Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Exactly what makes this oversight and lack of caring and actual communication on Blizzards part so bad. As much as I’ve loved this game over the years, it is now being run so poorly, it doesn’t deserve to continue on tbh.


Up to 532. All the new people posting here - thank you! You are awesome!

Again, spread the word, have friends in game who have had items go missing come to the forums to join the chorus.


Posting my private bank losses here just to be noted for those kind players that keep track of the Great Guild Bank Heist, so here goes.

Server - Earthen Ring > Horde Guild > Araminta Station > all guild bank tabs affected > 8 Postmaster items sent

Server - Earthen Ring > Horde Guild > Smades Tavern > all guild bank tabs affected > NO Postmaster items sent

Server - Draenor > Horde Guild > Life is Cheap > all guild bank tabs affected, last tab completely empty > 8 Postmaster items sent

I’d like to see a personal response from Blizzard per guild leader who’s bank was affected. As a member of other guilds not run by me, the guild bank loss was widespread and cause confusion and concern about why the guilds were missing items not caused by players. I have not heard if any of those guilds received Postmaster returns. I rarely use those guild banks.


I think most or maybe everyone also felt that Blizzard would fix this and do what should be done and that is restore the items… they chose not to (either willfully or through incompetence) – it was still their choice not to restore it and that is where the biggest rub is (imo).


This is what they want.
They know eventually most people will grow tired and just throw in the towel and it will quietly die off and then something new will come along. I suspect they are super glad the anniversary is coming up to draw attention away from this.


Same train of thought. This thread’s been open for 28 days, and the only blue post is the original post. Radio silence since.

Like you said, they’ll wait for the conversation/complaints to fizzle out, and then they’ll close the thread. I’d even wager they’ll continue to lock new threads for a time, and reference those players to this closed post.

If players were allowed to make their own posts, it would more accurately reflect how big of a deal this is. Instead, like someone else mentioned, this just makes it look like a non-issue by limiting all discussion to this one thread.


It’s already happening.
A couple weeks ago, I’d make a post in the morning as a time stamp then go to work for 8 hours and I’d have 30ish posts to read through when I got home. Now, I make a post before work and there might be 10 new posts to read through.

People are already losing hope and not posting as much. I admit, I’ve had those thoughts too. It’s demoralizing to have a (very legitimate) issue that is completely ignored by the company for a long time and when they finally do respond, it’s extremely underwhelming. Like someone else said, this is not the same Blizzard we all know and love.


Yah, I had been wondering why all the posts about Mythics, Tanks, Healers hadn’t been placed in their own singular topic/post. They are militant about getting rid of anything regarding the GB data loss.


When my friend in-game was telling me they had some kind of bug/blip in Rumble, they gave everyone 20k in some kind of coin for the game, whether they were affected or not.

It was disheartening to hear him say this - because I know we’ve been dealing with this for a couple months, now. If they could do something for the Rumble players - how are we not being considered?

I wonder if we don’t match their target demographic, anymore?


Still waiting and nothing. I’m wondering where I was supposed to post that I had one of the many guilds that lost their items. There was a post, since closed, that collected names but I thought it was more of a place to rant and say, yeah me too. Is there a specific location where a guild master is supposed to add themselves to the list? I contacted support when it originally happened.
First, the items were stuck and seemed slow to withdraw. The next day Blizzard seemed to withdraw all the items. As a crafter, or former crafter because Blizzard took the drive and trust away, the g/bank held supplies thus just about putting us out of business. I can’t help but think that we bought pages worth of supplies and now they aren’t available to the public. Is this a way to inflate the prices on AH and ruin our gold economy?
Come on Blizzard, communicate and start returning our materials.


Probably two reasons.

Reason one. Who do you compensate. The guild, the guild leader, all the members of the guild, how much do you compensate, does it matter how much went missing or what it was worth, how is it divvied up etc.

Reason two. Because the items were deleted and not removed they have no idea what went missing or where things went missing from. Sure they could have a backup (I can’t imagine they don’t) but without logs they can’t tell if an item was deleted or removed or when it happened.

Plus there’s too many guilds out there to investigate and compensate (or restore) on a case-by-case basis so its easier just to ignore us by banishing us here to the shadow realm.


Thank you! I couldnt have said it better myself. Losing the excitement and joy from the game after being so loyal for over a decade is worse than losing my entire guild bank and rare items. I used to log in with joy but now … It just makes me feel sad.


Glory to your family! Qapla’ !


This is something I’ve been considering the past couple of weeks. I don’t think they know who was affected, if the banks suddenly just blanked-out. You’d think they’d have backups of some kind. I don’t like it! ><

I was the only one in my GB. Were there some that were completely zeroed out that were group guild banks? Been looking for patterns.

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oooh! also, in the rumble situation, my friend said everyone got compensated, not just folks that were affected. at least, that’s what he said. i kinda wanna read into that more, if it was posted on their forums. edit: Nevermind! They have multiple posts of their situation, over there. There’s a lot under “Latest”. They are not getting deleted like we are. >.<"

edit: Yah, it’s too bad they just can’t restore the bank itself. lol - tha’d be great. no guessing - just what was in there, originally.

I wonder what else they don’t have backed up. D:


I’m right there w/ya. :frowning: :heart: I have no enthusiasm for the upcoming anniversary. It rings very hollow.

The thing that hurts the most is the lack of human-ish response for the loss. It’s like we got an AI generated response for legal ppl.


I think we all have. In the early days of the original Bug Report thread, we all laid out our assumptions only to have others say the opposite. For me, it was my most active guild (still just me though) that was hit the hardest and others on the thread said that old guilds they had forgotten about were hit the hardest.

I don’t know if there is a common denominator.


Can’t offer much to the theory of cross-realm guilds… my one that was emptied was started and remained on WrA and all of my alts for that guild are from the same faction.

Guess I’ll re-open my ticket, my last reply was on the 4th. 2 weeks is plenty of time for this : Now the guild bank is safe to use and restorations are underway, Affected Guildmaster characters will receive an in-game mails with the identified losses. It will take some time to send in-game mails to all affected characters. Most importantly, you have to know that not everything will be restored. Our developers are doing their best efforts to recover what they could.


At this point I might be even ok if they would unlock all Warband bank tabs for me. The gold I have lost should be around the costs of said.
