Guild Bank Missing Items Update

This is exactly what I (and others) have been saying since the first round (only round?) of restoration mails went out. It’s phrased extremely cleverly to make one think it’s the opposite, where most guilds get everything back and some get an incomplete restoration. After several weeks, I think it’s clear that it’s the way you’re reading it now.


So our entire guild bank was full, all tabs, and everything but the gold was removed from their error. We were told to hang tight, but we are still waiting for ANY items to be restored to us and have yet to receive anything. The guild master checks his mail every day for these items to be returned and so far not one thing. How is it possible? Blizzard knew immediately that it was broken (not a week later like they mentioned) as per all the tickets they received immediately and they had the time at that point to roll it back but chose not to. A choice on their end. What compensation are they giving to those of us who got nothing returned? It makes no sense to those of us playing for 19 years to just lose everything like that and only getting a simple shrug and Blizz throwing up their hands about it. Blizzard, just actually DO SOMETHING to make reparations for your mistake!


Same boat, 7 full tabs give or take 1-2 slots and I haven’t gotten anything back.


All I want to know, is my waiting on the mail over?

Or are my two guilds going to get a full or partial restoration. My personal only has one member and nothing has changed in over a year. It was “overstock” at the end of every expansion. I had plans but…

We’ve heard nothing from blizzard since the OP. I’m expecting in game mail with things, or a “we’re sorry” South Park style.

Hell they could post in THIS THREAD. “We are still working on restoring items”. That would go a long way.


It´s such a weird feeling, if someone decides about your faith in this world.

For many of us, playing WOW was about having fun, collecting stuff and enjoying our time at Azeroth. Now, someone took all that from us and we are still here debating what to do.

I don´t know about you guys, but I am having a bad feeling in my belly and I find it hard to enjoy WOW. It feels like treason and you can´t do anything about it, as going to court only costs you money.

It just doesnt feel right, that companies or people are allowed to have such power over their customers. Some dude we never met, just decides we are out of luck, that´s just not right.


I did something about it.

I cancelled my sub, and have persuaded others to not buy TWW and/or cancel their subs.

To do otherwise is to tell these executive…people…that they can crap on me, and I’ll just keep paying them.

And that is NOT how it goes. I refuse.


Yep, cancelled my sub and explained in detail that it was from their (lack of) response to this issue. I’m not holding my breath that anything will change or be fixed, but at least I know I’m not willfully giving these aholes more money when they show such utter disrespect for their customers.

It’s sad because I was otherwise enjoying this refreshing new xpac, and would normally be looking forward to the anniversary. Now, I can’t even work up the energy to log in. Any sense of progression I used to feel in the game just feels pointless now. Part of me wanted the stormrage tier revamp since it was when I started the game, but now I’m just indifferent.

: /


Something like this would have been more accurate.
the result will ONLY be a MINOR restoration for some guilds.

At least then it wouldn’t have been a lie.


Yep, a lie that is “technically true” because of clever wording or some such, is still a lie. “A lie of ommission is still a lie.” - Jean-Luc Picard


But what did you achieve with that? I couldn´t care less about the money, I spend much more money on other things each month.

What I was referring to is that we can not do anything to them that does the same damage like they did to us.

A few people cancelling their sub, does not kick the person responsible out of power, nor does the company go bankrupt.

When EA lost my SWTOR char, I cancelled and guess what, SWTOR still exists today, I did achieve zero with that. :smiling_face:

I did also not buy TWW or Vessel of hatred and will most likely take a break from WOW, but that doesn´t change the situation at all. Maybe you get something out of your cancelling, but I don´t. It has zero effect on Blizz, If I pay or if I don´t :slight_smile:

I no longer support a company that is going down the crapper.

I get where you’re coming from, I guess it’s up to each of us to determine how much crap we’ll let these guys shovel into us before we decide enough is enough.

I know my/my friends/family cancelled subs are a drop in the pail, but at least we’re not paying them any more money to delete our stuff. :man_shrugging:


Honestly, it is my humble experience that in rhe era of 2K, corporations do not hold any value to us whatso ever, so we as customers or employees have NO leverage , zip, nada. That isn’t a whining statement it is: We need to look at the facts . A million of us could “quit”, how would this affect a multi Billion dollar 2K company? Not even an eye blink. Again not nasty, just fact. They will simply:

  1. Raise sub price for those who remain
  2. . Fire staff to offset profit loss and demand cutrent staff pick up slack.
  3. Manipulate their stock on the market.

You see, they don’t need us. And they honestly do not care. Historically up until 1990’s reputation and customer satisfaction were the drivers, THAT was profit. Even employees were considered valuable resources. But in 1990s things change, corporate raiding became powerful and accepted. Stock manipulation (did you read Flash Boys?)

So, what can we do? Cancl sub because personally I cannot accept doing business this way or accept it is ok to be skewered and abused so you can enjot playing the game and just know it will get worse, because they get away with it.

Have you read the new book that just came out this week? “Play Nice” it is the historical culture of Blizzard… WOW…


Entire bank gone. 7 tabs. Every single item gone.

Not one single item restored. I am beyond discouraged. This sucks so much.


Indeed. Out of 11_7tab guild banks, i received total of 5 items.



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They have told me three times now. “We have restored what we could. There is no other data.” The issue is closed to them. Finished. They aren’t fixing it. END


Yep. I cancelled not in retaliation, but because I cannot justify paying them any further. There are better places my money can (and will) go.


And that’s 3k. 3000+ replies to this thread (plus all the other comments added into this thread from other threads) over almost a month and still no restorations for our guilds.

I’m still sitting on the one “return” of a cooking recipe and nothing else for my handful of private guilds with a TON of stuff missing.


Yeah, I think I’m going to put my (1400) auctions in banks and let my account expire for now. Not really feeling it.