Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I still haven’t seen a single person saying they recovered everything or even most things.

All I have seen in a handful of stacks returned and nothing else.


I got about 5% of what I was missing.


This is my take on it too, alarming. It really should be a major sign that some of the funds need to go to storing this data better and for longer periods.


If they do, I am certain people in the forum will help you through it by telling you that its not guaranteed in your sub fee to keep from deleting your active characters. Feel better? I know I do.


How are things being returned? They just show up in the guild bank? Mailed to guild leader? Mailed to random guild member?

mailed through the postmaster.

Mailed to guild leader

Thanks for the response. Haven’t received a single mail to any of the ones I’m guild master of.

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They are sent in a regular ig mail to the guild master. BOP and chargeless, most items missing.

I received all items that started quests, like DMF items, and a few mats. Nothing that was unique or irreplaceable was returned. Most are reporting a few mats, only. No mounts, pets, armor, weapons, junk items, tmogs, letters from players, junk items, or MONEY have been returned.


Ah, I erroneously thought it was the CS person on the EU forums (since they were getting some feedback), but I double checked and I did misread, unfortunately.

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I’ve compiled what I can, though please bear in mind it’s not an exhaustive list and I’m going off of memory at the moment.  (I never thought I’d have to keep my own spreadsheet, my bad I guess. /bitter)

Draika-Malfurion - Hand of Fate - 14 mails

  • Mysterious Grimoire (x2)
  • Fallen Adventurer’s Journal (x2)
  • Imbued Crystal (x3)
  • A Treatise on Strategy (x4)
  • Sunfury Signet (542 across 3 mails)

       TAB 1 - Ore and Fur
       Tens of thousands of True Iron Ore, Blackrock Ore, Sumptuous Fur

       TAB 2 - DMF Stuff

  • Fallen Adventurer’s Journal (not a typo)
  • A Treatise on Strategy (also not a typo)
  • Monstrous Egg
  • Ornate Weapon
  • Soothsayer’s Runes

       TAB 3 - Crafting n Rep
       This was most affected.  Assume amount in “tons” unless I state otherwise.

  • Sulfuron Ingot
  • Blood of the Mountain
  • Fiery Core
  • Lava Core
  • Savage Blood
  • Felblight
  • Essence of Destruction
  • Mark of Sargeras (one 250 stack)
  • Arcane Tome
  • Fel Armament
  • Firewing Signet (maybe less than 50)
  • Relic of Ulduar

       TAB 4 - BoE Epics
       Non-weapons stored here.  Half of tab is missing, mainly helms and leggings.  Also missing gear for all the other paper doll slots to a lesser degree.

       TAB 5 - BoE Epics
       Weapons went here, with exception made for rings, shields, and necklaces since previous tab didn’t have enough room to keep them all organized as a group.  Unsurprisingly many valuable weapons are missing, such as the hideously rare Teebu’s Blazing Longsword.

       TAB 6 - Draika crud
       For things that didn’t really fit elsewhere, hence the name.

  • Iron Starlette (x2)
  • Plans: Invulnerable Mail (x2)
  • Pattern: Warbear Harness (BoE version)
  • Void-Shrouded Satchel
  • Grumpling
  • Cooking Apron (when it was still BoE, kept it in gbank for the lols as well as the reeee)

       TAB 7 - Misc
       I mainly stored the Putrid Geist and Primal Stormling pets. Most of the former and all of the latter are missing. These pets were pre-launch exclusives.

Chrystie-Malfurion - Antediluvian Brilliance - No mails

       TABS 1 - 6
       Missing rare-quality BoE gear spanning from The Burning Crusade through Cataclysm.

       TAB 7 - Miscellaneous
       This was used to store the various iterations of A Steamy Romance Novel and largely deck cards from throughout the life of WoW.  I’m missing at least two novels and many cards.

Elita-Malfurion - Departed Veneration - No mails

       TABS 1 - 6
       Missing a mix of rare and epic BoE gear spanning from Mists of Pandaria through Legion, though thankfully not as badly hit as some of my other collectibles.

       TAB 7 - Latent Korkron
       Mainly for storing Latent Korkron reagent tokens that existed only for the duration of Patch 5.3.0, though there were a few epics and deprecated gray miscellanea too.

  • Latent Korkron Gloves (x1)
  • Latent Korkron Spaulders (x1)
  • At least one unobtainable gray item that had been used for either the removed throwing slot or a profession.

Mayae-Malfurion - Trust in Antiquity - No mails
This alt’s guild is almost strictly for Classic-era items. Some may be easy enough to obtain (I like some of them for the RP factor), but the vast majority are either difficult to find or completely removed.

       TAB 1 - Classic greens
       Nine slots are empty.  They were chests, leggings, feet, and hands.  It had been full.

       TAB 2 - Classic greens
       Seventeen slots empty.  They were weapons/off-hands, rings, belts, shields, shoulders, trinkets, and more leggings.  It had been full.

       TAB 3 - Classic blues
       Weapons.  Lots and lots of weapons.  Missing about half the tab.  It had been full.

       TAB 4 - Classic blues
       More weapons.  Missing about one-quarter of the tab.  It had been full.

       TAB 5 - Classic blues
       Sixteen empty slots.  They were helms, chests, belts, leggings, hands, and cloaks.  It had been full.

       TAB 6 - Classic blues
       Missing about half the tab.  They were shields, trinkets, more shoulders, off-hands, feet, and rings.  It had been full.

       TAB 7 - Miscellaneous
       Mostly Ahn’Qiraj items, along with at-the-time removed Zul’Gurub items that were later re-added in patch 10.0.7.  A few retired items too.  Appears to be missing some scarabs, but weirdly such that it didn’t remove entire stacks.  Didn’t lose much on this tab, for a change.

Jazmasi-Malfurion - Unseen Path - No mails
This alt guild is for storing jewelcrafting reagents, alongside tangentially-related items from Classic-era such as Star Ruby.

       TAB 1 - TBC to Legion

  • Labradorite

Bebi-Malfurion - Exotic Goods - No mails
This alt guild is largely for storing cooking reagents.

       TAB 1 - Meats
       I know there’s a couple items missing but can’t recall at the moment what they were.

       TAB 2 - Fish
       Same story as Tab 1.

       TAB 3 - Misc Foods
       Missing some Pandaria reagents.  I am certain of this because of the odd arrangement.  (Seriously, I have a method to my madness.)

Fynen-Malfurion - In Defiance - No mails
This alt guild is for storing profession reagents.

       TAB 5 - Tailoring
       Bottom-right corner slot is empty when it shouldn’t be.  Sadly can’t recall what it was but, based on the nearby items, it was an instance reagent.

       TAB 6 - Inscription
       Missing various Outland reagents, but not all of them thankfully.

Glodelia-Trollbane - börn hinna fallnu blóðs
The only one of my guilds not affected after all, though probably the least important in relative terms.  Small mercies.

Tokaia-Trollbane - Geire - No mails

       TAB 1 - Letters
       Missing several letters that were either from NPCs or other sources.

All in all, only a very small fraction was returned.

I honestly haven’t been this upset since Blizzard intentionally wiped all chat logs – including the multiple ones I’d stored – when they completely redid the file folder structure for the client in patch 8.0.1.  (As a result of that, I lost records going back six years prior to that point – which also had chat from people I’d played with that had since died.  I genuinely believe the thought process was “nobody cares and this is doing a favor”.)


I’ve received nothing in the mail. Five full tabs of items. Gone.

How about some monetary compensation? Six months game time? A few million gold for the items lost? This isn’t unreasonable. Your customer service absolutely sucks. People should be fired for this crap.

edit: This is also the first response I’ve received from Blizzard in 32 days. Unf$%$cking real.


I’m tempted to replay my bug finding on the war bank to see if it’s really fixed or not.

I agree with you overall, but I wouldn’t ask for people to lose their jobs over a video game. That’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed no matter how outraged I or anyone feels. It is also against the forum terms, so you may want to edit your post. Along with your not so subtly censored curse word. lol I get it, but the mods will only see a violation.


Extremely damning and horrifying that its that little returned.


You think it’s acceptable to not respond to customers for over a month and not lose your job? lol.

Also don’t tone police me. Take your white knighting elsewhere. Blocked.


I will certainly be wondering how those who handled this manage to stay employed, but no, I will not ask for them to be fired. That’s up to Blizzard anyway. Have fun blocking me, I guess. I was just trying to help you out.

7 tabs…just gone and this is what we finally get. Cant trust guild banks anymore and i cant even trust the new warband banks.

How many people work at blizzard? is it just a ghost town inside now?


No, you’re scolding me for making a comment. Get lost.

Not going anywhere, thanks. But I will not be conversing with you any further. Enjoy life.