Guild Bank Missing Items Update

The other lie is the data being lost. I don’t believe they are that incompetent. They can recover deleted chars from years and years go. They just don’t want to do it. Either it would take too many resources or would have necessitated server down time during the exp launch (oh no my early access to this bug filled game!), or they don’t want to do it because maybe some folks who happened to withdraw something during a certain window of time could receive a duplicate item. Who knows? Nevertheless, they chose to screw us over and then dropped this disingenuous non-apology. Now we’re back to radio silence. I hope this anniversary is their last.


best aniversary present ever.


Yeah. They used language that was TECHNICALLY true. But they KNEW how upset we were and what we were hoping for. In light of that, and the fact that MANY of the people who lost things were very loyal, long-time players, you’d think more effort would have gone into it. But they seemed to have done pretty close to the minimum and yet could still claim that their statement was “true.” They chose to be disingenuous. They could have said “a small percentage of guilds will find a relatively small amount of their collections returned.” But by using words that were especially vague (“some” rather than “many,” “few,” “most,” “not much,” etc.) and "incomplete (which suggests that it’s LESS THAN COMPLETE, which makes you think that maybe half or more, but could mean you got one piece of linen cloth back). They chose those words VERY carefully. I"m sure it was so that when QUOTED by anyone, they can say “welp, we didn’t LIE,” but was a real troll move towards a group of long-time customers.


I wonder how many people worked on it, and how many times they wrote and rewrote it.

“Let’s pretend like we care, when we actually don’t!”
“Yeah, good idea!!”

Is what I imagine happening.


Has any guild bank been fully restored? I have only seen a few guild banks with a couple items mailed to them.

My guild is still talking about this and are actively looking for other games to play.


I got back about half of what I lost. But, I got lucky and didn’t lose much. Everything I lost was not of any value, just Cataclysm, MOP, and a couple Dragonflight essences. I actually got back everything I lost and more just by levelling an Earthen.

For me the problem is the principle of the thing, that apparently Blizzard apparently considers that there is an acceptable level of data loss in an MMORPG. The acceptable level of data loss (barring some unforseen thing like a typhoon destroying a datacenter or something) should be 0.


This thread has 525 unique users. If we all unsubscribed today, all at once, Blizzard wouldn’t even feel it. No wonder they aren’t responding to us.

If you’re a lurker reading this thread for updates, please post. Just say that you’ve been affected and then you never have to post again. If anyone knows anyone else in game who’s been affected by this bug but they don’t go to the forums, please send them to this thread. We need more voices!


My husband and I quit today due to the crazy bugs and missing items. I have never been so affected by all the bugs as I was this expansion. Easy to excuse it when it didn’t happen to you. Good luck out there.


Between 3 guild banks I can access only my alt guild still had it’s contents, my main guild and another guilds banks were cleaned out. NO items ever restored yet.


I actually had a survey recently. One of the questions was something like I don’t feel like bugs hamper my enjoyment of the game. While I gave pretty high marks for most other parts about TWW, I put “overwhelmingly disagree” for that section, and I did mention this.


Please share other games you folks find to play :slight_smile:

In the meantime I might dust off (out?) my old NES…


Is this something we can all do? Is there a link? I have a few words I’d like to share with them :wink:

If you like Harvest Moon, then Stardew Valley is a must. I cannot stop playing. It’s on Steam for PC and on console. All updates are free. Made by an indie developer, so you’d be supporting a person and not a corporation.


I don’t think so, it was an email unique to me and it said the link will not work again once it’s been used and to not share it. FWIW I signed up on the Blizzard Research site awhile back.

Sunsong Ranch in Pandaria was based pretty heavily on Harvest Moon btw.


that’s open to interpretation. i had always read that as “an incomplete restoration for some guilds and no restoration for others”. maybe my pessimism saved me from getting my hopes up on that. they could have been clearer but it seems like a stretch to say that it’s a deliberate lie – it’s a feature of human language that what we think we’re saying perfectly clearly is interpreted differently by some listeners.

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They used deliberately vague language with the hopes of misleading people and leading them on. It might not technically be a lie, but it’s just as shady.


again, what’s “deliberately vague” to you seemed fine to me. the writer of that statement may have just thought it was so obvious that they meant one thing, that they didn’t think it needed clarification.

Look. The way YOU interpret it is NOT the way most people interpreted it. And that was their intention 100%. Most people interpreted it as “most guilds will get restored, some may get incomplete restorations”. The fact that you interpreted it differently is irrelevant.

The fact that it has multiple interpretations, and was deliberately done to be that way, was shady.


What it was, was high-quality business communications.

Clarity and explicitness doesn’t help them at all. And it’s not legally required, so why would they do it?


Communication requires both a speaker and a listener, and that both need to reach the same understanding about the topic for the communication to have been effective.

This thread clearly shows that many of the listeners did not reach the same understanding as Blizzard. We have replied, and voiced our own interpretations, and now it is up to Blizzard to continue the conversation, to clarify what they meant and what they are doing. It would literally be as simple as a blue post saying “The restoration process is complete and we don’t want to hear any more of your complaining about it”

Sure, you’re here on behalf of Blizzard to let us know what this post actually means, but forgive us for not taking your word on it.


Haha I had a survey too, after two questions it was already over. I guess I ticked the wrong boxes and MS did not like me discussing this issue any further.