Guild Bank Missing Items Update

What I find interesting is that all the anniversary stuff you can get… I mean, what’s to stop Blizzard from accidentally nuking it in the future? Nothing.

Losing our guild bank stuff just shows that Blizzard is either unable (unlikely IMHO) or unwilling (much more likely IMHO) to restore things that get nuked by virtue of something they have done.

How can we trust that anything in this game will ever persist again? If I get the remastered T2 paladin set, who’s to say that 10 years from now, that will still be associated with a character?

Blizzard has the opportunity to rebuild our trust and they’re going to squander it by not doing anything and will continue to ask us to trust that our data is safe with them.


Hello, I see the same. Not many are posting anymore.

I will say that my friends have left the game. They did not make idle threats they just up and quit. I can not blame them to be honest.

Idk… I am not sure what I can say atm.

Have a great day



This isn’t some huge issue that many people care about. Just look at this thread, there are only a handful of constant posters here who are even keeping this topic alive. lol

I don’t think I ever mentioned this initially, but only one other guild of mine was affected besides this one, to less damage. As far as I can narrow things down on my end, my other personal banks that weren’t affected also happened to be characters that I did not log into during the prepatch, or the bank was made in the last year. Correlation doesn’t equal causation though, I do think this is just random how it chose to happen to people more than anything else because the one other bank I had affected was not cross-server nor cross-faction as far as I’m remembering.

It’s more like this isn’t an issue that many people know about. The forums are only paid attention by a chunk of the community when there’s hotfixes and balancing notes, less than that because of places like wowhead and icy-veins, I imagine. It’s not like blizzard posted it anywhere else or sent emails out to accounts that had one or more of characters affected by this.


Not true.

It is a big issue for many. Not everyone comes to the forums to post.


Nah, there isn’t any outrage over this except for a small handful of people.

While this is true this isn’t a big issue for many people, no outrage can be seen anywhere except for the dozen people on the forum.

If they don’t know about it then they likely aren’t effected by it, making it a non-issue for them.

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Plenty of us still care. I personally cancelled my longtime sub and haven’t been playing. I still comment under the twitters about the guild banks when I have time. I just don’t know how we can get any better resolution when they just ignore every message.

Not posting to the forum doesn’t mean not caring. It just means many have accepted their fate or moved on from the game.


I dont think so. If it was really a big deal Blizzard would have done more. They realize its just not that big of a deal.


You’ve played within the last two weeks. Lets not pretend that you’ve taken some extended break.

If opening the game briefly = played then okay? My sub lasts through January. Nice gotcha I guess


It’s not meant to be a gotcha moment, it’s meant to get the truth out there. Players like to pretend to quit, unsub, take breaks, ect.

Also, you didn’t “briefly” open the game and close it. You were actively obtaining achievements.

I’ve literally said in previous comments I’ve logged in and tried to play but have no motivation once I do. So yes, I haven’t played the game. I’ve logged in and checked my bank. Thank you oh great truthseeker.


You logged in to check your bank and obtained new reputation achievements? Anyways, have a great day man.

The achievements from the bug that randomly pop up once you open the game. Lmfao. Go away troll

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That’s just not true, most of my own friends didn’t know this happened because the guild bank is storage they don’t check or expect to need to check regularly for issues like this. Not personal guilds, either, and it’s certainly an issue to them. I don’t doubt there’s as many people out there that treat it a non-issue as there are people that would find this troubling. As it is, even if people only looked at the wowhead or icyveins mention of this initial post, they’re likely still waiting for the “soon” in regards to mailed items.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Nvm to this energy yeesh


You might want to reconsider calling people names if you plan to keep posting on the forum. :upside_down_face:

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Whats with the unnecessary name-calling? Be better than that. Its just a game.

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Heh, you are like an ex girlfriend, stalking your former boyfriend who told you he does not love you anymore. So each time he interacts with another female, you come and confront him with your “truth”. :sweat_smile:

I don´t understand what the purpose here is, I have logged in a few times as well, did try to sell some stuff at the AH, not sure maybe I did a quest here and there.

In the end, I am in the same spot like many, the motivation just isn´t there anymore, but that does not mean that I delete WOW from my HD. It´s a slow process I think, you spend less and less time with WOW and at one point, you will be gone.

This may come sooner or later for some, there is no need to stalk someones Armory just because you have a disagreement about the severity of this issue.


That was the original thread that I started that you’re referring to. They closed it, but I assume that due to the size, they didn’t merge it into this one when Linxy started this specific thread with the statement. This thread is essentially the successor to that one, and I have to be honest - I am about 1500 posts behind. At over 100 posts per day, it’s a lot to keep up with. :frowning:

Welcome, by the way. :slight_smile: