Guild Bank Missing Items Update

There’s no list to add yourself to. If you had stuff deleted it’s gone. There are no restorations happening. That was just a lie to buy time so that people don’t unsub right away and (hopefully in their eyes) forget about it and move on. It’s either a case of extreme incompetence where there weren’t proper backups, or it’s a case of there are proper backups but they just don’t want to put in the effort to restore items. Either way, everything you lost is gone.


Pay no mind to the trolls. They’ve been here for a while trying to get enough of a rise out of people they snap, then they’ll report you and get you banned. Jokes on them though, I’m pretty sure this Maw-scape is mostly (if not completely) unmoderated.


I got a stack of Maybe Meat in exchange for 30-40% of a missing guild bank stuffed (previously) with plenty of vastly more valuable items. Maybe Meat is a vendor item at this point and already was worthless when it was current content.

So, little to no effort was apparent in their handling my missing items.

I’ve seen little to no geniune care taken with engaging with the community in a prompt, transparent, and compassionate manner, hence little to no remorse has been shown.

Little to no, abbreviated down to just “no” for the sake of brevity, admittedly a difficult process for me. As for twisting things, you seem rather adept at it, so perhaps you’re entreating your big boy hammer to view everything as a thin, pointy object that could do some harm if just left alone. :screwdriver:

Can’t do much about Blizzard’s inadequacies except utilize the forum thread wherein the matter is being discussed, but I sure can block you so I don’t have to hear your chaffy lack of empathy again. Oh, and those two ladies that liked your comments, they gots to go, too. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Just put them on ignore and their chatter disappears. I put up instructions above for those particularly nasty ones that hide their profile making them difficult to ignore.

I have long suspected that BLIZZ closed the bug forum post (without any response), and moved us here to General to subject us to trolls in an attempt to shut us down.


Absolutely the best thing to do. You won’t be notified if they reply to you, you won’t be tempted to answer them (they’re not going to change their tune - they are here to antagonize us. If they don’t care about the topic, they should move on but they don’t). They are not worth your time, energy and frustration.

And really, wouldn’t be that surprised if Blizzard did move this to GENERAL for that reason. It may sound far-fetched, but the amount of effort they seem to be putting into ignoring us / trying to hide the topic (by making sure no other thread start to grow) does make me wonder. I wish they’d put the amount of effort into slowly restoring out stuff (if its available) rather than playing whack-a-mole with forum threads started by distressed and confused people who just want their stuff back.


Another day/week and checked both Alliance and Horde personal guilds - nothing new. No mails of “lost items”, nothing restored. And the same “no response” or post from a Blizzard blue.
They really could do with some lessons in customer service.

Really wish there was another avenue to take this higher. But all we’re told is “go to the forums and post”. They might as well say go outside and scream into the wind - you’ll get the same amount of response.

I was also looking into their TOC for the specific clause relating to Australia.
If you are a resident of Australia, the benefits provided to you by this Limited Warranty are in addition to other rights or remedies you may have under local laws related to the goods to which the warranty applies. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. The provisions of this clause containing the Limited Warranty and the clause containing the Limitation of Liability and Indemnity below apply only to the extent permitted by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). The entitlement to a replacement or a refund for a major failure is not subject to Blizzard’s option.
/end quote
But I guess they’d just say - well bad luck, sorry you’ve lost things you collected / paid for over the last 17 years. Oh well, never mind.
It’s the whole “being ignored” part that is the worst part - well apart from losing all 7 tabs of items of course.
Like everyone here, some form of “goodwill” would go a long way to “fix” this issue.
It’s the same for service in “the real world”, where I’m sure everyone can think of a time they’re like “wow, that was good service for a mistake made, I really appreciate that” to the “wow, I’m not going back to that place if that’s how they treat me as a customer”.

Anyway, that’s the end of my rant lol. I said my piece. (Again). Hehe


29 days and it’s allll gone
wish I had a nickel for every
time it all went wrooooong

baby I’m gonna miss ya
it wasn’t all bad
we had some memories
all the times I opened you up
and inside you waited for meeeeeee

I miss your pretty stacks
and all those years you were there
just waiting to be used
waiting to be loved
and now you’re gone
and it ain’t right

I’ll never forget your love for meeeeeee
At least I still have 20 years
of memories, oh memories!

I wrote this song for all the victims of the great bankening of 2024. Thank you!


You have no idea how much effort they applied tothis issue. What you dont seem to understand is that just because you only got a few items doesnt mean they didnt try. You are making a baseless assumption.

Its literally in the first post here and then all of the individual responses people have posted when discussing their issue with CS.

Its funny how when someone disagrees and shows you are wrong your first inclination is to put your fingers in your ears. Many people here cant tolerate opposing viewpoints.

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Just thought I would add:

My main guild with about 600 players was hit hard. We lost about 90% of the contents. Including mounts, pets, mogs, gear and mats. This guild very active with items being deposited daily.

My other two guilds were personal just family on different servers. They lost nothing that I can see. Those two guilds were not active, and nobody signed in during that time.


Hello again…

Just wanted to say that neither GM of my two guilds that had seven tabs each completely wiped, have received no mail.

If I had gotten mail with a few things, or a “we’re sorry” letter from blizzard, I would know it’s done.

Having received nothing at all, am I to assume the recovery is still being worked on and is taking longer than anticipated?

That’s all I would like to know. Is that too much for a paying customer to ask? Blizzard, if you’re done, please just say so here. Feels like I’ve been left hanging here, I’ve already moved on but closure would be nice.


Yeah, that’s the next step usually after I give some benefit of doubt. It’s not surprising to see it in the rest of the forums here, but it was genuinely surprising to see someone in this topic admit to some frankly weird behavior for a blundered “gotcha”. Well, less so after the thinly veiled threat. But between that and the other person that jumps on every post that hasn’t blocked them for their antic, I can see it. I don’t necessarily want to believe it’s intended maliciousness on blizzard’s end, that’s very much an old blizzard tactic.

Thank you for mentioning this, activity before and during the initial cause of the issue is what I’m wondering after lately.


I have a friend who took a few month break due to work and not having time, and she didn’t lose anything.

Maybe if nobody in the guild was online at all nothing was lost? Just not interacting with it isn’t enough as we saw with the person who just didn’t check the bank until October and watched everything poof.


I remember that, and I almost want to say this is likely true. Hard to know unless people hit with nostalgia for the anniversary event start getting shuffled into here too.

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okay but they didn’t grovel. we want them to BEG us to forgive them. we want them to say they were crying. we have to know they feel super bad about this. it’s important because of reasons

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This bug is back and our guild bank items are vanishing for the last 3 days now. This needs to be fixed ASAP please… and whatever items missing given back is possible.


Unfortunately, based on my own experience of having characters in 5-6 guilds… some with active accounts, some with inactive accounts (other players than haven’t logged in in months/years), and some where i’m the only account… it simply seems to have been random if the guild bank was affected or not. I had one personal guild bank where only my account had access and only one character in it, and I specifically went the first month of this never logging that character on, and it was still wiped clean once I checked after we were told things would be restored/returned via in game mail.


It’s been a month since we got the “restoration” mails. If it was coming in waves, we would have gotten other mails by now. I do believe it is done.

This is so frustrating. I can refarm the ore and herbs and whatnot, I can regather rare stuff even. But I don’t feel like I have a safe place to keep it all. Rumor is, personal banks are next?


You’ve lost stuff only recently? As in … you know it was there a few days ago and now it’s gone? Or do you mean you’ve only just noticed that it’s gone and it could have disappeared at the time the original “bug”?


Two weeks ago, it was said in my ticket reply that it would “take some time” to go through all of that email sending. I’ve reopened my ticket, 2 weeks is plenty of time.


My guild wasn’t effected when the bug hit last month, but I was aware of it being a problem. Stuff started vanishing in bulk 3 days ago and no logs reported people taking it out, then I watched more vanish as I was at the bank.