Guild Bank Missing Items Update

The really dumb thing here is, choosing to not spend the money to do it, will cost them hundreds of times more when people unsub over it.


I had a bank filled with multiple XPAC items. Many very rare mats, all kinds of things, all I get from your horrible game masters is we cant help you. Telling me some items will not be restored is not okay. How about I have got none of my items? That was hours and hours of farms for all the different things I was working on for my friends and guildies. It’s not okay. I need someone to really help with this its not ok.


I mean Ubisoft compensates RSS players for connectivity issues. Bungie gives out compensation for bugs and issues in Destiny 2 (like accidental bans). Hoyoverse compensates every player whenever there’s a small bug or any downtime, and bend over backwards to any issue individual players might have. Heck when I got the genshin mcdonalds meal and didn’t get the code, I emailed them and they sent me 3, plus the other code for the apple pie. They didn’t have to do that, or respond at all, but a F2P game cares that much about customer service all while a 74 billion dollar company
sits back and watches us suffer.


I say unlock all of our Warband bank tabs. That is my compensation requirement.


Well, thats the reality. It sucks but that is the way it is.

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No one is suffering over a video game. This type of melodramatics doesnt help at all.

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Yeah, but if he did that, he would have never had his stuff restored. :shushing_face:


One, I don’t believe that the data is gone. Could it be? Maybe, but I don’t believe it. But it is completely true that they could have done many other things as some sort of compensation that would have been simple and cheap for them and cooled almost all of the fires here but they chose not to. That is a fact.


If they don’t have the data, who are they compensating? Anyone with an empty slot in any guild bank that they own? People who claim to be effected? What compensation would make people actually happier, that also wouldn’t encourage people to claim that they were effected when they weren’t?


that’s not a financial loss

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This weekly gaming news channel, Necro News, covered the guild bank issue about a week ago, including a comment from PirateSoftware, who previously worked on WoW.


GM Otherworldly here. Lost 7 full tabs. Years of obsessive hoarding gone. Entire vault cleaned out. CS says they cannot help or contact devs, straight up told me to reset UI first ticket I put in…SMH… Yea, not cool. Been saying y’all been working on missing items but, how many actually been found? I’m upset that years of obsessive hoarding is gone, but more upset with how this has been handled. Basically saying you can’t do anything in a game you made and run. So far I’ve gotten nothing lost returned and the runaround. I had all my best items in guild bank.


I too have an empty Guild Bank…years of collecting and keeping items to use or sell…many rare. Outrageous this happened…Here I am at Oct 12 and I haven’t had one item returned.


Thanks for taking the time on our behalf, though I could have already guessed it says something like “we are not responsible for anything that happens, or anything we do, and nobody is ever allowed to sue us for anything, ever”.

As far as corporate/consumer law goes in many countries, terms like that mean nothing and the case would instead be considered in relation to how reasonable people would reasonably conduct business.
Clicking a button so that you can play your game is also generally not considered a binding legal agreement in such places.

But the point is not that we should take further action, rather that we could.
We are sitting on millions of dollars in damages (this is literally the value we could have liquidated from our gold/items before they were deleted); this issue is big enough to justify consumer action, lawsuits, class actions, all of it.
Whether Blizzard wins or loses, at least such action would draw further light to the situation and make it more and more costly for them to continue ignoring this.


But those examples are different. If WoW was about to shut down, of course I’d not expect compensation. But I WOULD expect to be given some notice that it was about to be shut down.


I feel the only way to make them come back to the table with this issue and get most of the stuff back there would have to be a massive and I do mean massive sub loss of players which would effect the stock prices…blizzard has everyone over a barrel with the team of lawyers second to none now…but if stocks started dropping a lot, the stock holders would raise a fit maybe but as said it would have to be a massive loss to feel the effect in their pocket book…


Same with Square Enix. I remember when Endwalker (FF14 expansion) launched and the servers were heavily overcrowded because of WoW’s mass exodus at the same time. Queue times for login were 2-3 hours and sometimes players got dc’d while waiting. SE’s solution: nobody had to pay subscription fees for a few weeks until the situation was back to normal and the company offered a big apology.
Now look at WoW Classic and the other Classic launches in the last five years. 2-5 hours queue time, players often got dc’d while waiting. At the initial launch 2019 every server was overcrowded and players who had to work during the day didn’t get to play in the evening hours because of the queues. Blizz didn’t care and never mentioned it, they only delegated a LOT of staff to the forums in the first few days to delete all angry topics every few seconds.
Tells you a lot about how differently some companies run their MMOs.


This alone should tell you how Blizzard views your concerns. If you do not like the outcome, then vote with your wallet. Yes, you not only lost out on the items, but the friendships that you are leaving behind. Maybe some of those friends will follow, but change will not happen as long as you are complacent in the activities that lead to the situation.

Microsoft spent a lot of money to acquire the franchise, and yes, a lot of people have been let go since that acquisition. But the more you vote with your wallet they will look at the root cause which is the upper management as they dictate the direction and response to the concerns for the game.

Personally, I don’t know if I lost anything and if I did, I’m not worried as it helped clean out spots in my bank if it did. There are so many items in my bags from quests I don’t know if are even needed as they don’t always get deleted after a quest is complete.


Unfortunately to everyone unsubscribing, I think in this case at least, that this is exactly what they want.
The loss of some, even all, of these few thousand individual subs is probably cheaper than a real solution. The difference wouldn’t be enough to even register on quarterly reports, and would not trace any blame back to this one event.

Law suits, scrutiny from industry regulators or the media: that is what it takes to make management sweat, because that is what brings investor attention to the specific issues that management have neglected.


I was playing Rumble daily, and spending money on it. I quit and uninstalled it after the guild bank deleted items. I just don’t trust Blizzard anymore. It no longer makes sense to buy any digital content from them, if a bug can delete it and they refuse to let the developers restore it.