Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Still waiting! I’ve lost every ENTIRE thing out of my guild bank that i’ve spent Nearly 20 years accumulating.
Just throwing you hands in the air and saying “oh well” IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!


I have been waiting months and months and filed multiple tickets, waited patiently. and LITERALLY NO SOLUTION, compensation or ANYTHING has been offered to me. I’ve had this guild for nearly 20 years and EVERY SINGLE thing in my entirely full guild bank is GONE! GM’s lying and giving me the run around, about “its a known issue” but not offering a solution or timeframe or even saying when and IF, or EVER the DEV’s or Engineers will restore ALL my items is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!
If anyone wants to join me in a class action lawsuit, seems like this is the only way that the company will ever compensate me for what they’ve stolen in items due to their own faulty/poor programming.


I feel like my Guild Bank is in the too little too care. With regards to members.

I must say My family used this guild bank and we have been playing since 2005.
19 Years… 7 Tabs ALL full … But we don’t count.
I had caged pets and BOE’s (some that are not easy to find now) , all intention to use this to fund myself and hubby into the new xpac.
NOT to be… ?
When will we know - that is it FOLK’s we are not checking for more?


count me in!

Same. This guild was for me and my Family and friends to use. So we wouldn’t get spammed with guild invites and to store things together.
Here is THE THING, it CAN be RESTORED, the data IS OUT THERE. They just simply do NOT want to spend the time to do it, because THEY DO NOT CARE!
Both times I’ve submitted tickets I’ve gotten the lamest/WORST PAT responses like the GM is NOT Even reading the ticket. Eventually after multiple replies, they do the excuse/throw their hands in air and offer to do nothing.


Entire guild bank completely Full, still missing EVERYTHING! NOTHING RESTORED. GM’s are offering NO SOLUTION, ETA, Or Saying ANYTHING if they WILL EVER Fix/RESOLVE this issue.

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Last time I submitted a ticket (for an unrelated issue/not guild banks-related), I got an obviously automated response email (falsely) marking the issue as “resolved”… at like 11:40 PM on a Sunday :roll_eyes:

It’s like, come on, 11:40 PM on a Sunday?.. they could at least try to make it not seem so obvious :laughing:

And the kicker, about a week later I saw the little icon up near the calendar icon saying I was “chosen” for a customer service survey and to rate the GM

Uhhh… what GM? The email response was clearly an automated “boilerplate” message without any human involvement, I don’t even recall seeing a named GM in the email? The whole thing was a joke, total dog and pony show

EDIT: wrong time, my mistake - sifting thru some older emails just now, I noticed their automated ticket response message actually came in at “12:49 AM”… :woozy_face:


All it takes is one lawyer in one country to get the ball rolling. If the case were before a court, the process of discovery and subpoenas could compel Blizzard to turn over relevant data/records, or at least whatever remains of it.
Then at least we could settle the question of “Did one of the world’s top tech companies just delete a mountain of customer data with absolutely no backup plan, or are they just being really cheap and scummy?” Either way (if not both), doesn’t look great for Blizzard’s handling of this situation.


then I guess you can lose the suit together immediately.

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I lean towards this explanation myself…

  • it’s the year 2024
  • it’s a software company
  • they’re based in tech-saturated California with access to high-IQ tech talent and sharp tech minds

But despite all of the above, their response is “we cant do anything”? Yeah, I call BS on that… it’s fairly obvious this is a case of “won’t do anything” rather than “can’t do anything”


My 14 guild banks are still missing many, most, or all contents. I got some meat and a few stacks of cloth in the mail… pathetic.

Now I hear there will be something done to Warbanks to make crafting from them easier. I went in & took out anything worth anything, because who knows what will be missing from there tomorrow after maintenance.

The lack of communication, compensation, or restitution of all our things makes me afraid to use the Warband Bank, my guild banks, my resource bank, & even my personal banks which also seem to have a few missing items on several of my characters.

A little explaination, a little care/apology for the loss of our mats, items, & sentimental things, heck, ANYTHING consistent in communication would have gone such a very long way…


Yep, same. (Have posted in the other threads too). Two private guild banks - one with some things missing, then other (horde guild) completely wiped clean of all 7 tabs bar 3 little items). All gone. 18+ years of mat collecting and things used,…just all gone.
With no “real” updates or anything from Blizzard. And no in game mails to either GM for the alliance and horde guilds. Have checked in game mail regularly “just incase” something might turn up. But nope,…nothing. (Last check was as of last night Australian time - but again, guild banks are empty and no mails). And though I have screen shots of it “before” and “after” it being emptied,…bad luck seems to be the taken response from all of this. Such poor communication for Blizzard on this whole thing. Sent to forums for it, that end up being 3000 posts strong with either a) no response from them in or b) the forum just gets closed off.
This has been handled so badly.


I think there’s a chance for the issue to gain some more traction during the anniversary. Surely there’s people who have been on a break just waiting for the anniversary to resub. People who are going to log in to empty/nearly empty banks. If that happens that’s going to be bad timing for more bad press.

Maybe just wishful thinking on my part, but seems plausible.


Future readers, allow me to welcome you to this grim place, where the Old Gods seek refuge and Titans fear to tread… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

On a serious note, though - you’re absolutely right, Wren. I hadn’t considered that inevitability, and had my sub been lapsed for any other reason, I’d be among those resubbing for the anniversary. There’ll be an influx of confused and/or angry posts to the bug forums, probably somewhat sizeable in number - because WE are no longer in the bug forums where people go to first - and then a portion of that influx of posters is going to shift here making posts (both legit and rageposts) about their bug report threads being closed…

Whoever is in charge of the decisions in this case lacks foresight in some rather critical areas.


They already did this. Its the first post.

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I don´t know…

why sub for the anniversary, which is not that big in my opinion, but miss out on the TWW pre event, MOP Remix and TWW release?

Plus I have witnessed the same at WOW that I did see at Lost Ark. Several identical chars standing in cities or farming stuff, which indicates to me, we have a huge bot problem. They probably make up the lost subs and won´t care about the quality of content.


I wouldn’t worry about the warbank having any problems. Millions of players are using those now, so if blizz screw them up and do nothing, half the player base will quit.


IMHO, and I could be wrong, the nostalgia factor will be huge. The reworking of the Tier 2 gear appearances will be especially interesting for old-school raiders who never quite finished their sets or people who aspired to get their full Judgment, for example. And they’ve added sets for classes that didn’t exist back then, too, such as DKs, DHs, Monks and Evokers. Not to mention that paladins were strictly Alliance back then and shaman were strictly Horde.

They are doing an entire patch dedicated to the 20th anniversary and they are pulling on heartstrings and counting on nostalgia to keep people engaged and bring people back. I can absolutely see people logging in for the first time in years and then realizing a few days later that they’ve been victims of The Great Blizzard Bank Heist.

The funny thing here is that if they’re catering to players from 15-20 years ago with this patch, who weren’t drawn in by MOP Remix/TWW… these are exactly the people who are going to be seriously ticked off when they see their banks are empty.


SoulsoBreezy in his latest video ( ONE Thing To Do Before 11.0.5 If You’re Paranoid Like me - This Week in Warcraft) Mentioned the guild bank heist.


It sounds like there is nothing being returned or compensated. No one seems to be listening to our concerns. The only other solution is to contact their corporate office and file a complaint and possibly try and get the news media or internet streamer to try and pick up the story. Otherwise this issue will be swept under the table as its been over 2 months now and we haven’t received anything yet. Just my opinion.




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