Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Noooo, that’s the last thing we need!

Now I need to check all my guilds again. I’ve been taking things out and moving stuff from guild to guild via the Warband bank. All my guild vaults are disorganized so I may not notice stuff missing.



I’ve moved everything to my own warbank and just told everyone, if ya need something let me know… too much time spent farming all this for it to just go away and not get back sadly. Keep an eye out! :frowning: I also keep an eye on my warbank JUST in case things hit there too


Checked all my banks, nothing more has been lost since the original event.


I have a question for Blizzard leadership. Do you play this game? Do you know what a guild bank is?

Each tab in a guild bank has 98 slots. My guild bank has 7 tabs, so 686 slots. Many mats can stack in lots of 2000 in 1 slot.

Before the bug deleted my items, my guild bank was full. Now it’s empty.

This is NOT acceptable.


I think I’m going to start posting back in the bug report forums again. Of course they’ll lock any threads and throw me back here into the Maw, but I’d prefer my concerns to be heard. Afterall there’s at a chance devs scroll through the bug report forums once in a while. Meanwhile I’m entirely convinced no one is paying any attention to this tread.

Also since virtually nothing has been virtually restored, and there’s still reports that item deletion is happening, I’m going to have to disagree with the devs that the “issue is resolved”.


While I am sad for you that this supposedly fixed problem persists, perhaps they will do something more if it is indeed still poofing banks. It’s easier for them to brush us off when it’s not still happening. :confused:


Me too.

I’m trying to keep all slots filled, even if I’m breaking stacks to do so, so it’s more obvious if something is missing.


I tried customer support, which is talking to other players for help now apparently. Guess I’ll in game ticket this simple question…


I used 477 Light Parchment to cover every single empty gbank slot.

My guildies only have access to the last 2 tabs.

I’m trying to see if it’s still affecting my guild.


I’ve been trying to call them out on that in the anniversary threads, spreading the word on the gb fiasco and how really no player data is safe anymore.


Then you are free to put this thread on ignore and leave. No one wants to hear your dismissive attitude on the subject.


It is not hard to figure out who’s rotating alt this is in this thread tbh.
I’ve put them on ignore.


At this point, I only have 3 x stacks of Goblin Gliders left in there – zero money so they can have them as well. My GB will just sit empty at this point and I’ll just make tons of banking toons to store money and items in their personal bags.

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My opinion is as welcome as yours. I’m allowed to state my opinion as long as I follow the rules, just as you and everyone else is here.

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Same I put them on ignore. I am not going to take anyone’s words seriously who has 80 achievement points, no mounts, no pets, etc etc. Seems rather strange to me to have a stripped account like that. On top of that no meaningful posts at all. Just a bunch of nonsense.


I’m “moving on”, but only as far as my personal impact. Because I lost very little, and my losses were confined to some Cata, MOP, and Dragonflight essences, which were passively replaced just by levelling an Earthen.

I’m not “moving on” from this thread though, and advocating for the response people deserve. I might not need any restorations, but there are a lot of people that absolutely do.


They kind of have their own echo chamber over there, which mostly revolves around defending Blizzard and customer support decisions, and enjoying putting down cheaters and mega toxic players who get their accounts banned and complain there. Point is they have nothing constructive to say and there won’t be any customer support to be found there.


Plus, the actual customer service (GM’s, Vrak and Orlyia’s team, etc) are specifically not permitted to do anything to address this. They’ve said as much. And that their jobs would be on the line if they gave any unauthorized info. I don’t blame them. Or Linxy. That’s just shooting the messenger which isn’t helpful.


As I recall, customer support blues are (or at least used to be) senior game masters in terms of power. Game masters are the customer service team. Also frontline game masters from what I understand these days have very little power to restore items or access certain data. Supervisor position GMs (and specialist teams) actually do (or again did) have great power (and great responsibility) to actually generate items or grant achievements or personally assist streamers, etc.


I’m slowly heading in this direction. My various guild banks are full of stuff I’ve collected while leveling alts and leveling alts is my favorite thing to do, so I’ll be able to refill the banks in time. At the end of the day, my personal life isn’t affected.

Absolutely! Blizzard did us dirty and they can’t be allowed to get away with it. It sets a precedent for the future. They need to communicate with us and give us a proper fix/restoration.

What they should have done was a rollback of the banks right when it first happened. Then we’d all be happily playing and buying the latest store mount and stuff. Someone dropped the ball, they need to fess up and make things right.