Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Empty banks and a mail from the Postmaster with 3 Linen cloth and soulbound bag.

I would for sure come raging to the forums.


same here, since Aug14 2023. aug 15 put in ticket. wish us luck on getting our stuff back. so much time and gold involved in our banks. stay cool hope for best.


Pretty much the only reason I didn’t throw in the towel is the warbank. I absolutely love my account bound reagent tab, its glorious. However, if I log on and find the stacks of new mats I’m hording to craft in all professions gone. I’ll just vanish like a fart in the wind, it wouldn’t even be worth coming here to tell um why.


I wonder if they would remember ^^

But ya, I see where you are coming from, I think that my interest in WOW is just so low right now, that I don´t see why others may still like the game.

Maybe I check this event out too, only to be remembered of what I have lost, so that I can quit again :crazy_face:


Another weekly maintenance / reset (for timekeeping purposes) and Prince Blizz of Nigeria has failed to fill my bank account he emptied with treasures from his kingdom.


Well we know they haven’t forgotten we’re here because they keep locking other threads that pop up and linking them here. Everybody gets tossed into the complaint hole.


Thank you, for an update. I have logged on to the guild master character many times since then. I think it is safe to say, since no items were mailed, a costly oops will only impact some players. Congratulations to those that received something. I mean that sincerely.
Will try not to think of the time lost collecting legacy items. Can we hope they at least bump up drop rates for Burning Crusade crafting mats?


Khorium. >.>


so we’re 3200+ posts in and it seems like this has just been accepted as fact. has anybody been able to come up with anything to support that claim?

they have returned the items they could. they are not going to compensate you based on things you claim you had.

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No one can offer any proof to refute it. What nanoscopic attempt they’ve produced does not, by any commonly accepted measure, constitute a restoration in either quantity or quality.


the very first post in this thread explains the situation.

if you want to call them liars, fine, but don’t act like nothing has been communicated at all.


The “restoration” provided to most people was insulting. As in, it was worse than giving them nothing.


Yes it’s still happening. On October 2nd I clicked on my guild bank tab, I saw items in there, and then Poof, they disappeared right in front of my eyes. This was AFTER blizz stated that this had been fixed on Sept 30th. My guild bank Devoured on Bonechewer is still empty. I don’t think anyone has been following up on this as they think it’s all fixed. I’ve done the interface/wtf/chache reset, put in the bug report, opened a ticket. Everyone I’ve replied to with the open ticket has directed me to post a bug report (done) and come to the forum to follow posts, which have been closed because they think it’s all fixed. I’m hoping someone is reading the bug reports and the forums. I have 2 other guilds that I’m terrified to look in the bank right now in case something like this happens to them as well.


Another week of continued radio silence. This game will slowly die if Blizzard doesn’t wake up and start addressing the alarming data loss caused by this expansion. It isn’t only the guild bank items that disappeared, it’s other data like honor levels and reputation. The Game Masters say their hands are tied to restore this type of data and to post on the forums… players post to the forums to get the same level of treatment. SILENCE.

On top of all this, it’s also the randomness of rewards from doing stuff in the game that’s now making me feel an even greater urge to quit. Weekly quests not awarding restored coffer keys. The world boss is laughably giving 70g and 150 Hallowfall reputation as its reward. None of my world quests in Azj-Kahet reset so I can’t even do the Forge a Pact weekly until the game decides I deserve some world quests there. :roll_eyes: Worse is when the game decides I am deserving of world quests, I get rewards like Explorer gear (564 ilvl) when my character only owns Veteran-Hero gear (604 ilvl).

Sorry for the off-topic rant but I’m just so dissatisfied with the game ATM I’m not sure things will ever be the same. :disappointed_relieved:


Another week has passed and another week of no items being restored. Pretty sad on Blizzard’s part.


Question. Had you logged onto that toon and checked the bank prior to you opening it this last time (at the time you saw things disappearing)? Or was it a bank that you hadn’t visited in awhile (since before the bug occurred). Were some of the disappearing items things that you’d put into the bank AFTER the great bank heist? Trying to figure out if it’s stuff that’s already been gone (but looks like it’s there and then disappearing) or if it’s still ongoing.


Yeah, good point! AND that’s if the character is retrievable. (Not sure how hard they try to get people’s old characters back but in Newcomer chat I’ve seen quite a few “had to start over” players. Maybe they no longer have access to the old email address (from when they signed up) or something.

I do think a lot of the people (who are not currently playing) who log on for anniversary will be those that played a long time ago. Nostalgia is strong in this game. Blizzard KNOWS THIS and is is happy to USE it to lure back old players but not help with people who’ve been here the whole time (or much of it) when they lose a lot of old expansion (often tied to nostalgia along with more practical reasons) due to no fault of the player.


I wonder if the “Anniversary” people will be logging in to find… more empty guild vaults


I want to preface this, Pyri, with letting you know that it is not my intention to be hostile or aggressive. The subject is what makes me angry and frustrated.

I am well aware of their statements on this issue - both the first thread in this post and in others. I was the first person to post about this issue and have kept up on it from day one.

I am not calling them liars for what they stated in words. I am being critical of their vague wording and use of leading and fragmentary language, a tendency that they’ve been noticed to use increasingly as of late.

If one makes a claim, then yes, the burden of proof is on the claimant. For instance: I do not have to offer proof regarding my claim of my guild banks being emptied (at least, not at this point). They were gutted. There was practically nothing to withdraw, and yet other things could be deposited and withdrawn in turn. Once addon caching updated, the API pulled ‘empty’ for each of those once-occupied slots using the data served by Blizzard. Additionally, my guild bank was acknowledged by Blizzard to be empty. I received nine things in the mail for these ‘restorations’, all of which had no value (five stacks of Netherweave) and all of which were things that remained in my guild banks.

The claim of ‘we have done all that we can’ is not explicitly set down, but it is one that is very strongly implied by what points they chose to address, and all of that ties directly to their communications.

Regarding these communications, specifically this one: I feel that their choice of verbiage is extremely vague and disingenuous. For reference:

Their use of ‘will be’ phrasing indicates an active process, which has been proven to be untrue by the timing of activity from them regarding this issue - namely the single wave of in-game mail that same day. They did not state that the ‘restorations’ would be continuing, and they did not state that they were completed. It can be seen now that their efforts were not as on-going as their wording implied; their ‘restoration’ was ‘one and done’, thus making that portion of the statement a misleading one.

In addition, this is incredibly fragmentary phrasing; in the general vernacular, a group that is taken as a whole but addressed in portions ought to have all of its portions addressed until all portions have been. They did not do that here, as you can see. “Some guilds”. What of the others? I think that the omission was intentional, regardless of reason.


Communications is a horrible discipline and language a faulty vehicle. Yes, there was communication. Yes, there was information that was conveyed. However, none of it addressed the majority of player concerns, and raised even more. The term ‘disingenuous’ has been used liberally in this thread, and it absolutely applies.

Blizzard is a business; the point of a business is to 1) deliver goods or services to their customers (in order to) 2) turn a profit for the company and for their investors. Unfortunately, over the years, Blizzard’s management has engineered a very noticeable shift from ‘our players are our customers and this game is our product/service’ to ‘our investors are our customers and the players are our product’. (Whether or not this changes with Microsoft’s acquisition won’t be seen for some time. Layoffs aren’t always to save a hot penny at the expense of their employees; sometimes they are meant to trim bloat, streamline for efficiency, and/or to remove rotten apples in the management barrel.)

Where that circles around to the statement posted is here: Billion-dollar companies do not have idiots working in places of criticality where it relates to public relations and legal concerns. This is not a blurb rushed off by some PR intern to the CMs to post; this is a statement that was thought about and proofed before release, and the language is fully intentional.

If this statement was delivered by someone grandstanding behind a podium, dressed in an expensive suit and sporting an unfashionably dated haircut, I’d be asking if they were a politician. To me, this is 100% red-flag phrasing.

(Edited for spelling corrections.)


They used vague language to hide the truth. “An incomplete restoration for some guilds” implies that most will get their stuff back, but some might not get everything. However, that is a lie given the situation. What actually happened is: a small number of guilds got an incomplete restoration, the rest got nothing. That’s incredibly disingenuous. I consider it a lie. As Picard once said: “A lie of omission is still a lie.”