Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I hope they haven’t finished sending out everything, because there’s a lot of stuff I’m still missing. :confused:

This is a private guild, and I make old mounts to give out a lot, so I had a ton of Pandaren gems, Saronite, Titanium, Volatile Life / Air, and Frozen Orbs, etc. Gone. Also, had two characters do the Shadowmourne questline, and I stored the rewards there to sell later, and most of those are gone. :confused:

Quite a few battle pets and a few BoE mounts were lost as well.

I mean, I’ll live without the stuff. It’s not a huge deal if I don’t get the items back. But now the problem is I’m afraid to store anything important there again.

Sigh At least my Living Steels didn’t get yeeted.


It’s not some, its A LOT!!! over 500 of us with over 800 banks on the one thread alone. NOTHING. NO RESPONSE. They had the bug initially and then marked it fixed and closed. Still no response. Now they are telling is that they aer sending stuf back, but you see, they aren’t.

They are sending BOE items that when received from the mailbox turn to BOP to the guild leader. They are sending back anything that had charges, with NO CHARGES; just BRICKS! They are sending SOME mats, but not most. All this, and "thank you for your patience, done! This is beyond unacceptable.


Yeah, my friend and I have decided to not use the guild bank we share anymore. They don’t trust Blizzard anymore and neither do I. That was a lot of time and effort on both our parts just taken away in an instant.


I don’t see a single thing restored to the 3 guild banks I have access to (2 are my own and 1 is a buddy’s). From the sound of the update, if we didn’t get anything back, too bad, so sad for us. They’ve decided they’ve tried hard enough and won’t spend another thought on it.


On the bug thread we are comparing, and finding very quickly what these items are. We are also finding that we are being screwed on them being BOP/chargeless and severely incomplete.

There will be no communication from Blizzard about this “fix”. There wasn’t any before, why would they care after the fact.


yeah tell me about it they will ban us the second we tell them they probably got their computer game developer skills in a box of froot loops


That was about the Warbank, not the guild bank. And it was Vrak in CS.

Neither do I, and I intend to make sure no one I talk to trusts either. This took so many of us by surprise. We actually thought someone cared. That there must have been some sort of mistake. This disbelief came from loyalty. Loyalty that is now gone.

Your bank, your guildbank, your warbank, your characters, your anything…gone!

“Thank you for your patience”.


Edit: Now even the thread is being closed and buried. The issue is NOT RESOLVED, except by Blizzard.

of course they are they want people to just “dont question and consume new product and get excited”

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Yeah, I needed to look harder. I found it.

It’s not hidden for me, it’s pinned to the top of the page.

Same for me, it’s been pinned to the top the whole time, haven’t seen it disappear at all.

Yeah, I just noticed it was pinned. I corrected my post above. I’d never claim to be perfect. :sweat_smile:

TBH most of what went missing from my guild bank was profession stuff from previous xpacs but the reason I was wondering is since I play Warlocks and have so many I had the green fire tomes stored in there as well and so I more or less wondered if stuff like that will come back or not as well, that’s all.

People cared much less about the mats, other than they were not able to sell or use them in their guilds during pertinent times as folks were getting into the new expansion.

It’s the things that are not replaceable, the things that are NOT being returned.

The fact that things are being sent BOP or broken, is just insulting. Of course no one likes hearing they will not get their stuff back, but reading the official statement today makes it sound like the resolution was MOST items (it isn’t even close), and that we were in this together through the process (we were, they weren’t).


This seems mildly alarming in terms of how Blizzard handles backups and data integrity.

Hope they don’t accidentally delete a bunch of our characters next.


exactly none of them per the statement.

pretty much yep.

I lost eight full bank tabs and Blizz restores 37 volatile earth and one ghost iron lock box.

Thanks for nothing