Guild Bank Missing Items Update

You’re being corrected for cutting context out of a quote, using that to present the idea you should’ve received mail, and then pointing out you received none.


You do realize, your quote of the entire paragraph, and my snippet of the relevant information, say the exact same thing, right.

You seem to be implying reading comprehension problems here.

You can’t see this from my perspective? I have two guilds that were wiped clean, I’ve received no items, ok I’ll never get anything back, I accept that.

But what’s difficult to accept is Blizzard sending nothing at all, “we couldn’t recover anything, sorry”. And this OP isn’t definitive, as in “ if you don’t receive items, you will receive nothing”. Why is that so difficult to understand?


The OP is definitive. They were sending out the items that they could restore via the mail system to the Guild leaders.

You don’t get it, have fun in CS.


Why is it anyone with a different opinion is a troll and unhappy? That doesnt make much sense, lol.

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As significant as the technical / operational failures were that led to the destruction of guild bank contents, the Blizzard management failure has been worse.

The people hit hardest by this fiasco are among Blizzard’s most loyal customers. For a guild to have lost 20 years worth of items, at least some of the guild members must have been playing WoW for 20 years, and been sending money for expansions and subscription fees to Blizzard for 20 years as well. Customer loyalty, customer retention, repeat business–these are all things that a reputable company values, aren’t they?

At any company I’ve ever worked at or been associated with, any significant loss of data would be promptly followed by a statement by senior management, acknowledging the event, maybe with an apology, or maybe just a mea culpa saying, “we messed up; we’ll do better”. The utter lack of comment about this situation by any senior manager at Blizzard is a great big middle finger to their most steadfast customers.

If Blizzard management’s strategy for keeping WoW going for another 20 years involves alienating and driving away their longest-playing customers, then I really have no idea what they think they are doing. Evidence suggests that maybe they have no idea either.


They already did this. Check the first post.


Someone in this very long post said they filled their empty guild bank spaces with enchanting vellum/vellium. I find that a superb idea and am off to do the same thing on all of my 14 affected guilds. Well 13. The 14th was completely wiped of all 6 tabs of airs, waters, all those types of reagents from classic to current as well as expensive junk that somehow became DF currency. Since not a single thing was returned, I already know how many empty spaces are in that one. ALL OF THEM :frowning:

I am also going to vellum my personal & resource banks because although not as extensive, stuff is missing from them as well. And last, but not least, there is an item in my warbank which keeps going grey. No idea why. I don’t keep anything important in there anymore either. Honestly, the whole personal storage system feels unstable.

At least with the velliums in the GB spots where my things were stolen by the patch & not returned and with pushing all of the remaining items together and screen-shotting it all, I will at least know for myself what continues to happen. I am now always worried about every “patch” and long maintenance. I plan to just keep things on alts instead of the GB or warbank.


okay but it wasn’t phrased the way i think it should have been so it doesn’t count


That sums it up pretty well, lol

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They have not.

The CM´s are not talking to us, while this is their job to do. We asked numerous questions but are ignored since weeks.

This just isn´t ok!


This post is the communication. You can discuss whether or not it is communication to a level you are happy with, but the original post and the follow-up were the statements. The issue is resolved, data was lost, and it will be a partial restoration based on what was able to be recovered. That was sent out to the guild leaders of guilds with recovered items through the in-game mail system.

Why bother with this post? I don’t get why people are coming here with pedantic defenses for Blizzard on this. If you don’t care fine, but why are people defending Blizzard on this at all?

They gave one response and stopped talking and you say that’s communication? Come on man. Nobody does stuff like this in real life. Then on forums everyone turns into a “technically” lawyer and says things like this to defend a company for a massive F up here.

Just such a bunch of internet only responses instead of being humans. Brand loyalty is so weird.


It’s a public forum thread, which I was interested in due to having lost a decent chunk of items. Beyond that, I’ve checked in every time it pops up on the bottom of my feed or I get a notification, read what folks are talking about and respond if I see it fit. I’ve just as much reason to hang out here as anyone else.

Another very internet response. Don’t respond at all to what I wrote to you, just talk about why you want to respond. I never questioned your right or reason to respond…I questioned what you were doing in your responses. Why defend Blizzard on this at all?


I’m really not. If not becoming irrationally mad and making up conspiracies is defending Blizzard, then fine, but people pretending they are choosing to delete the items and not restore them, pretending that Blizzard hasn’t made a statement, or are sweeping this under the rug where nobody will find it? Pointing out the incorrectness of such statements does not equate to defending Blizzard.


Sure it does. You can argue defending them is the right thing to do and that people are being irrational…but you are still defending them. Why?


Okay, if that is what it equates to: Because people are being irrational and I am pointing that out.

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Well you seem ridiculous and pedantic to me, so I am going to block you and move on. Stop defending companies for taking advantage of peoples trust and not making things right when they screw up. Less of that might actually get some change done.

Buh bye.


There was already a statement put out. You just dont like it. The CMs dont have to talk to you. It is completely ok. Thats why it is happening.

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