Guild Bank Missing Items Update

You weren’t kidding. Usually I’d pop in through the night just to see if anyone’s heard anything new, but tonight it’s just dead.


Yeah, ummm, you arent going to get any of that nor should you. Again, its obvious this just isnt viewed as that big of a deal. Its something that didnt affect a lot of people otherwise they would do more.

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You keep downplaying this and there are a lot of folks to whom it IS a big deal.



Oh yea…

They are obvious in their efforts. I just put them on perma-ignore since I can’t imagine they have anything worth reading about this topic (or any others). They ignore common sense; make statements about things they don’t understand like they are facts and then make try to be passive aggressive with dismissive or condescending replies.

I can’t remember who said it but yea, now that I don’t see their nonsense, the background noise is gone, and it is quite nice tbh. I have almost doubled my ignore list that was at only 4 since starting years ago.

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I just screen shot, but everything had so much in a stack and was organized. It was noticed easily when 5 stacks of things were gone at once


World of Warcraft has a question on YouTube today “Tell us about your time in TWW so far! :point_down:” I did mention a little bug (didn’t go into too much detail but did definitely mention it).


You have to realize that objectively its really not. Some items went missing in a video game. Thats it. Sure its somewhat inconvenient but in the grand scheme of things its not a big deal.

Spoken like someone that wasn’t affected…

And TO BE CLEAR I couldn’t care about the items anymore, I’m sure I’m screwed out of 14 tabs of item collected over a decade of playing this game, can you wrap your head around “time invested”?

It’s the lack of communication during this entire issue. You do realize the only place to get any information from blizzard during the first month was the EU forums. Yea, how often do you visit the EU forums?

This post didn’t show up until I cross linked the bug report post in a customer support stating that fact, which was flagged and locked by the compassionate players that echo in CS. Then within 24 hours this showed up, coincidence? So please keep telling me there’s no way to communicate with people up the chain.

It was stated in the OP I would receive mail, neither of my GMs have received mail. No communication that this is over and to expect nothing, no items, just left me hanging in the breeze with folks like you telling me basically to “get over it”.

We want to hear from Blizzard this is done, this is the place we’ve been directed to ask for this communication. You don’t represent blizzard and know as much as we do, but keep on trolling, if it makes you happy.

I’ll just sit here stewing over blizzards failure to communicate.


They have already communicated. You just dont like what they said. They are items in a game, again its not that big of a deal.

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Please link this “this issue has been resolved and those that didn’t receive mail, will receive nothing” communication. I’ll wait…


They have communicated nothing. If you don’t have anything to contribute then leave. Try trolling in the customer support forum, they’ll love you there.


How did you know? :sob:

He’s got nothing, but it’s not that big a deal.


Guys, all you are doing is encouraging him to continue posting here. Just ignore.


Look at the first post

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Read mine

No mail, do you see?


I did. They already told you what there is.

It helps to not cut out the majority of the sentence.

Why am I being “corrected” for asking for a definitive “WE ARE DONE” from blizzard?

You guys on the payroll?


There are trolls who have nothing better to do than harass people affected by bugs. We’re just the flavor of the month. I mean besides the saddle and crest issues. We’re an easier target though.


Trolls are trolls for a reason. They are unhappy with life, unhappy with themselves and therefore they want to make others unhappy around them. For a lot of them, especially one in particular that posts in this thread, HPD is a real thing for them.

Ignoring them is the proper procedure.