Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I am done here. It was a fun 12 years playing. Shockingly Blizzard has disregarded their players in such a rude and unprofessional manner for an error on their end. I would like to use more choice words but I can’t. In addition, there are so many bugs in the game that I encounter daily. More people than I ever encountered selling stuff in chat and group finder. The game has become a marketing scheme for 3rd party vendors. In addition, trading across servers is causing bots and others to manipulate the system to corner markets across the globe. One person on every server had 70-79 gear 515 and 525 gear marked up for an insane amount. Same name on every server. I’m all for fair trade but come on! This new system gives 3rd party vendors even more lead way to make gold and resell it. I will still play for the next month or so but I didn’t pay cash I used a WoW token. I wish everyone the best and Happy Halloween.


I agree completely. I want the detailed explanation of this bug and why items cannot be restored.

But I believe we will never get that explanation because items can be restored, they just chose not to.


If you pay month to month it’s $14.99, if you get a three month sub, it’s $13.99 per month and a six or twelve month sub is $12.99 per month. If you buy a token off the AH to use, Blizzard gets $20 for one month.
I’m sure they are very happy for people to buy tokens rather than subscribe.

Just something to keep in mind if we are voting with our wallets.


You are correct didn’t even think about that. JIC, you read this Blizzard. I will not re-up on gametime anymore! Add me to the list that is growing.


I wonder how many people in the last 2 months, who were exclusively token buyers for game time, had all their gold deleted from their guild bank. And now they can’t buy sub time and are just GONE.

This has to be hurting Blizzard.


Not enough to register to the stock holders yet…for it to hit the stock holders it would have to be a massive sub lost…talking like 100,000+ or more players would have to quit paying to make a difference now in prices of the stock…


More than that probably, because iirc there was also a gold eating bug with the warbanks and then the losses from the AH. Think someone was talking about trying to pull 1-3mil out and registered the gold leaving the bank, but not going into their bag.


I am now going on every ytube video that is Blizzard related and making a comment about the guild bank heist. Hopefully some of them will pick it up and make a video on it.



…also true.

However, if your opinion is considered by some to be ridiculous, then you can expect to be ridiculed for it.

Just because an issue is “no big deal” to YOU, does not hold for others.


Maaan I ain’t never had guild. I’m out here hustling.

That’s a great idea. I would encourage everyone to spread the word in any way possible, especially on social media. Get the word out.


Okay so if they can’t restore then they are still intentionally not compensating players.

Before you say they don’t know who or how much to compensate doing nothing it still intentional.

  1. You are very late to try the “before you say” line.
  2. It’s not a gotcha where you discredit legitimate issues by saying “before you say x”.

Compensation is just that if they don’t know who lost things or how much but know it was related to guild banks then give every guild bank x per tab.

x can be anything and then they have attempted compensation and not ignored it.


I think it’s ridiculous to get worked up over some pixels in a silly game. I dont ridicule people for it. You can disagree and be civil. Thats what mature rational people do.

Sure, that’s an option, though that is still giving many guilds that lost nothing a large amount of whatever it is you are giving out. That also begs the obvious question. What are they adding?

Your opinion is noted.

Your disingenuous condescending attitude is also noted.

I think you kinda did.

:wave: :troll:


Nope, i did not. Sorry you cant handle someone disagreeing with you.



Back atcha.


This is a condescending attitude. Hope this helps :+1: