

Amazing how you know so much about their logging infrastructure.


  1. if the cost is going up then they need to increase the cost of their service/product. That’s on them, not us.

  2. All you need to do is take a backup of your database, install it on a seperate computer, and run queries on items that are stored in guild bank tabs, and build a log from that. (Its not that simple, but that’s the general intent.)

  3. WTF do they not backup a copy of their logs when this bug first hit?