Guild Bank Missing Items Update

The bug and loss of items is what it is, we either believe them about what they could return or not. The true betrayal is how they treated us and how they continue to treat us. They chose to treat us as something to protect their butts against and ignore. Not loyal customers to be treated with respect and compensated for in any way for their error.


I don’t mean to be Deb the Downer here but I don’t think we are getting anything that hasn’t already been restored. I feel this is a dead issue for Blizzard. If there was a possibility or if they were still in the process of restoring items I think they would have been more proactive with communication. I’m sorry to be negative or crush anyone’s hopes. I have realized this is only over when we decide to leave the building. We are the ones keeping this alive. It’s sad and despicable to be treated like this. I have played some shady casino apps and knew never to make purchases. I never thought a replicable company like Blizzard would be this lowdown and dirty. I never foresaw myself putting Blizz in the same category. But here we are Blizz with a 1-star rating.


This is insane I’ve got entire tabs missing with items and still no type of restoration…


Unless the majority of people that Blizzard put the screws to with this carelessness cancel subs (and that might not matter anyway), there won’t be any more restoration or anything.

They effed us over, and are laughing all the way to the bank.


i agree with this. i want a real apology, with groveling


Extremely unlikely in my case. My bank guild’s name is Royal Bank of Mogh, so I’m pretty sure there are no others with this name. :smile:

I would love to know what caused the issue too, but ever since they started to connect realms, I think they’ve solved the identical name problem. I could have a toon on a connected realm named Kurnmogh and that shouldn’t conflict with Kurnmogh on Eldre’Thalas, so I don’t imagine it would happen to the guilds either at this juncture.


Solid post.

I luckily haven’t had much of a reason to deal with Blizz customer service in recent years, but I’ve been around long enough to remember when their customer service was second to none. The disingenuousness really stings.

I went into this naive enough to think this would all be fixed in the next patch. I waited awhile before saying anything, secure in the knowledge that Blizz would be fixing it asap. After all, weeks before I had another issue with the guild bank where I couldn’t deposit or withdraw anything, and that was eventually sorted in a timely manner. I submitted a bug report and waited. No drama.

I find how this has been handled, really shocking. I never expected such casual dismissal over such a serious issue. I guess I held Blizzard to a standard that sadly just doesn’t exist anymore.


Pretty sure Blizzard hasn’t said anything public about this because they’re trying to keep it quiet, only a minority of people know. Anyone I’ve talked to has/had no idea this was happening, which is upsetting to them that it happened even though they weren’t effected. Very likely there might have been a better solution had people just been aware, the lack of trust among more players may have been a motivator.

I also feel like if you haven’t gotten items back you won’t be, I’ve lost all 7 tabs full. Some items can be farmed again, but the RNG items and obscure items will be difficult if not impossible to replace.

Blizzard/Microsoft Do better, complete lack of empathy is very telling of the future of issues.


Excellent post. Thank you for verbalizing so many of my feelings here too.


Well said my friend!


That pretty much mirrors my experience. When I finally summoned the courage to view some old storage personal guild banks, they appear to be in whatever state I’d left them in however long ago they’d been visited. Since the last few months before this happened was MoP remix, I’d paused all my WoW projects for a single-minded approach to getting every last possible shred of transmog out of Remix and some level 70 alts as well.

It’s the main Horde guild bank, the one that could accept some of the new Alliance Remix alts (the only guild I had that dabbled in cross-faction members, the root cause, I believe,) that ended up riddled with missing items on every tab. For example, I noticed that the bug quite hated there being three levels of quality on Dragonflight gatherables. In the log, clearly there will be deposits of 1, 2, and 3 star qualities put in, none taken out, but only one quality remaining, so I can tell that some of the more recent deposits didn’t survive the bug.

However, the logs are only going back a handful of months and much of what >was< in the bank was put in years ago. So I pretty much don’t know what’s gone. In many ways, it was probably only precious to me, but having it swept away, no record of any of it, no effort made to return it, no remorse over it getting deleted from existence, makes me feel like none of our time spent and items obtained can be relied on now. The expectation of “permanance” for our game world is largely gone. And that’s a sad state, very uninspiring for feeling invested in Blizzard’s games. I get that rollbacks, human errors, mounts disappearing from the journal (it happened to me and was restored,) and various bad things can happen—but this was the worst destruction of items and the least satisfying customer service.


From what I’ve observed from my own Guilds and what I’ve seen here, just seems completely random. While my active guild does have a few cross-realm people in it, most of mine had one or two players in it, and not at all cross-server. They were not joined with any other realm’s guild or anything. I’ve had a bank that I THINK lost nothing, most lost . . . rough guess is from about 30 or 40% of the stuff to approx. 98% of the stuff. The one that lost nothing (as far as I know) and the one that lost almost everything are both one-person guilds. Only difference is, one is on Aggramar and the other is on Fizzcrank, which have been connected servers for years. BUT I have a mix of various missing item guilds on both servers (incl. the active multi-member guild on Aggramar).


Yeah, and my inclination to re-sub is a dead issue too. I don’t do business with grifters, even if it pains me.

If they don’t care about losing me, a Blizz customer since 1997, then who do they care for?? Do they expect this level of customer disservice is going to win them fans?

I don’t know what compels new people to start playing this outdated game, I suspect it’s word of mouth. Well gg blizz, you’ve given me nothing good to say about this game. I’m just going to tell the truth: you’ll botch our data and won’t fix it. Seriously who wants to try a game like that?

Well, I’m going to be sure to share my honest experience in my reviews of your products. I encourage other folks in this thread to do the same.


Still feels like theft because they have monetized everything. I don’t like getting ripped off. It really ruins any motivation to play…couple that with the complete lack of communication…and why support them?

Plenty of single player games. Makes me sad because I have played since the first beta but…Blizzard is gone. It’s just corporate shills now.


Well that Book character was me. Why the heck did it change my character randomly? I have no trust that everything isn’t going to just disappear now.


Does anyone else feel like this issue has just been shoved into a corner and thoroughly ignored? 3.3k comments, with any new threads still being locked.


I’m very sure at some point they’ll come out and say something like “I think this thread has run its course. We’re totally sorry some people felt a little disappointed by our excellent response to this issue that completely wasn’t our fault. Thread is closed, problem is fixed, make more threads and we’ll ban you.” etc.


I think for right now, this is like the dumping ground. Any posts that pop up anywhere else just get dropped into this container that they can simply ignore. Then, it looks like there’s no problem - just ONE THREAD in General about this. If some of the others are correct and that some of the nostalgia-driven returnees that log on for the Anniversary event have this problem, and decide to go to the forums, this is probably where they will dump their posts. At least they have mostly friendly company here.


And aside from those that visit this thread or have been affected themselves, you wouldn’t even know there’s a problem due to how contained the discussion is around this.


Neither of these are true. Just read the first post. Its odd how people twist things.

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