Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Just the opposite if you ask me, I think this is directly related to MSFT acquiring, then laying off so many in these teams. As well as the trend in the past decade to completely cut QA out of the process and replace it with dev testing (if there’s time) across the industry.

Here and elsewhere we are in for a huge reckoning by removing these resources from the standard dev cycle.

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You’ll never see me disagreeing with the poor state of the industry and the company. However, I would argue that the current state of things is the direct result of too many lost jobs.

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I’ve been playing this game from day one. I can’t think of a single gaming experience with a company that’s worse than this. No responses since I first reported this 32? days ago. No response in game to tickets. Now five full tabs in my personal guild that I am the guild leader of is gone.

I wouldn’t have even seen this post if not for seeing it on Reddit. Nothing mailed to customers. Nothing to my email. Nothing in game. Just… silence.

The amount of good will and brand loyalty to Blizzard is irretrievably damage. Looking at other game options that will take the place of WoW because I can’t in good faith keep supporting a company that has this level of disrespect and disregard for customers who have spent 25+ years playing your games.


One thing I want to chime in on about the item restoration from our guild banks …
Based on the fact that in 2018, they were able to replace an item I had lost on one of my characters in 2007, I do not buy for one second that they can’t restore the missing items. They don’t want to invest the time/resources/manpower to do it, because they don’t feel it is worth the cost. Quite frankly, I don’t care if it isn’t worth it to them. This is their blunder. Their negligence stole our time. That’s something that we can’t get back … and they don’t care. Anyone fool enough to keep giving this company money, deserves their suffrage. If this glitched wiped your account tomorrow, and everything you collected, I bet you’d get the same response of “Sorry … we tried, kind of …”
As an indie game designer, I used to look up to Blizzard. Now, I am ashamed that I have any involvement, even as a customer, with them.


This is the worst I have seen from this one. Unless this is made right in some other way, I will never have any trust or respect for their company or products again.


Vralock, LOL seems you are one of the lucky ones. I posted over on our “main” thread (the bug forum, which I’m sure you already saw - that angry screed of a novel I wrote there) but things I got back were WEIRD.

For those not over on that other thread, so far, I only got back the same kinds of items (mats) I already had partial stacks of in the bank. I DO NOT split mats like that on my personal guilds, since that takes up unnecessary space. On my biggest impacted bank (where, over 7 tabs in which I’d say approx 75% to 100% had full tabs) I got back 98 Brilliant Shards. That’s it. One mail with one stack of items. And the funny thing is, I already had a little bit of Brilliant Shards in the bank.

I DID have a thought just now though. I wonder if they were trying to do some restoration through the bank, maybe did a test, but then decided to do it through the mail? Otherwise it makes zero sense that they’d essentially break up stacks to give me back some of them. Something is very odd.

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Tinfoil hat time. What if the people on top want everyone to quit, so they can shut WOW down and then axe the rest of the company?

I’m not going to blame CS or the messengers, they’re just doing what they’re allowed to do. But the people behind the scenes making decisions, absolutely.


Yeah, my guild got back a grand total of 23 windwool cloth. That’s easily less than 1% of what went missing.

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Yep it really is. I don’t know. Maybe the process isn’t ocmpleted yet.


It’s okay. Whatever was missing from my banker’s guild bank was probably junk I don’t need. Don’t even know if I was affected (can’t prove if anything was missing) but if I was, please don’t restore. It would be a nice Marie Kondo act on Blizzard’s part to help me with my clutter. =P

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It’s funny.  When I first read the update, the only real reaction I did was go make myself a “brownie in a mug” recipe.  I was upset, but still mostly cool and collected.  But when a sibling returned from work later, I couldn’t keep my voice from breaking when I shared the news about this mishap.

My account is 20 years old.  Why couldn’t they have had better back-ups before effectively doing testing in production we’ll probably never know…


Only one word describes this: Heartbreaking


I understand it’s scripted but man Blizz keep saying the same thing…“due to how…” over and over again. Some players have lost 100’s of thousands and some millions of G in pets, mounts, valuable xmogs, recipes, old hard to get gears, due to this blunder. And what did Blizz do? Didn’t own it straight up. To keep it quiet for so long…shows ZERO integrity and ZERO respect for the players. As someone already said, “too bad, so sad” is the Blizz approach.


Blows my mind that I can see item names in the guild bank logs from where I was moving items around when the bug happened. The items are in the logs! AND YET these items are not restored to me. There’s a literal list of items they should return to me and they just won’t. Collecting stuff since 2007 and just spit in my face.


Made a list of all the items that were lost and not yet returned (I only got 8 types of item returned, pathetic)

Guild Bank 1:
*Blood of the Mountain (1)
*Aquamarine (27)
*Shadow Gem (37)
Bloodstone (8)
Sun Crystal (8)
Forest Emerald (1)
Scarlet Ruby (1)
Twilight Opal (3)
Majestic Zircon (1)
Carnelian (126)
Nightstone (104)
Inferno Ruby (26)
Elven Peridot (6)
Deepholm Iolite (13)
Alexandrite (32)
*Lapis Lazuli (83)
*Roguestone (96)
Chaotic Spinel (47)
*Queen’s Opal (101)
*Angerseye (619)
Mythril Bar (178)
Khorium Ore (400)
Saronite Ore (204)
White Trillium Ore (245)
*Osmenite Ore (765)
*Phaedrum Ore (1000)
*Shaded Stone (1000)
*Shadowghast Ingot (77)

Guild Bank 2:
*Ink of Dreams (1000)
Midnight Ink (1000)
Jadefire Ink (1000)
Celestial Ink (1000)
Shimmering Ink (1000)
Ethereal Ink (1000)
Darkflame Ink (200)
*Ground Vigil’s Tough (65)
*Crescent Oil (1000)
*Alchemical Catalyst (1000)
Kingsblood (297)
Ragveil (200)
Fel Lotus (28)
Goldclover (167)
Fire Leaf (100)
Tiger Lily (83)
Heartblossom (66)
Starflower (1000)
Fireweed (1000)
Nagrand Arrowbloom (1000)
Starlight Rose (1000)
Yseralline Seed (1000)
Vigil’s Touch (1000)
Widowbloom (1000)
Medium Leather (1000)
Felhide (84)
Savage Leather (608)
Enchanted Callous Hide (200)

Guild Bank 3:
Strange Dust (296)
*Ethereal Shard (126)
*Sha Crystal (199)
*Arkhana (1000)
*Spirit Dust (1000)
*Maelstrom Crystal (213)
Heavenly Shard (7)
*Greater Celestial Essence (134)
Small Brilliant Shard (82)
Large Brilliant Shard (83)
Mageweave Cloth (121)
Runecloth (686)
Runecloth Bolt (421)
Felcloth (14)
Spellcloth (1)
Bolt of Netherweave (1000)
Small Egg (3)
Mystery Meat (1)
Lean Steak (403)
Questionable Meat (664)
Aethereal Meat (1000)
Shadowy Shank (1000)
*Protoflesh (1000)
*Maybe Meat (1000)
*Ribbed Mollusk meat (424)
*Hornswog Hunk (1000)
*Bruffalon Flank (726)
*Salt Deposit (1000)
*Pebbled Rock Salts (152)
*Lava Beetle (1000)
Sulfuron Ingot (14)

The ones with asterixes are the ones I can still see in the tab logs as being deposited but not withdrawn.

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Bingo! I do not believe for second they cannot replace every single item you can see in your log. Complete and utter nonsense


And, if you can see it, Blizz can see it. Your list has a lot of pricey items. ugh…


Not sure why my first post disappeared, I’ll try posting the missing items in a better format. Hopefully this can help them identify other lost items for people.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
*Angerseye (619) *Ink of Dreams (1000) Strange Dust (296)
*Aquamarine (27) Midnight Ink (1000) *Ethereal Shard (126)
*Blood of the Mountain (1) Jadefire Ink (1000) *Sha Crystal (199)
*Lapis Lazuli (83) Celestial Ink (1000) *Arkhana (1000)
*Osmenite Ore (765) Shimmering Ink (1000) *Spirit Dust (1000)
*Phaedrum Ore (1000) Ethereal Ink (1000) *Maelstrom Crystal (213)
*Queen’s Opal (101) Darkflame Ink (200) Heavenly Shard (7)
*Roguestone (96) *Ground Vigil’s Tough (65) *Greater Celestial Essence (134)
*Shaded Stone (1000) *Crescent Oil (1000) Small Brilliant Shard (82)
*Shadow Gem (37) *Alchemical Catalyst (1000) Large Brilliant Shard (83)
*Shadowghast Ingot (77) Kingsblood (297) Mageweave Cloth (121)
Alexandrite (32) Ragveil (200) Runecloth (686)
Bloodstone (8) Fel Lotus (28) Runecloth Bolt (421)
Carnelian (126) Goldclover (167) Felcloth (14)
Chaotic Spinel (47) Fire Leaf (100) Spellcloth (1)
Deepholm Iolite (13) Tiger Lily (83) Bolt of Netherweave (1000)
Elven Peridot (6) Heartblossom (66) Small Egg (3)
Forest Emerald (1) Starflower (1000) Mystery Meat (1)
Inferno Ruby (26) Fireweed (1000) Lean Steak (403)
Khorium Ore (400) Nagrand Arrowbloom (1000) Questionable Meat (664)
Majestic Zircon (1) Starlight Rose (1000) Aethereal Meat (1000)
Mythril Bar (178) Yseralline Seed (1000) Shadowy Shank (1000)
Nightstone (104) Vigil’s Touch (1000) *Protoflesh (1000)
Saronite Ore (204) Widowbloom (1000) *Maybe Meat (1000)
Scarlet Ruby (1) Medium Leather (1000) *Ribbed Mollusk meat (424)
Sun Crystal (8) Felhide (84) *Hornswog Hunk (1000)
Twilight Opal (3) Savage Leather (608) *Bruffalon Flank (726)
White Trillium Ore (245) Enchanted Callous Hide (200) *Salt Deposit (1000)
*Pebbled Rock Salts (152)
*Lava Beetle (1000)
Sulfuron Ingot (14)
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‘Incomplete’ restoration? I haven’t even gotten anything on Moneza-WyrmrestAccord, the GM and lone guild member of the guild he’s in, even though the guild bank lost stuff in this incident.

Ironically, the only thing that was left and didn’t get deleted in the first place was all the fourth of july sparklers he had in the last tab. :expressionless:


How do you (Blizzard) propose to properly compensate us for those items you “can not” restore, please?

Also, how do you propose to compensate Guild Masters for their time spent moving all the recovered items back into their guild banks, in the proper locations. I do not believe that any one would label this type of make-work as “fun.” Since you (Blizzard) are refusing to properly finish the restoration yourselves, you should compensate the guild masters for doing what should have been your work (i.e. putting the lost and recovered items back into their proper places).